Biden's Tax the Rich Scheme

Tax cuts dont cause deficits dumbass spending more money then you have does.

Hey dumbass. When you spending levels are ALREADY established and you cut revenues immensely (tax cuts) that absolutely does CAUSE the deficit to get much worse.

Only someone as stupid as Trump, could start with Spending and Budgets at X, ALREADY running a deficit, and think we can now greatly lower one of the biggest revenue generators we have (taxes) and not UNDERSTAND it will CAUSE a deficit.

DO you even math, dumbass.
Try to read more carefully, Marty.

I posted what he posted and I called him on it and he admitted that he lied.

Poor Marty.

Forget "more carefully", dumbo, I don't read your posts at all except when directed at my own.
Sorry but you are just dumb.

Not all debt is created equal.

If you go in to debt, to buy a vehicle that allows you to commute to a higher paying job, that is good debt. If you go into debt, so you can buy more stocks or spend it on entertainment, that is bad debt.

The reason Trump and the GOP want to stop Dem's from going in to debt, and to force them to pay down the credit card, is because Dem's spend that money on infrastructure and things that grow jobs for EVERYONE, as we see now in Biden's white job market that is defy all expectations. The GOP does not like that this riding tide is raising all ships for all citizens. But that is why Dem Administrations always hand off booming and strong economies to the GOP.

So the GOIP will scream against the Deficit, to try and stop that spending, so when they take power next, they can give even more to Billionaires and the rich. Thus why you see job losses and poor economies towards the ends of all GOP administrations.

It is a cycle Trump derps support and is utterly predicable. GOP Potus and Admin inherit strong economies with reduced debt levels from Dems'. GOP administrations, hand over shit economies with increased debt levels to Dems. Cut, paste, repeat.

I didnt make a judgement about the "quality" of debt you did. Its irramwvrnti the discussion I was having. Deficit is caused by spending more than you have. That's a fact. Period.
Hey dumbass. When you spending levels are ALREADY established and you cut revenues immensely (tax cuts) that absolutely does CAUSE the deficit to get much worse.

Only someone as stupid as Trump, could start with Spending and Budgets at X, ALREADY running a deficit, and think we can now greatly lower one of the biggest revenue generators we have (taxes) and not UNDERSTAND it will CAUSE a deficit.

DO you even math, dumbass.

Yes asshole because you are spending more than you have. You stupid cunts thing spending is fixed it's not. You should stop talking and let that gash under your nose heal
Biden doesn't have to care about the affects of taxing the rich, or about its affect on the stock market or the job market

Because his vote base doesn't participate in the stock market or the job market

Dear Stupid Cunt: I have a job. I have stock. I also voted for Biden. Do you remember what a job is? What are your 3 largest shares? How did your Trump votes turn out for you? :laugh:
Biden doesn't have to care about the affects of taxing the rich, or about its affect on the stock market or the job market

Because his vote base doesn't participate in the stock market or the job market

We always have to remember, that for Xi's man Quid Pro and the rest of the fascist left, "Rich" are those earing a salary between $100,000 and $500,000 a year.

Jeff Bezos isn't "rich," so his taxes will never be impacted by the party in his pocket - the democrats. Tim Cook isn't "rich," so his taxes will never be impacted by the party in his pocket - the democrats. Bill Gates isn't "rich," so his taxes will never be impacted by the party in his pocket - the democrats. Warren Buffett isn't "rich," so his taxes will never be impacted by the party in his pocket - the democrats. George Soros isn't "rich," so his taxes will never be impacted by the party in his pocket - the democrats.

Remember, Vladimir Lenin railed against the Bourgeoisie - the middle class - he never attacked the Aristocracy - the Oligarchs. Nothing has changed - democrats are at war to end the middle class, the Usurpers. The goal of democrats is to pull the ladder of success up and away from those who would climb it.
Reducing job positions could well affect the ability of a company to grow. We have already learned that cutting taxes doesn't create jobs, so increasing taxes shouldn't lose jobs.

So, you admit that the scheme Quid Pro is executing on behalf of his boss, Xi Jinping is to try and raid businesses - that "the rich" won't pay a cent more than they pay today. :thup:
The one consistent pattern of right wing drivel is that none of it ever makes any sense.

The corporate oligarchy always does better long term when taxes are high because then

they're operating in a healthier, more vibrant economy.

They're consistently incapable, however, of seeing the larger picture.

The reason for that is not a mystery at all but instead, painfully obvious.

People intellectually capable of imaginative thought are invariably progressive liberals; that's why they became such.
Trump tax cuts led to the largest single 4 year deficit in our history

What a completely idiotic lie.

The Biological Weapon attack by China (and their democrat allies) led to the deficit. Also, the two HIGHEST years were under Quid Pro.

The next time a democrat tells the truth will be the first time.
I didnt make a judgement about the "quality" of debt you did. Its irramwvrnti the discussion I was having. Deficit is caused by spending more than you have. That's a fact. Period.

Yes but only a dunce does not recognize the 'quality' of the debt as they try to do whataboutisms.

An ideal GOP/Trump/Republican nation looks like Russia. A bunch of top wealthy Oligarchs who make Musk look broke, stripping the nation of so much wealth that the entire country's GDP underperforms for decades. No investments that would help the common people, even though such investments raise all ships, including the Oligarchs. They say 'Fuck that to long term investments that lift everyone... just give me all the cash now and let the country fall, as i can always move'.

And you Trump derps cheer this on the entire way. You push for them to succeed and giving a standing ovation to Trump alone adding 25% to the National Debt, in four years

The first debt the US incurred was during the inception of the US as a country. In those next 244 years 75% of the debt handed to Biden was gained by all other Potus preceding Trump. Trump added 25% of that debt in 4 years.

Read that again so you understand it. 44 Prior POTUS and 244 years for 75% of the debt. Trump and 4 Years for 25% of the debt.

its unfathomable how stupid someone who claims to be 'anti-debt' was not screaming about it during Trump. And yet you Derps were cheering him on. So you can fuck off with your fake push that you care about debt.
What a completely idiotic lie.

The Biological Weapon attack by China (and their democrat allies) led to the deficit. Also, the two HIGHEST years were under Quid Pro.

The next time a democrat tells the truth will be the first time.

Trump was the president, the buck stops with him. Anything that happens on his watch is his responsibility.
Now, please document this alleged weapons attack!
Trump was the president,

Which is WHY democrats and their CCP allies launched the biological attack that killed millions.

the buck stops with him. Anything that happens on his watch is his responsibility.
Now, please document this alleged weapons attack!

So democrats unleashing the Wuhan Designer Virus® against America because there was no way to defeat the Trump economy should be blamed on Trump, even though you and China did it?

Which is WHY democrats and their CCP allies launched the biological attack that killed millions.

So democrats unleashing the Wuhan Designer Virus® against America because there was no way to defeat the Trump economy should be blamed on Trump, even though you and China did it?


I'd ask you for a link to prove that, but you are so desperate, so FOS, that you will make up any fiction to support the most criminal administration in our history.