Biden touts science then Nominates this thing!

Didn't you just claim that Dick Levine was following CDC guidelines when he moved his mom out of her care home (while he was in charge of official policy for the Commonwealth)?

She followed federal guidelines in terms of sending COVID patients to nursing homes to free up room in hospitals.

CDC guidelines have NOTHING to do with her moving her healthy mother into, or out of, a nursing home.

But hey, if you want to be on record requiring that the state dictate where elderly citizens live through brute force, then just admit it.
I will be perfectly honest, for most of my life I was uncomfortable being around cross dressing men. I grew up in a socially conservative, Christian Orthodox environment -- and cross dressing just was not considered normal in the 1970s and 80s. It took me a while to let it go. I used to have a guy who dressed like a girl cut my hair, and I finally just learned to deal with it

I've had that same response. I'm glad you introspected about it. At the end of the day, clothing as a function of gender is obviously entirely cultural. There is little rationality toward it. I might enjoy a dress to air my balls when it's hot, but I don't wear dresses because dresses are reserved for women in the cultures in which I participate. If I was raised in a vacuum, however, without any awareness of gender cultural norms and then handed a pair of slacks and a dress on a hot summer day, the rational decision would be to wear the dress and let the boys breathe. The fact that this thread has gone on for twelve pages is a testament to how regressive American society is. This is such a worthless conversation. A person who was born as a man and identifies as a woman was offered a secondary job in the government. Who cares? Oh, that's right. Psychotic bigots who are going to be ass sore about Trump losing an election until the day they die.
So if a man says he's a kangaroo, he is?

No, that's not how it works. There are buildings full of research about gender identity. You appear to be able to write. If you are also able to read, I suggest you borrow a book from your local library and read it.
The CDC, dipshit.

We shouldn't even bother with Legion. Dude is a fucking whack job. Like certifiable. I would roll up my car windows if I saw him walking near me. "I don't have any loose change and I don't need my windshield washed."
"Levine said the state followed guidelines from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services."

You must have "forgotten" to cite this:

"Republicans say Levine misinterpreted the federal guidelines. They point to language that says the facilities must be able to follow transmission-based precautions outlined by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention."
It is sad, those who hate people for acting as god made them want them to be refused employment and a future because you do not approve of their sexual orientation. Can't rightys judge them by the job that they are doing?

????.....God didn't make him pretend he's a woman......
For fuck sake. I don't have the time to try to explain human sexuality and gender identity to a person who lacks the mental capacity to understand either. It's too late for a lost cause like you. I believe I've told you that before now.

not only the don't have the knowledge.......
You are a colossally stupid piece of shit. Levine followed federal guidelines. She did her job. I didn't nominate her to be assistant secretary of health. I never heard her name before today. How many former assistant secretaries of health can you name? ZERO.

you didn't nominate him, but you are defending Biden for appointing him........meanwhile there have never been federal guidelines recommending putting people infected with covid back in nursing homes......why would you even bother to lie about that?......