Biden Says He Did Not Tell DOJ to Charge Trump

If you have evidence Biden ordered trump to be persecuted, lets see it. Otherwise it's just your hatred speaking.

And please, when you go, "HAHAHAHA", it looks like you're acting psychotic.

It is from the Biden administration so yes Biden is in charge
So you think Biden will let the public know? Biden is very secretive about what his administration does

Ok, so you're saying since I can't prove Biden isn't giving Garland orders that's evidence that he is? That's pretty weak, my friend. You're going to have to do better than that. One cannot be forced to prove a negative.
Yeah, but targeting the political opposition with the power of government has seldom been done in America before, if ever.

It's what makes the US a 1st world country and a shining beacon on the hill. That's slipping away real fast right now, along with what freedoms all citizens have left after 40 years of fuckola.

Yes because Republicans never went after Bill Clinton for over 4 years, and after being unable to find anything to charge, decided to go after him on an extra marital affair, knowing anyone lying about cheating to an FBi officer is creating a new crime.

They knew CLinton would either have to admit the affair, or commit perjury and the perjury trap was set and it worked.

SO yes Matt this is all new and seldom done before if you do not count White water and all the other investigations into Bill. Oh ya and all the ones in to Hillary and Obama. And oh ya the ones under Trump such as Durham.

But outside all of those this is new and seldom done.
You can't steal what you're already in possession of. :rolleyes:

Okay! Maybe you'll understand this:

They are trying to prosecute a president for having things that presidents have and always have had. That is absurd!

Prove me wrong!


Well i took a car out for a test drive today.

I then refused to give it back.

My defense in court is i cannot steal something i am in possession of already.

Man you are one of the smarter posters on this forum with these brilliant insights and logic you offer up.

Did Trump get to keep Airforce 1 airplane too?
So you are saying the DOJ which is part of the excutive branch had nothing to do with abd Biden and Garland have not been planning how to get rid of Trump. It is you that does not understand how politics work when one party acts like a Banana republic

A banana republic would not dare prosecute a former president because the justice system is corrupt.
You mean who the Biden administaration indicted to stop a political opponent in the next election

Trump committed crimes in public. You cannot let a crazy ex-prez steal a truckload of classified documents. If he returned them, even after a year, none of this would have happened. Yet you blame Biden? You are twisted.
Trump committed crimes in public. You cannot let a crazy ex-prez steal a truckload of classified documents. If he returned them, even after a year, none of this would have happened. Yet you blame Biden? You are twisted.

Yet it is okay when Biden does it
The President is the Constitutional head of the Department of Justice.

I do not understand why people think the Attorney General has no responsibility to the President.
Trump committed crimes in public. You cannot let a crazy ex-prez steal a truckload of classified documents. If he returned them, even after a year, none of this would have happened. Yet you blame Biden? You are twisted.

One thing that the Left seem to consistently fail to understand is when you “weaponise” the legal system against a popular populist leader, it usually makes them stronger.

This is true of what is happening to Donald Trump in the USA where he appears to be on course to take the Republican nomination and the White House despite the legal issues he is facing.