Biden says Obama will be tested....

"The presidency is no place for 'on the job training' "

Well, it's interesting you have this view. I know you think I always bring up Bush, but did you feel this way in 2000? And please don't say that a short stint as gov. of TX was enough prep on foreign policy & international affairs.

Are you also comfortable with McCain being somewhat old, and Palin having as much as a 1 in 3 chance of being President in the next 4 years if he is elected?

In case you hadn't noticed, it is a far different world than 2000. But, yes, with Cheney and Powell, I felt much safer than with Gore and whatever liberal yahoos he would have appointed. Same with Kerry. As for Palin, I have every confidence in her decision making ability, if it ever came to that. McCain would have a competent administration around her, should she unexpectedly become Commander in Chief, and if something happened to them, she knows how to fire an AK-47, so we're good.


The speech has been linked.

Ole Joe was being his usual convivial self. Too cute by half with the press aside. Then again, perhaps he did forget, he's close to McCain's age, though McCain does seem more with it, injuries aside.

Funnier still, seems Madeline Albright chimed in to back up Biden's 'guarantee' of a challenge, a serious challenge.

Ok, all those Obama votes that are on the fence, you'd now vote for him, why?
"Ok, all those Obama votes that are on the fence, you'd now vote for him, why?"

This election is such a no brainer. McCain is philisophically in line with policies that have brought us to the brink both abroad & domestically; America is as close as it has been in my lifetime to losing its status as a superpower, and people are talking about a potential depression.

Can someone explain to me what John McCain has campaigned on, aside from Bill Ayers, being a POW & trickle-down economics? What are his ideas to bring us out of this morass, and get America moving again? Drill, baby, drill?
"Ok, all those Obama votes that are on the fence, you'd now vote for him, why?"

This election is such a no brainer. McCain is philisophically in line with policies that have brought us to the brink both abroad & domestically; America is as close as it has been in my lifetime to losing its status as a superpower, and people are talking about a potential depression.

Can someone explain to me what John McCain has campaigned on, aside from Bill Ayers, being a POW & trickle-down economics? What are his ideas to bring us out of this morass, and get America moving again? Drill, baby, drill?

Uh huh, good change of subject. Why would anyone vote for the candidate, whose vice president candidate, 'guarantees' the election of will result in an international crisis? You question Palin's credentials? LOL!
Uh huh, good change of subject. Why would anyone vote for the candidate, whose vice president candidate, 'guarantees' the election of will result in an international crisis? You question Palin's credentials? LOL!

What change of subject? You basically asked why in the world someone would vote for Obama after his VP pick made a bonehead comment. I explained how most Americans are probably looking for a change of course at this point, due to the dire circumstances that voting based on anything but issues & policies has brought us to.

Oh, and the polls bear out what I'm saying. Nyah, nyah...
and I said different? Where? You tried to change the subject from Obama's being 'tried' according to Biden, his own VP pick to McCain's policies. None of it matters as the die is cast.
"Ok, all those Obama votes that are on the fence, you'd now vote for him, why?"

This election is such a no brainer. McCain is philisophically in line with policies that have brought us to the brink both abroad & domestically; America is as close as it has been in my lifetime to losing its status as a superpower, and people are talking about a potential depression.

Can someone explain to me what John McCain has campaigned on, aside from Bill Ayers, being a POW & trickle-down economics? What are his ideas to bring us out of this morass, and get America moving again? Drill, baby, drill?
Of course, the democratic party, with their "let's open up credit to lower income families so they can enjoy the good life, too." had nothing to do with the way things are going. The deficit spending under a house ruled by democrats for 52 of the last 60 years has nothing to do with it.

And, for those of you with their fingers in their ears going "ya, ya, ya!" when McCain speaks, here are some of the ones I agree with:

Begin immediate construction on several nuclear power plants.
Aggressive expansion of domestic sources of oil and natural gas.
Incentives to shift portions of the energy economy from oil to natural gas (since we have more of that.)
Incentives to build coal liquifaction plants.

Tax rebates for families (as opposed to cuts.)
Tax cuts and incentive plans for small businesses.
Tax cuts and incentive plans for large businesses.

