Biden Says He Did Not Tell DOJ to Charge Trump

A poster gave you the link to the Trump audio. Everyone who listens to the news with the exception of FOX has heard it. Here you are claiming there were 17 tapes of evidence that Biden was bribed yet republicans have acknowledged that they do not exist. Do you have them? Maybe you should tell these republicans where they are?

You are truly a classic example of an ignorant brainwashed Trump republican. You swallow his lies or any others that shows him in good light and believe whatever you are told that demeans or critiques a democrat. It makes no difference to you what is fact.

Blatant lies.
No, the trial will mean nothing to you. If trump is found guilty and sentenced to time in prison you will blame Biden and still support him. Assholes like you prior to this indictment were saying stupid shit like if he was guilty they would charge him. Now that he has been charged it's "he's innocent until proven guilty" but when he is proven guilty it will be because somebody fixed something. Your mind belongs to Trump, just like Nazi's and Hitler he could fuck your wife and murder your mother and you would still support him.

Guilty of what?
Trump is authorized to retain any document he wishes.
Trump was investigated by an INDEPENDENT prosecutor.
Blatant lie. Smith is NOT an independent prosecutor.
Once The AG selected him. he and the president are not involved.
Blatant lie. Smith is the prosecutor.
Smith was selected because he has been shown to be a serious man who follows the proof, wherever it leads.
Blatant lie. Smith has a long history of bias, presenting made up shit, and getting called on the rug by the judge for it.
Guilty of what?
Trump is authorized to retain any document he wishes.

You have a link to that utter bullshit?

Trump lacked power to declassify secret nuclear arms document, experts say
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Even when he was president, Donald Trump lacked the legal authority to declassify a U.S. nuclear weapons-related document that he is charged with illegally possessing, security experts said, contrary to the former U.S. president’s claim. The secret document, listed as No. 19 in the indictment charging Trump with endangering national security, can under the Atomic Energy Act only be declassified through a process that by the statute involves the Department of Energy and the Department of Defense.

That is of course unless you are an ignorant rightwinger named Into the Night that worships Trump and believes what that lying shithead has to say.
So you are saying the DOJ which is part of the excutive branch had nothing to do with abd Biden and Garland have not been planning how to get rid of Trump. It is you that does not understand how politics work when one party acts like a Banana republic

The DoJ put a special prosecutor in charge of the investigation so the DoJ would not be responsible for any indictments. The special prosecutor is the one that was empowered to follow the law and make any decisions about indictments independent of the DoJ. That special prosecutor then presented evidence of a crime to a grand jury that came back with the indictment.

The people elected Biden
Biden appointed Garland as AG.
Garland appointed the special prosecutor
The special prosecutor presented evidence to the grand jury
The grand jury indicted Trump.
people make up the grand jury.

Based on that series of events, it looks like the origin of the process was the American people. Or maybe it was just the evidence uncovered by the special prosecutor was so damning the grand jury had only one choice.
The DoJ put a special prosecutor in charge of the investigation so the DoJ would not be responsible for any indictments. The special prosecutor is the one that was empowered to follow the law and make any decisions about indictments independent of the DoJ. That special prosecutor then presented evidence of a crime to a grand jury that came back with the indictment.

The people elected Biden
Biden appointed Garland as AG.
Garland appointed the special prosecutor
The special prosecutor presented evidence to the grand jury
The grand jury indicted Trump.
people make up the grand jury.

Based on that series of events, it looks like the origin of the process was the American people. Or maybe it was just the evidence uncovered by the special prosecutor was so damning the grand jury had only one choice.

No crime. Trump is authorized to retain any document he wishes.
Indictment is not conviction. Once again Democrats are making a baseless accusation.
The DoJ put a special prosecutor in charge of the investigation so the DoJ would not be responsible for any indictments. The special prosecutor is the one that was empowered to follow the law and make any decisions about indictments independent of the DoJ. That special prosecutor then presented evidence of a crime to a grand jury that came back with the indictment.

The people elected Biden
Biden appointed Garland as AG.
Garland appointed the special prosecutor
The special prosecutor presented evidence to the grand jury
The grand jury indicted Trump.
people make up the grand jury.

Based on that series of events, it looks like the origin of the process was the American people. Or maybe it was just the evidence uncovered by the special prosecutor was so damning the grand jury had only one choice.

You keep believing that because Biden and Garland are in the middle of this
So all this drama had nothing to do with Biden? HAHAHAHAHAHA

If you have evidence Biden ordered trump to be persecuted, lets see it. Otherwise it's just your hatred speaking.

And please, when you go, "HAHAHAHA", it looks like you're acting psychotic.