Biden Says He Did Not Tell DOJ to Charge Trump

Hillary never showed classified documents to just anybody and she never so much as intended to break and laws. Your shithead has done nothing but brag about doing it. You think we should try and indict or charge Hillary or Hunter for something? Then fucking do it asshole, nobody gives a shit about them and no grand jury is going to vote to indict either of them.

This is clearly wrong. The hildabeast allowed persons with access to her server to copy files from it wholesale. For example, her lawyer had a thumb drive with classified information on it. He was not cleared to look at or possess classified documents.

Hillary Clinton’s private lawyer has a thumb drive containing classified information from as many as five U.S. intelligence agencies

The mere fact that the Hildabeast set up that private server to do all of her government business indicates very clearly that she did intend to break laws. She'd been around and in government since Watergate. She knew the rules about government business and records keeping. She simply wanted to sidestep all of that and keep what she was doing from the public and even government itself.

And, yes, we should indict Hillary and Hunter. It doesn't take years to figure out Hunter lied on a federal firearms background check, a serious felony. It was absolutely crystal clear that Hillary set that server up to circumvent a whole raft of federal laws and regulations. She too should be indicted.

But all you can do is come up with the usual leftist talking points ignoring facts where they conflict with your fantasy. If Trump deserves to be indicted, then Hillary and Hunter both do as well.
If he did Biden would not be going in front of a grand Jury. 7 years and still the Democrats can't get rid of Trump

No Sir, it's been 7 years and you Republicans can't clean up your own train wreck, and get rid of Trump.


And I will forever hold you all personally responsible until you do.
This is clearly wrong. The hildabeast allowed persons with access to her server to copy files from it wholesale. For example, her lawyer had a thumb drive with classified information on it. He was not cleared to look at or possess classified documents.

Hillary Clinton’s private lawyer has a thumb drive containing classified information from as many as five U.S. intelligence agencies

The mere fact that the Hildabeast set up that private server to do all of her government business indicates very clearly that she did intend to break laws. She'd been around and in government since Watergate. She knew the rules about government business and records keeping. She simply wanted to sidestep all of that and keep what she was doing from the public and even government itself.

And, yes, we should indict Hillary and Hunter. It doesn't take years to figure out Hunter lied on a federal firearms background check, a serious felony. It was absolutely crystal clear that Hillary set that server up to circumvent a whole raft of federal laws and regulations. She too should be indicted.

But all you can do is come up with the usual leftist talking points ignoring facts where they conflict with your fantasy. If Trump deserves to be indicted, then Hillary and Hunter both do as well.

So you are an only child? In my family, if my dad was pissed at me or something I did, he did not accept"my brother did it too" as an excuse. He said those are separate and I will deal with him on his own, but we are talking about what you did. Hillary has nothing to do with what Trump did. However she 100 percent cooperated with the Repub investigating committees, which McCarthy admitted were designed to hurt her polling.
Biden and Pence mishandled documents and cooperated with the FBI and NARA all the way. Trump lied and hid the classified documents. He wanted to keep what he stole. Are you honestly unable to process the clear and important differences in the cases?
That is right, Biden had nothing to do with Trumps crimes or his indictment. I'm sure he is hoping that that is the asshole chosen to run against him. He kicked hs ass once and will easily do it again. Trump is the only president that tried to get his DoJ to do his bidding and he as much said so and fired those who would not. Maybe ignorant assholes like you think like you do but trump did not need Biden to find himself in the trouble he is in now.

Biden and Smith and Garland have their plan in motion
I see, now you are insinuating that the DoJ intentionally planted people on the grand jury to get a vote to indict? The stupidity of fucking morons llike you never ceases to amaze me.

This is a show trial because Biden knows he can't beat Trump this time
We shall see

So, you can't answer that simple question? Did you read the indictment, or is that a skill set you don't possess. How in the world do you think anyone will take you seriously when you haven't even read the indictment? Is there any limit to your self degradation?