Purchase of troubled mortgages to alleviate the burden of bad debt on lending institutions and giving the mortgage holder the opportunity to renegotiate the mortgage to terms they can afford.
Back to Biden's statements:

Another portion, indicating they are not being honest about the policies they actually intend to pursue once in office:

I've forgotten more about foreign policy than most of my colleagues know, so I'm not being falsely humble with you. I think I can be value added, but this guy has it. This guy has it. But he's gonna need your help. Because I promise you, you all are gonna be sitting here a year from now going, 'Oh my God, why are they there in the polls? Why is the polling so down? Why is this thing so tough?' We're gonna have to make some incredibly tough decisions in the first two years. So I'm asking you now, I'm asking you now, be prepared to stick with us. Remember the faith you had at this point because you're going to have to reinforce us.
Uh huh. Trust me, I know what I am doing. We're gonna be right, so stay with the program even though we won't tell you yet what that program is....

There are gonna be a lot of you who want to go, "Whoa, wait a minute, yo, whoa, whoa, I don't know about that decision" Because if you think the decision is sound when they're made, which I believe you will when they're made, they're not likely to be as popular as they are sound. Because if they're popular, they're probably not sound.
Okay. Biden himself: prepare for unpopular decisions.

But what ARE those unpopular decisions. They must have SOME inkling what those decisions are, or they wouldn't know in advance they are going to be coming out with unpopular ones. So far the ideas they PUBLISH are popular ones. What exactly are they hiding?

(Wonder why I strongly doubt Obama's promise not to raise taxes on the middle class?)

Got the KY ready? You're gonna need it. These guys are ready to stick it up the tail pipe 'til they hit our vocal cords.
The speech has been linked.

Ole Joe was being his usual convivial self. Too cute by half with the press aside. Then again, perhaps he did forget, he's close to McCain's age, though McCain does seem more with it, injuries aside.

Funnier still, seems Madeline Albright chimed in to back up Biden's 'guarantee' of a challenge, a serious challenge.

Ok, all those Obama votes that are on the fence, you'd now vote for him, why?

Can I get that link again?

I think it is funny that it is suddenly a big issue for Biden to claim that the new preisdent will be challenged. Seems I recall McCain supporters talking about that a while ago with their ready on day one nonsense and the "on-the-job training" nonsense.

No one bought it then and no one is buying it now.
I'm going to be the first to say it, but I'm not the first to think it I'm sure:

Guys, this is really, really boring. This statement is a non issue and everyone with half a brain knows it. It's going to fall flat like all the other attempts to attack Biden or Obama have recently.

I'm done.
Back to Biden's statements:

Another portion, indicating they are not being honest about the policies they actually intend to pursue once in office:

Uh huh. Trust me, I know what I am doing. We're gonna be right, so stay with the program even though we won't tell you yet what that program is....

Okay. Biden himself: prepare for unpopular decisions.

But what ARE those unpopular decisions. They must have SOME inkling what those decisions are, or they wouldn't know in advance they are going to be coming out with unpopular ones. So far the ideas they PUBLISH are popular ones. What exactly are they hiding?

(Wonder why I strongly doubt Obama's promise not to raise taxes on the middle class?)

Got the KY ready? You're gonna need it. These guys are ready to stick it up the tail pipe 'til they hit our vocal cords.

Where's my link?

Still with the OOGA BOOGA, huh?
What change of subject? You basically asked why in the world someone would vote for Obama after his VP pick made a bonehead comment. I explained how most Americans are probably looking for a change of course at this point, due to the dire circumstances that voting based on anything but issues & policies has brought us to.

Oh, and the polls bear out what I'm saying. Nyah, nyah...

Excuse me, what was "boneheaded" about the comment? Are you saying it wasn't the truth? Can you 'guarantee' what Biden said, will not come to fruition? Yes, from a political perspective, it is quite a boneheaded thing for a candidate to say about his running mate, but the substance of what he said, was anything BUT boneheaded. It was, indeed, an astute observation, and I am very glad Joe the Senator made it!
Of course, the democratic party, with their "let's open up credit to lower income families so they can enjoy the good life, too." had nothing to do with the way things are going. The deficit spending under a house ruled by democrats for 52 of the last 60 years has nothing to do with it.

