Biden touts science then Nominates this thing!

Here it is, a perfect example of kind and tolerant conservatives; one from trump's basket of deplorables.

Tolerance, is a liberal buzz word which means agree with liberals or you are wrong, save it for the weak minded! This is about how Biden touts science then ignores science!
What I wrote and linked to was a fact, not an excuse, leggiecrite. And I think the righty fascination with Dr. Levine's gender is weird but unsurprising, since so many of you value style over substance.

The right is obsessed with transgender people and men having sex with each other. It's always been bizarre to me.
I don't think you know what "universally recognized" means.

I do. I suppose there could be someone out there who doesn't "believe" in the APA, but that opinion wouldn't mean it anything. It would be like "believing" Biden won the election because of massive fraud.