Biden may be losing even Democrat support as classified documents scandal worsens

Pressure is continuing to build on President Biden and his administration as some Senate Democrats are now saying they support a full investigation into his mishandling of the classified documents found at his home and former office disclosed earlier this month.

"The reports about President Biden’s mishandling of classified documents are extremely irresponsible and disturbing. These allegations should be investigated fully," Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., told Fox News Digital on Friday.

Fox also spoke with Sen. Tim Kaine, D-Va., who echoed Manchin's concern.

"This news raises serious questions and the appointment of an unbiased special prosecutor to investigate the matter is the right step," Kaine said.

Last week, Attorney General Merrick Garland appointed a special counsel, former U.S. attorney Robert Hur, to investigate the now-president's mishandling of documents from his time as vice president....

Joe Biden and Hunter Biden are the first father son duo to have two separate prosecutors investigating them while one serves as pResident. The Dems are starting to jump off Biden's sinking ship. Which will sink Joe Biden first Joe's Classified document mess or Joe's political corruption mess?

Not sure what you mean by "even Democrat support."

Biden didn't get much republican support. If he loses Democratic support, he'll only lose it to another Democrat.
If it is determined that Trump never declassified them and has no right under the Presidential records act then they should both be treated EXACTLY the same. BUT the FBI should search Biden's homes and offices because we cannot trust Biden's lawyers or Biden himself.

Never declassified what?
OK. So the only thing you are bothered by is the involvement of an FBI "raid"?

Going forward let's say future president Joe Blow realizes a year or two after leaving office he still has some classified documents and he immediately contacts the Archive and has them retrieved, should they also require a "raid"?

Why do you think the FBI raided Trump but not Biden? Do you think the FBI is secretly deep-state working for Biden?

The FBI is corrupt. RQAA.
You may be over-thinking things again.

Biden's mishandling of Classified documents is a huge concern for everyone, and yes, he will get heat from his own and the press about it.

And rightly so!

We can criticize our own without cutting and running away to vote with Republicans- WHO HAVE THIS VERY SAME PROBLEM OF MISHANDLING OF CLASSIFIED INFORMATION!

Trump never mishandled classified information.
Did I say that . No dickead I did not. I said if they both are proven to have no claim to the documents they should both be treated the same including a search by someone other than their own lawyers. I mean would YOU trust Trump's lawyers if they said there are no classified documents in Trump's possession?

Attempted force of negative proof by bulverism.

All of that is post-raid though. I don't understand your point about the raid.


No. But it is often much less irrational to believe the lawyers of someone who has come forth of their own accord after the discovery of an oversight.

I guess in the long run maybe the best way to heal this between the Righties and the rest of the country is to have both cases treated identically: both should be assumed to have been done with malintent and as such every effort made to ensure that no other documents are missing. And once completed both should be charged exactly the same. The maximum charge based on how badly the intent was shown to be that led to the holding of classified documents.
Would that be good enough?
Trump's claim that he declassified the documents should be fully litigated and if it is found he didn't the documents should be handled like they have been handled for other President or SOS in the past. So should Biden's documents. Personally I'm curious as to the relevance of the documents in each of their possessions.
You can assume Biden held the documents for 6 years and Trump kept them for 2 years. Biden only turned them in because he was getting caught by CBS. There is a reason was paying for$1200 lawyers to search his closet instead of $50 Acme movers. I strongly suspect the National Archives was in contact with Biden wanting their documents back. He sent his lawyers because of attorney client privilege.

You can look at this as a win win. It very well may disqualify Biden and Trump for 2024.

Personally I want a DeSantis / Haley ticket.

You guys should run a Harris / Waters ticket. They would be about as popular as a turd in a punch bowl.
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All of that is post-raid though. I don't understand your point about the raid.


No. But it is often much less irrational to believe the lawyers of someone who has come forth of their own accord after the discovery of an oversight.

I guess in the long run maybe the best way to heal this between the Righties and the rest of the country is to have both cases treated identically: both should be assumed to have been done with malintent and as such every effort made to ensure that no other documents are missing. And once completed both should be charged exactly the same. The maximum charge based on how badly the intent was shown to be that led to the holding of classified documents.

Would that be good enough?

Biden's were sitting around for years. Bad intentions would have been expressed long ago. They were just mishandled and forgotten.
Trump was deliberately stealing the classified documents and he had a nefarious purpose. That is not clear yet, but there is no way to make it innocent.
These are not similar cases.
Trump's claim that he declassified the documents should be fully litigated

The one where a president can declassify using only the power of his imagination? That should be interesting to see the court cases.

and if it is found he didn't the documents should be handled like they have been handled for other President or SOS in the past.

Even though he appears to have gone to a great deal of effort to hide them and/or keep them out of the hands of the Federal Government?

So should Biden's documents.

Agreed. Biden should be investigated as well.

Is there any scenario in which the two could be differentiated? You know, in terms of overall cooperation? Assessment of mens rea, intent? That sort of thing?

What about the documents that are missing from Trump's holdings? Should that be a mitigating factor?

You can look at this as a win win. It very well may disqualify Biden and Trump for 2024.

That's cool.

Personally I want a DeSantis / Haley ticket.

That would be one unelectable ticket outside of Florida or S.C. But it would be fun to watch.

DeSantis is so lucky that Trump came along. Sure they are no longer friends but without Trump someone as devoid of human decency would never have stood a chance at being President. Now it's almost a requirement for the GOP ticket!
Joe Biden and Cocaine Hunter are the only presidential father and son under federal investigation in US history.
During the search of Biden's home for his illegally stored classified documents, the attic was searched and Joe was found.

He thought the campaign was still going on.

This is the only time in US history that a president and his son are both under federal investigation.

So, the J/D gets to search after Biden’s lawyers cull the bad stuff about Cocaine Hunter and his corrupt father.
Biden's were sitting around for years. Bad intentions would have been expressed long ago. They were just mishandled and forgotten.
Trump was deliberately stealing the classified documents and he had a nefarious purpose. That is not clear yet, but there is no way to make it innocent.
These are not similar cases.
Trump had documents that he says he declassified. Biden has no such claim. Trump's claim needs to be litigated. Biden has documents over several locations including a location in Chinatown prior to moving them to the University of Penn center.. It is interesting that the documents that Biden stole were concerning Ukraine. Sure makes you wonder why Biden took them. Did he want to monetize the information in them.
During the search of Biden's home for his illegally stored classified documents, the attic was searched and Joe was found.

He thought the campaign was still going on.

This is the only time in US history that a president and his son are both under federal investigation.

So, the J/D gets to search after Biden’s lawyers cull the bad stuff about Cocaine Hunter and his corrupt father.
Joe's lawyers probably flushed Hunter's cocaine stash.