And, for those of you with their fingers in their ears going "ya, ya, ya!" when McCain speaks, here are some of the ones I agree with:

Begin immediate construction on several nuclear power plants.
Aggressive expansion of domestic sources of oil and natural gas.
Incentives to shift portions of the energy economy from oil to natural gas (since we have more of that.)
Incentives to build coal liquifaction plants.

Tax rebates for families (as opposed to cuts.)
Tax cuts and incentive plans for small businesses.
Tax cuts and incentive plans for large businesses.

Purchase of troubled mortgages to alleviate the burden of bad debt on lending institutions and giving the mortgage holder the opportunity to renegotiate the mortgage to terms they can afford.

Weird you brought up the bolded. Yesterday I went on a field trip to Byron Nuclear Power Plant with 60, 6-8th graders. Illinois I knew has the most nuclear power stations, my ex-father in law being the designer of most of them. (Sargent & Lundy nuclear engineer).

What I didn't know is that there has not been a nuclear power station given approval since Three Mile Island problem. Let's review, that resulted in NO radiation threat, none to general public. It was the WORST in US experience, yet yielded no threat.

France, Germany, UK, others are going gangbusters on building, just like drilling for oil and developing coal. YET the US just spins its wheels, going no where.
Back to Biden's statements:

Another portion, indicating they are not being honest about the policies they actually intend to pursue once in office:

Uh huh. Trust me, I know what I am doing. We're gonna be right, so stay with the program even though we won't tell you yet what that program is....

Okay. Biden himself: prepare for unpopular decisions.

But what ARE those unpopular decisions. They must have SOME inkling what those decisions are, or they wouldn't know in advance they are going to be coming out with unpopular ones. So far the ideas they PUBLISH are popular ones. What exactly are they hiding?

(Wonder why I strongly doubt Obama's promise not to raise taxes on the middle class?)

Got the KY ready? You're gonna need it. These guys are ready to stick it up the tail pipe 'til they hit our vocal cords.

I don't really believe what either McCain or Obama are saying but you make an excellent point above. Think back to the primaries and especially Ohio where Obama is talking about how bad NAFTA is and how he would change it etc. while calling leaders in Canada saying don't really pay attention to what I'm saying. I understand it's what leaders have to do in a democracy (republic) to get elected.

I'm with you Good Luck in that I bet Biden is actually being honest there. If you take office and the economy is not going well you probably have to do things you don't want to or wouldn't do otherwise. Obama isn't speaking about that now (neither is McCain but he is more irrelevent since he won't win). Will be interesting to see.
A transcript of the remarks.

They are posted all over the Internet. Why do you want someone here to post a link? Go find them yourself, if you need to do that, I posted the audio clip, but it is just the start of the remarks, he expounded. The full text has been posted here, I believe the opening post of this thread has it verbatim. Maybe this is just some knee-jerk reactionary obfuscation tactic, I don't know, but fucking grow up asshole. Why th e fuck do you want to act like Biden didn't say these things? Do you really think there are people that utterly stupid here?
I don't really believe what either McCain or Obama are saying but you make an excellent point above. Think back to the primaries and especially Ohio where Obama is talking about how bad NAFTA is and how he would change it etc. while calling leaders in Canada saying don't really pay attention to what I'm saying. I understand it's what leaders have to do in a democracy (republic) to get elected.

I'm with you Good Luck in that I bet Biden is actually being honest there. If you take office and the economy is not going well you probably have to do things you don't want to or wouldn't do otherwise. Obama isn't speaking about that now (neither is McCain but he is more irrelevent since he won't win). Will be interesting to see.

Well, if I was to conjecture, it would be the opposite of what Good Luck is saying. Obama has already suggested - to extreme criticism from the left - that he's not going to be able to do everything he has proposed, simply because the economy will not allow it. I think they are aware of this, and concious of it. I don't know if it was what Biden was getting at, but if he was getting at anything, it's much more likely that it was that, than the paranoid "they're really going to raise everyone's taxes now"....