Biden's Tax the Rich Scheme

In most households if your debt gets too hign you reduce spending.


5 facts about the U.S. national debt | Pew Research Center
Pew Research Center › ... › Economic Policy
Feb 14, 2023 — For several years, the nation's debt has been bigger than its gross domestic product, which was $26.13 trillion in the fourth quarter of 2022.

Interest Costs on the National Debt Set to Reach Historic ...
The Peter G. Peterson Foundation › blog › 2022/05 › interest-costs...
May 31, 2022 — CBO projects that annual interest costs will rise from $399 billion in 2022 to $1.2 trillion in 2032. As a percentage of gross domestic product ...

These are not positive indicators for a healthy economy.
Obamas debt may have been just slightly larger but that was for an 8 year term. Trumps record deficit was accomplished in just 4 years.

no......AND 62.5% of Trump's deficit occurred in ONE year, the year that Nancy and the Demmycrats wrote the federal budget.......a budget, by the way, which was even smaller than the one Biden just proposed.......
Biden knew that his insane tax increases were DOA in the House.

It was a grandstand play to appease the far left, Democrat Socialist loons.

We don't need grandstanding from Biden. We need for him to resign or be impeached.

Trump, Trump, Trump!
Reducing job positions could well affect the ability of a company to grow. We have already learned that cutting taxes doesn't create jobs, so increasing taxes shouldn't lose jobs.

It was literally just pointed out to you how raising taxes effects jobs so you can't or won't accept it.
no......AND 62.5% of Trump's deficit occurred in ONE year, the year that Nancy and the Demmycrats wrote the federal budget.......a budget, by the way, which was even smaller than the one Biden just proposed.......

One pathetic excuse for trumps failure after another. Here is a hint, Einstein, a budget written ion a particular year has zero effect on that years deficit.
Why Higher Tax Rates on Income Will Slow Growth, Cost Jobs
The Heritage Foundation › taxes › report › why-highe...
rates will reduce job creation Almost all jobs ultimately depend on the amount of savings and investment in the economy. Since high tax rates penalize savings ...

Would you expect any other result from the far right wing Heritage foundation. You are a joke, my dear.
Doesn't matter sweets, you wont read anything. There was also a second link which of course you wont read.

"History shows that tax rates have a powerful impact on the economy. The 1920s 1960s, and 1980s were periods of extraordinary growth in the U.S. economy. Not coincidentally these periods of growth followed steep reductions in tax rates on income. By contrast the economy stagnated during decades associated with higher tax rates, such as the 1930s and 1970s."

Easily verifiable...or refuted.

My first link had expired and you commented on it so you didn't read my link, sweet cakes.
I am so sorry that you or your handlers dont read my links.

Like this none you stupid cow?

"The Study suggests that governments should consider tax cuts for employers who hire low-skilled workers - particularly youth and the long-term unemployed. “By lowering the cost of hiring these workers, tax cuts can reduce unemployment amongst the groups hardest hit by the crisis”, said Jeffrey Owens, Director of OECD’s Centre for Tax Policy and Administration. "

Dumbass bitch
"History shows that tax rates have a powerful impact on the economy. The 1920s 1960s, and 1980s were periods of extraordinary growth in the U.S. economy. Not coincidentally these periods of growth followed steep reductions in tax rates on income. By contrast the economy stagnated during decades associated with higher tax rates, such as the 1930s and 1970s."

Easily verifiable...or refuted.

First of all, shitstain, taking a few sentences out of context means nothing.
Secondly Trumps tax cuts were in large part reason for his $8 trillion deficit.
First of all, shitstain, taking a few sentences out of context means nothing.
Secondly Trumps tax cuts were in large part reason for his $8 trillion deficit.

So, pendeja, you can't refute the statistics in the link.

You could have just said so.
Like this none you stupid cow?

"The Study suggests that governments should consider tax cuts for employers who hire low-skilled workers - particularly youth and the long-term unemployed. “By lowering the cost of hiring these workers, tax cuts can reduce unemployment amongst the groups hardest hit by the crisis”, said Jeffrey Owens, Director of OECD’s Centre for Tax Policy and Administration. "

Dumbass bitch

Now you are talking about a small subset of our economy, and cannot justify the massive deficits caused by Trumps tax cuts for the wealthy.