Biden's upcoming physical exam will not include a cognitive test, White House says

You are aware of who’s running, correct? There are two candidates, who do you prefer, surprised you haven’t kept up :laugh:

He’s a Trump guy, 100%, he’ll deny it, but watch his posts, the only thing missing is an address on where to send contributions for the Trump campaign
find the post, pitiful liar. nobody has EVER found one, but who knows, maybe you can pull it off.

Don’t need a definitive post to point out the obvious, if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and sounds like a duck, it sure hell isn’t an elephant no matter what it tells you
Most religious people say they do. Biden said nothing like that. Trump has made speeches lately that should disqualify him from running. His NATO remarks were crazy. His lack of understanding is monumental. His goofiness is very dangerous to America and the world. Trump's combination of ignorance and ego makes him very dangerous.

Well, Nordy, Biden said he has spoken recently with leaders who have been dead for decades.

Google Search:

In his second mix-up this week, Biden talks about meeting with dead European leaders. He referred to François Mitterrand, who died in 1996, instead of French President Emmanuel Macron and the late Helmut Kohl instead of former German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

That’s a bit odd, right?

We have a turnip as Commander-in-Chief.
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Nah, common sense, you don’t need a weather man to tell you which way the wind is blowing

well, you have been known to throw accusations with zero evidence, so I guess this is standard for you.

seriously, NOBODY on this board has ever been able to show a single post that shows my support for trump, yet most all of you certainly believe I can see the idiocy in your actions, right?
well, you have been known to throw accusations with zero evidence, so I guess this is standard for you.

seriously, NOBODY on this board has ever been able to show a single post that shows my support for trump, yet most all of you certainly believe I can see the idiocy in your actions, right?

Oh, so I guess then I can say I am not a Democrat and support their candidate because you won’t find a post of mine where I said I am a supporter of Biden, correct?
Oh, so I guess then I can say I am not a Democrat and support their candidate because you won’t find a post of mine where I said I am a supporter of Biden, correct?

not that I care enough to do any searching of your history, but watching you bash the shit out of trump and saying that biden is much better, that pretty much shows that you're a biden support. What you won't be able to come back with is showing any post where I said trump is better than biden. what you CAN find is plenty of posts where i've said that both of them are shit.

but you do you