Biden touts science then Nominates this thing!

Apparently not, since you blithely disregarded anyone who doesn't agree with you and tossed in a red herring for good measure.

Since nobody said they don't "believe in the APA" as far as I know, your screed is disingenuous at best. The APA exists. Agreement with everything they say or do is not "universally recognized" as scientifically valid, as I'm sure you know.

But don't let that stop you.

You can't "disagree" with science. I don't have an "opinion" about the definition of transgenderism. It is what it is. The only people who still can't comprehend it are decrepit assholes who will be dead soon enough anyway.

You're not just disagreeing with the APA. You're disagreeing with every major medical organization in the world. That is batshit insane. Just like "believing" that Biden won the election because of massive friend. Just like "believing" that climate change isn't real. You people think you're special and that your ignorant, uneducated "opinions" are just as valid as worldwide scientific consensus. So you can talk about "blithely" and red herrings and "disingenuous" all you want, but you're ultimately just a fucking moron.
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Not just men, women, too. This place is a petri dish of right-wing sexual hang ups. You could earn a doctorate by studying them.

I've noticed that. There are some common themes amongst the alt reich members of this forum: They worship Trump and everything Trump does and says. They talk about god a lot but are not true Christians (or Buddhists, etc.). They have no earthly grasp on what is real and what isn't. They are obsessed with alternative sex, sexualities, and genders. I would rather surrender myself to the universe and cease existing than to waste a human life acting that way and believing those things.
The APA is not "science". Maybe you should read a book. Try a dictionary.

Psychology is a science because it follows the empirical method. I have an eight-year-old nephew who understands science and the scientific method. Did you never receive a formal third grade education or are you just being purposely obtuse because you're a simple-minded prick who simply denies facts that you don't like?
Men don't have those things.

Women do.

You are so pathetic. To be trapped in the undeveloped mind of a person who sees the world only in binary terms results in people like you. Would you even know it was time to eat if your nurse didn't put the straw in your mouth?
You are so pathetic. To be trapped in the undeveloped mind of a person who sees the world only in binary terms results in people like you. Would you even know it was time to eat if your nurse didn't put the straw in your mouth?

Your tacit admission of inadequacy is noted.
Irony abounds.

I'd rather you surrender yourself to the universe and cease existing, full stop.

I gather that you think you're a clever person. Spoiler alert: You aren't. You're an internet troll who is probably in the last throes of a life that was disappointing. You think that you have developed a unique persona based on a lifetime of thought and contemplation. Unfortunately, you either never received a proper education in the first place or you stopped developing your education many decades ago. So, since I'm quite sure you will be dead sooner rather than later, you don't need to worry about my existence, bud. I have at least another fifty good years in me; and as long as I don't spend one minute of it acting or thinking like you, I will continue to be happy as a clam.
I gather that you think you're a clever person. Spoiler alert: You aren't. You're an internet troll who is probably in the last throes of a life that was disappointing. You think that you have developed a unique persona based on a lifetime of thought and contemplation. Unfortunately, you either never received a proper education in the first place or you stopped developing your education many decades ago. So, since I'm quite sure you will be dead sooner rather than later, you don't need to worry about my existence, bud. I have at least another fifty good years in me; and as long as I don't spend one minute of it acting or thinking like you, I will continue to be happy as a clam.

So much speculation and unsubstantiated verbiage.

I suspect you're projecting.
The APA is not science. It is an organization.

I doubt it.

The APA is an organization that gathers scientific information. But pick any other one of hundreds of major, reputable medical organizations. They all agree with each other. Your "opinion" is horse shit. It doesn't matter to anyone anywhere and is not even based in reality. You're a psychopath. I also see you have resorted to editing my posts because you can't stand to have your ancient ass handed to you over and over again.
So much speculation and unsubstantiated verbiage.

I suspect you're projecting.

Definitely speculation. I have good instincts. But I notice you have completely given up on trying to respond in any substantive manner. Later, old man.

