Biden touts science then Nominates this thing!

so tell us Enlightented One -how this isnt incompetent,94238
The letter cited the March 18 Interim Guidance for Nursing Facilities during COVID-19 issued by the department, which states in part: “Nursing care facilities must continue to accept new admissions and receive readmissions for current residents who have been discharged from the hospital who are stable to alleviate the increasing burden in the acute care setting. This may include stable patients who have had the COVID-19 virus.”

“We respectfully request that the PA DOH work with the governor’s office to do everything in your power to protect our seniors living in these facilities from further harm. Specifically, we urge Pennsylvania to change the requirement that long-term care facilities admit/readmit COVID-19 patients and provide flexibility for facilities to make their own determination about whether to admit/readmit COVID-19 patients on a case-by-case basis, reflecting the unique resources and capabilities at each facility,” the letter states.

The letter also states that, despite Levine’s contention, neither the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention nor the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services issued guidance

Saying patients who have had the virus refers to a past experience; it doesn't say anything about admissions who currently have the virus. There's a lot of dropped context in the criticism of Dr. Levine regarding this guidance. Facility Guidance 03192020 at 1500.pdf
I keep trying to nudge you into understanding that you don't have a fucking clue about transgenderism.

She proved she was not only incompetent, but a hypocrite with double standards, when she sent others back to the nursing home, and keeping her mom out!

Your reading comprehension needs work. If a nursing home resident had to go into the hospital for some reason, of course he should be re-admitted to the place he called home when he was released.

Furthermore, anybody can take a family member out of a facility for any reason.
Saying patients who have had the virus refers to a past experience; it doesn't say anything about admissions who currently have the virus. There's a lot of dropped context in the criticism of Dr. Levine regarding this guidance.

There's nothing a DEMOCRAT does that you won't try to excuse, is there?
Imagine being so retarded that you actually think people believe that biological sexes can be changed today.

The Trump Party will soon be a thing of the past while the rest of the world moves on.
No, but sexual orientation shouldn't be the reason someone is given a job like 'she' was. Many of Biden's picks are unqualified, or poorly qualified for the posts they are to hold. Instead, they were picked on the basis of political ideology, race, gender, sexual orientation, or some other physical trait(s) that has NOTHING to do with their ability to actually do the job they will be put in to.

Where's your proof that she got the job based on sexual orientation?
Yes, a 95-year-old woman made her own decision to leave.

Are you against that? Should a grown adult be denied the right to determine where they live?

This criticism of yours has been fact-checked, and it's false.

The Ruling

There is no evidence to support Greene's claim that Levine placed coronavirus-positive patients in nursing home facilities, thus likely contributing "to the thousands of elderly deaths in Pennsylvania."

It is true that coronavirus nursing home-associated deaths have risen in the state.
However, although Levine serves as the Pennsylvania secretary of health and was active in that position when the state's health department issued the guidance to nursing home facilities saying they can accept patients from hospitals and patients who formerly had COVID-19, that does not prove she placed coronavirus-positive patients in nursing homes or contributed to thousands of elderly deaths in the state.

Exactly right. It's hard to argue with people who cherry-pick the facts in order to support a false premise.