Biden touts science then Nominates this thing!

"It was classified as one until recently"

So was homosexuality. Why Fundamentalist Christianity isn't recognized as a mental disorder? Too much outrage?
It was classified as one until recently, wasn't it?

"Being transgender is no longer classified as a mental illness by the World Health Organization – a key sign of progress for an often-marginalized community. WHO announced Monday that in its newly released edition of the International Classification of Diseases, gender incongruence will now be classified as a sexual health condition. Gender incongruence is "characterized by a marked and persistent incongruence between an individual’s experienced gender and the assigned sex," according to the International Classification of Diseases (ICD).

For example, a person who was born with a penis and is biologically male but identifies as female. Not every transgender person has gender incongruence, said Dr. Jennifer Conti, a fellow at Physicians for Reproductive Health.

"It was taken out from the mental health disorders because we had a better understanding that this wasn't actually a mental health condition and leaving it there was causing stigma," said Dr. Lale Say, coordinator of WHO's Adolescents and at-Risk Populations team. "So in order to reduce the stigma while also ensuring access to necessary health interventions, this was placed in a different chapter."
If a nursing home resident had to go into the hospital for some reason, of course he should be re-admitted to the place he called home when he was released.
where he can kill as many old people as possible.....unless its mom
Levin, 2020......
I already did. Re-read.

You did not, Oneuli.

Under Doctor Dick Levine's stewardship, the Pennsylvania Department of Health issued the following guideline:

“Nursing care facilities must continue to accept new admissions and receive readmissions for current residents who have been discharged from the hospital who are stable to alleviate the increasing burden in the acute care setting. This may include stable patients who have had the COVID-19 virus.”

Did the CDC tell states to require nursing care facilities to accept patients who tested positive for the Chinese disease?

I don't think so. Neither does this sister from the Order of the Perennial Excuse-makers.


Answer, Christiecrite.
You did not, Oneuli.

Under Doctor Dick Levine's stewardship, the Pennsylvania Department of Health issued the following guideline:

“Nursing care facilities must continue to accept new admissions and receive readmissions for current residents who have been discharged from the hospital who are stable to alleviate the increasing burden in the acute care setting. This may include stable patients who have had the COVID-19 virus.”

Did the CDC tell states to require nursing care facilities to accept patients who tested positive for the Chinese disease?

I don't think so. Neither does this sister from the Order of the Perennial Excuse-makers.


Answer, Christiecrite.

Does "have had the COVID-19" virus mean the same thing as "currently suffering from the COVID-19 virus," leggiecrite? #bebetter
So I was correct. Thanks for confirming.


You didn't mention WHO in your comment, leggiecrite. The DMS-5 still has a listing for gender dysphoria but they don't call it a mental disorder.

"The presence of gender variance is not the pathology but dysphoria is from the distress caused by the body and mind not aligning and/or societal marginalization of gender-variant people. It needs to be ego-dystonic to qualify as a diagnosis and having a discussion with our patients about the diagnosis prior to charting it is necessary and good care."
Does "have had the COVID-19" virus mean the same thing as "currently suffering from the COVID-19 virus," leggiecrite?

Does having "been discharged from the hospital" mean noncontagious, Christiecrite? #stopmakingexcuses

Furthermore your evasiveness confirms your tacit admission that the CDC never told Doctor Dick to put COVID patients into nursing homes (like the one he made damned sure his mom escaped). :D

"Post recovery from COVID-19 and discharge from hospital, patients should strictly follow home isolation and all other guidelines"...
I find it commendable that anyone would give him the time of his day. That person has a patience of a saint. Like a special needs teacher being patient with their students.