Biden's upcoming physical exam will not include a cognitive test, White House says

I thought it was on my profile. Colorado. What we pretty much nowadays call "The little California"... The folks who didn't like CA moved here and then proceeded to recreate CA... It's a pattern really.
I went to college in Denver for two years. I like the mountains.
I went to college in Denver for two years. I like the mountains.

Yeah, we like them too. LOL. I also liked the skiing in CA though. I wouldn't move there, and when my mother goes I'll likely move to Idaho or Montana (Probably Idaho so I can vote for someone that will win for once)... Idaho is magnificent, almost entirely covered by mountains.
Yeah, we like them too. LOL. I also liked the skiing in CA though. I wouldn't move there, and when my mother goes I'll likely move to Idaho or Montana (Probably Idaho so I can vote for someone that will win for once)... Idaho is magnificent, almost entirely covered by mountains.
After I graduated I took a 6 month motorcycle trip all around the Western US and Canada.
If Biden took a "cognitive test" and it were multiple choice, and all the answers were "C," and he studied for weeks to take it, he'd still fail...

If Biden took a "cognitive test" and sat next to Trump taking the same test, Biden would fail because he'd copy Trump's answers knowing he would fail if he didn't...
If Biden took a "cognitive test" and it were multiple choice, and all the answers were "C," and he studied for weeks to take it, he'd still fail...

If Biden took a "cognitive test" and sat next to Trump taking the same test, Biden would fail because he'd copy Trump's answers knowing he would fail if he didn't...

It would be fun to do it like an episode of Jeopardy and let Trump and Biden each have a buzzer.
Biden's had plenty of neurological exams. Has trump ever been evaluated by a gerontologist?
Biden most likely has vascular dementia. He has had a stroke and TWO brain surgeries and vascular clipping. And he has chronic A Fib which is a huge risk factor in dementia and stroke.
Never drunk on the job. Democrats never drink

He's a pig, a sexist and a bully.

"On a presidential trip to Manila from April 22, 2014, to April 29, 2014, four witnesses who traveled with then-President Barack Obama and Jackson said that Jackson became intoxicated and made inappropriate comments about a female medical subordinate.

Witnesses also alleged that Jackson made a comment about a female medical subordinate’s breasts and buttocks during a presidential trip to Asia in April 2014...

Two years later, in Bariloche, Argentina, two witnesses told the IG they saw Jackson drinking a beer while he was serving as the physician to the President and in charge of providing medical care for a presidential trip, despite regulations prohibiting him from 24 hours before the President’s arrival until two hours after he left...
Was that Ronny the Drunk?

Obama said Jackson was a "fine doctor."

“I have made a point of not commenting on your service in my successor’s administration and have always spoken highly of you both in public and in private. You always served me and my family well, and I have considered you not only a fine doctor and service member but also a friend,” Obama said in the email.