Biden may be losing even Democrat support as classified documents scandal worsens

During the search of Biden's home for his illegally stored classified documents, the attic was searched and Joe was found.

He thought the campaign was still going on.

This is the only time in US history that a president and his son are both under federal investigation.

So, the J/D gets to search after Biden’s lawyers cull the bad stuff about Cocaine Hunter and his corrupt father.
Joe's lawyer were hiding his child porn.
The one where a president can declassify using only the power of his imagination? That should be interesting to see the court cases.
I'm going to forgive your ignorance due to the fact you don't watch the real news. Trump granted Devin Nunes the right to release anything on Russia gate. That means Trump declassified anything that deals with Russia gate.

Even though he appears to have gone to a great deal of effort to hide them and/or keep them out of the hands of the Federal Government?
Trump was in negotiation with the National Archive. He had already allowed the government to have full access to the documents and they recommended that he put a lock on the room. Trump complied.

Agreed. Biden should be investigated as well.

Is there any scenario in which the two could be differentiated? You know, in terms of overall cooperation? Assessment of mens rea, intent? That sort of thing?
I'm pretty sure that does not come into effect with the laws concerning the mishandling of classified documents. Biden has classified documents strewn across 5 locations. Trump had them in one location that was guarded by the Secret Service.

What about the documents that are missing from Trump's holdings? Should that be a mitigating factor?

That's cool.

That would be one unelectable ticket outside of Florida or S.C. But it would be fun to watch.
You are crazy
DeSantis is so lucky that Trump came along. Sure they are no longer friends but without Trump someone as devoid of human decency would never have stood a chance at being President. Now it's almost a requirement for the GOP ticket!
Again. You are crazy.
Trump had documents that he says he declassified. Biden has no such claim. Trump's claim needs to be litigated. Biden has documents over several locations including a location in Chinatown prior to moving them to the University of Penn center.. It is interesting that the documents that Biden stole were concerning Ukraine. Sure makes you wonder why Biden took them. Did he want to monetize the information in them.

If Trump said it, it's just gotta be true. That guy never, ever lies.
If Trump said it, it's just gotta be true. That guy never, ever lies.
Oh gee it was on the news at the time that Trump had given Nunes the right to release any classified document about Russia Gate. That means they were declassified by Trump first because Nunes didn't have the authority to declassify them himself. AGAIN that needs to be litigated in court.
Why would I ask myself about that?

As I've said many times here: both guys should be held to the rule of law. And I'm sure they both will be.
Oh no let's not ask obvious questions. :laugh:

This is how this all likely went down. They were using classification laws to try to disqualify Trump for 2024 .

The National Archive then started looking into Biden and realized he also had a bunch of documents checked out to him that were never returned to the National Archive . So they quietly notified Biden and he sent his $1200 lawyers to where he knew they could be located to retrieve them. Now we are finding that Biden strew them across the country like a litterbug. :palm: What is this 5 different locations now?
Oh no let's not ask obvious questions. :laugh:

This is how this all likely went down. They were using classification laws to try to disqualify Trump for 2024 .

The National Archive then started looking into Biden and realized he also had a bunch of documents checked out to him that were never returned to the National Archive . So they quietly notified Biden and he sent his $1200 lawyers to where he knew they could be located to retrieve them. Now we are finding that Biden strew them across the country like a litterbug. :palm: What is this 5 different locations now?

You sure do like to speculate.

I'm more about letting the pro's do their jobs.
Why would I ask myself about that?

As I've said many times here: both guys should be held to the rule of law. And I'm sure they both will be.

So Hur was special assistant to Wray who knew the Russian dossier was bogus and who replaced Rod Rossenstein as US A for Maryland. We all know how even handed Rossenstein was. :palm: Plus any grand jury he might convene would be in Maryland a state that voted 2 to 1 for Joe Biden. And trial would also be in Maryland a state that voted 2 to 1 for Biden. The fix is in.
You sure do like to speculate.

I'm more about letting the pro's do their jobs.
So Biden is a pro right? Biden's lawyers are pros right? Presumably the National Archives which had documents missing for 6 years are pros right? Or do you believe the National Archive just 'forgot' about Biden's Classified documents but somehow "remembered" about Trump's. Man are you gullible.

So Biden is a pro right? Biden's lawyers are pros right? Presumably the National Archives which had documents missing for 6 years are pros right? Or do you believe the National Archive just 'forgot' about Biden's Classified documents but somehow "remembered" about Trump's. Man are you gullible.


I just don't hyperventilate over this stuff like you do. It's a pretty minor story. If you REALLY cared about classified docs, you would have been all over it when it happened w/ Trump, too. But you weren't.

Between this & Baldwin, what an amazing week for you.
I'm going to forgive your ignorance due to the fact you don't watch the real news. Trump granted Devin Nunes the right to release anything on Russia gate. That means Trump declassified anything that deals with Russia gate.

Trump was in negotiation with the National Archive. He had already allowed the government to have full access to the documents and they recommended that he put a lock on the room. Trump complied.


I'm pretty sure that does not come into effect with the laws concerning the mishandling of classified documents. Biden has classified documents strewn across 5 locations. Trump had them in one location that was guarded by the Secret Service.



You are crazy
Again. You are crazy.

So I see that the ONLY results you will accept (or you and your fellow mouthbreathers will scream for another "coup attempt") is if Trump is exonerated and Biden is thrown in prison forever.