Biden Says He Did Not Tell DOJ to Charge Trump

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The Epoch Times

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There is nothing wrong with the source. You show you can't prove the article false
What a retard!

Biden wants to run against Trump again.

Trump's running gives Biden his best chance!

And everybody but the MAGA-TRUMPTARDS LIKE YOU BELIEVES THIS! :laugh:

If he did Biden would not be going in front of a grand Jury. 7 years and still the Democrats can't get rid of Trump
So, question...

Hunter Biden clearly lied on a federal firearms background check form. There is ZERO doubt of that. He was and is a drug user / abuser. He was when he signed the form. There are time dated photographs of him using crack, among other drugs on the laptop the FBI possesses. That is a federal felony and a serious one. Why after over 3 years + hasn't he been indicted and tried for that serious gun crime?

The point I'm making, and at this point it's a pretty damn obvious one, is that the FBI and DOJ have become political tools rather than dispassionate arbiters of justice treating all with equality and fairness.

The question that really needs answering is How can the party in power justify going after their primary political opponent shortly before an election? It looks more like some Third World junta or strongman dictatorship in action than the actions of a just and dispassionate democratic Western nation.

Trumps crimes and the investigation into them began prior to his coming out saying he is running. Are they supposed to suspend any investigation into those crimes simply because he is running? Of course not. He declared his candidacy for the simple reason that he could claim it was political and dumbfucks like you would would post stupid shit like you have done here. Your shithead fuhrer is done, he has almost 100 felony charges against him now and Georgia and Jan 6th have not even begun. Sure you and his fucknuts will support him forever but there is no way this country is going to elect that shithead. I would be surprised if he now wins the republican primary with so many of them now coming out saying he is a fucking train wreck.

Obama never asked or tried to persuade his DoJ to not charge Hillary and Biden never did the same thing with trump. The only fucking president that I can ever recall trying to treat his DoJ as his and to do his bidding was trump and he even fired some who didn't.

And who gives a flyin fuck about Hunter Biden? Is he running? Not to mention his laptop is useless, the FBI has already determined that a dozen fucking folders on there were not there when he left it for service in DE. do you bring that meaningless asshole up because your fuhrer is now up shit's creek? Nobody cares, the thread is about your asshole furher.
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So you are saying the DOJ which is part of the excutive branch had nothing to do with abd Biden and Garland have not been planning how to get rid of Trump. It is you that does not understand how politics work when one party acts like a Banana republic

That is right, Biden had nothing to do with Trumps crimes or his indictment. I'm sure he is hoping that that is the asshole chosen to run against him. He kicked hs ass once and will easily do it again. Trump is the only president that tried to get his DoJ to do his bidding and he as much said so and fired those who would not. Maybe ignorant assholes like you think like you do but trump did not need Biden to find himself in the trouble he is in now.
I want Trump to get the same treatment as Hillary got you know there was no intent

What was that recording of trump telling his minions to hide the documents and asking his lawyer to testify all documents have been returned when he knew that was not true? That was an intent to decieve and obstruct. there are dozens of examples of his obstruction and most of them by his own words. Like Barr (his own AG and supporter), "wow, this indictment is serious shit, if he is guilty of only half of it he is toast".
There are not enough fucking dumshits like you in this country to elect a piece of toast.
Trump bragged about having top secret Docs

'This is still a secret': Trump's stunning conversation in FULL where he bragged about having classified files on an attack
Indictment reveals conversation where Trump admits he didn't declassify military intelligence he took with him when he left the White House
'As president, I could have declassified, but now I can't,' Trump admitted
Trump showed information to those without a security clearance

That is fucking treason and NOTHING on the order of what shitheads on here are trying to conclude about Hillary.
Oh, you think Trump deserves everything he's getting, but Democrats that do criminal shit, and persons who are related to them, deserve nothing for their crimes do you?

Hillary never showed classified documents to just anybody and she never so much as intended to break and laws. Your shithead has done nothing but brag about doing it. You think we should try and indict or charge Hillary or Hunter for something? Then fucking do it asshole, nobody gives a shit about them and no grand jury is going to vote to indict either of them.
I find it credible that Biden did not tell the DoJ to charge Trump.......I am sure that people have to explain to Biden every morning that he is the president......
So you are saying the DOJ which is part of the excutive branch had nothing to do with abd Biden and Garland have not been planning how to get rid of Trump. It is you that does not understand how politics work when one party acts like a Banana republic
Neither has interfered in Smith’s independent investigation. Garland is not like Barr, but even Barr is saying Trump is in trouble.