Biden touts science then Nominates this thing!

Ugh. I can't keep watching you beat your head against a brick wall. Your claim is not "fact". People like you don't know what a fact is. We have watched you all demonstrate that minute after minute for years. You're a fucking moron.

??? want a fact? is fact that a man is not biologically a woman.......
if a man seriously believes he's a sunflower people would say he had a mental disorder........if he seriously believes he's a fifth of whiskey people would say he had a mental disorder......why would it be any different if a man seriously believed he was a woman?.....

Yeah, I already told you to read a book. Perhaps the library in your community is open. Help yourself, dumbass.
I do. I suppose there could be someone out there who doesn't "believe" in the APA, but that opinion wouldn't mean it anything. It would be like "believing" Biden won the election because of massive fraud.

Apparently not, since you blithely disregarded anyone who doesn't agree with you and tossed in a red herring for good measure.

Since nobody said they don't "believe in the APA" as far as I know, your screed is disingenuous at best. The APA exists. Agreement with everything they say or do is not "universally recognized" as scientifically valid, as I'm sure you know.

But don't let that stop you.
Your mental illness is getting really disabling you need help and you need therapy and you need lots of psychotic drugs


No, grandpa. I'm sure that Dick Levine is the one who gets therapy and lots of drugs.

As far as psychosis goes, believing that you're something you aren't and never will be seems to qualify.

"Psychosis is a symptom or feature of mental illness typically characterized by radical changes in personality, impaired functioning, and a distorted or nonexistent sense of objective reality. Patients suffering from psychosis have impaired reality testing; that is, they are unable to distinguish personal subjective experience from the reality of the external world. They experience hallucinations and/or delusions that they believe are real..."


Dr. "Rachel" Levine serves as Pennsylvania's secretary of health. He and Gov. Tom Wolf have been praised (by DEMOCRATS) for the Keystone State's response to the COVID-19 epidemic.

Levine trained in pediatrics and adolescent medicine at Blue York Shitty's Mount Sinai Medical Center.


I wouldn't feel comfortable knowing this freak might examine my 10-year old nephew, let alone run the nation''s healthcare.