Biden's Tax the Rich Scheme

The first grader is smarter. They want to use taxes to fund their goodies programs for their base.


" › author › 465.Alexis_de...
“The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public's money.”

De Toqueville knew a thing or two.

" › author › 465.Alexis_de...
“The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public's money.”

De Toqueville knew athing or two.

Yes he did.
There was a Pandemic during the Trump administration.

Yes, and it was made far worse by Trumps constant lying about it to the American people, and let's not forget handjob, who echoed ever single one of Trumps lies. Had he told the truth from day one, what followed would have been far far less.
No one has ever come close to Trump deficits all the time while he promised to balance the budget.

So you admit you just hate trumps deficits but don't have a problem with leftist deficits. Thanks for confirming what we already knew.
So you admit you just hate trumps deficits but don't have a problem with leftist deficits. Thanks for confirming what we already knew.

When are you going to admit the disaster that Trumps tax cuts caused, or will you as usual, continue lying about them.
Well, someone was just taken behind the barn for an old fashioned thrashing.

Since I don't engage in self-aggrandizement, I won't say who was thrashed and who did the thrashing.
When are you going to admit the disaster that Trumps tax cuts caused, or will you as usual, continue lying about them.

Another confirmatory reply. Listen carefully you stupid bitch, ALL deficits are bad. Got it? I doubt you do because you're a donkey fucking leftist. You think leftist deficits are fine because you can't think.
Another confirmatory reply. Listen carefully you stupid bitch, ALL deficits are bad. Got it? I doubt you do because you're a donkey fucking leftist. You think leftist deficits are fine because you can't think.

I get it sweetie, deficits are bad, but the tax cuts that cause the deficits are good!
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Well, Marty, the ambulance chaser posted that Americans are now paying the highest federal tax rate in history.

I guess you and "the ambulance chaser" believe what you want to believe. In the 1950's and 60's the top rate was around 90 percent; today it's around 40 percent.
Teddy Roosevelt, a very rich man, told us about what the rich were going to do. He pushed for an estate tax to keep families from passing on wealth and power to the future. Money = power. The power in the background is keeping the people down and enriching themselves through time. Teddy was busting trusts because they were detrimental to America achieving its goals.
The wealthy at one time were taxed at near 90 percent. We built our infrastructure then. Now we cannot keep it up. Now, many wealthy and many corporations escape taxes. Teddy warned us about what kind of power huge wealth would confer on the few at the top. They are in charge.
I guess you and "the ambulance chaser" believe what you want to believe. In the 1950's and 60's the top rate was around 90 percent; today it's around 40 percent.

Try to read more carefully, Marty.

I posted what he posted and I called him on it and he admitted that he lied.

Poor Marty.
So you admit you just hate trumps deficits but don't have a problem with leftist deficits. Thanks for confirming what we already knew.

Sorry but you are just dumb.

Not all debt is created equal.

If you go in to debt, to buy a vehicle that allows you to commute to a higher paying job, that is good debt. If you go into debt, so you can buy more stocks or spend it on entertainment, that is bad debt.

The reason Trump and the GOP want to stop Dem's from going in to debt, and to force them to pay down the credit card, is because Dem's spend that money on infrastructure and things that grow jobs for EVERYONE, as we see now in Biden's white job market that is defy all expectations. The GOP does not like that this riding tide is raising all ships for all citizens. But that is why Dem Administrations always hand off booming and strong economies to the GOP.

So the GOIP will scream against the Deficit, to try and stop that spending, so when they take power next, they can give even more to Billionaires and the rich. Thus why you see job losses and poor economies towards the ends of all GOP administrations.

It is a cycle Trump derps support and is utterly predicable. GOP Potus and Admin inherit strong economies with reduced debt levels from Dems'. GOP administrations, hand over shit economies with increased debt levels to Dems. Cut, paste, repeat.