Biden touts science then Nominates this thing!

You don't appear to be able to handle the challenge.

You don't challenge me. You bore me. You're a dime a dozen conspiracy theorist who either is stupid enough to actually believe Trump or corrupt enough to repeat what you know are his lies.
I don't understand the theories or explanations for transgendering oneself.
I'm not a narrow minded person, I hope, but I'd by lying if I claimed to understand it.

Nevertheless, what if this transgendered person is highly qualified for the job?
What if the academic requirements and practical achievements are there for this person to be a good candidate?
If he/she hasn't behaved in a way to disqualify her/himself for a position of trust, wouldn't it be wrong to disqualify him/her?

Again, I claim no expertise, or even minimal knowledge, in these matters.
you didn't nominate him, but you are defending Biden for appointing him........meanwhile there have never been federal guidelines recommending putting people infected with covid back in nursing homes......why would you even bother to lie about that?......

You are so sick, man. I hope you don't have a driver's license.