Biden's war on oil continues

Are Biden policies good for Americans?

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Wind and solar DON"T WORK! They are both unreliable and cost prohibitive for mass production on a grid.
Liar. I get my electricity from one of the numerous 10 acre or larger solar farms near me.

Nobody said it was the only method that works. Why don't you discuss the billions it takes to build nuke plants?
Separate issue from the means of production chosen.

No, it's the underlying, defining issue.

Since all oil is bought and sold globally by (mostly) multinational corporations, there's just no possible way for the US to achieve energy independence without nationalizing the industry and ending all domestic oil exports.

Doing so would be the end of the US oil industry, which might not be the worst thing in the world since we have been propping it up for about 100 years.

The benefits to the US of nationalizing the industry and withdrawing from the global oil markets far outweigh the liabilities.

If we seized oil production in the US, we would no longer have to compete with every other country and corporation in the world for the same barrel of oil; we'd have it all to ourselves.

But that can NEVER HAPPEN so long as multinational corporations can sell oil extracted from under your feet to whoever pays the most for it.

Capitalism and energy independence cannot exist in the same space. They are diametrically opposed to one another.
Separate issue from the means of production chosen.

No matter what, to achieve energy independence, you are going to have to solve for Capitalism selling the oil from under your feet on global markets to the highest bidder.

The only solve there is to end domestic oil exports, which would require seizing the means of production.

So increasing production, but then letting the producers sell it to whoever pays the most for it, only digs the hole deeper because you've increased the supply and driven down the price further, which only makes the oil less valuable.

Oil and fossil fuels are no-win...only diminishing returns for capitalists and tons of problems for consumers.
Liar. I get my electricity from one of the numerous 10 acre or larger solar farms near me.

Nobody said it was the only method that works. Why don't you discuss the billions it takes to build nuke plants?

I just did. Palo Verde nuclear cost in 2016 dollars $11.5 billion to build. Ivanpah solar in California cost $2.5 billion to build. It's one of the largest solar plants in the US. Solana solar in Gila Bend AZ, Arizona's largest array cost $2 billion to build in 2016 dollars.
Palo Verde produces 34 times more power per year than Ivanpah. It produces 45 times more than Solana per year. That means you need many times those arrays to match the annual output of Palo Verde.

I'd also note that in 2016 Solana was hit with the biggest environmental fine in Arizona history of $1.5 million for pollution violations.

Solar and wind don't work. Oh, and when the sun sets you are not getting your power from a solar array. That shifts over to conventional generation meaning that the utility has had to duplicate power production sources at greater expense compared to using one that's reliable 24/7 like natural gas or nuclear.
No matter what, to achieve energy independence, you are going to have to solve for Capitalism selling the oil from under your feet on global markets to the highest bidder.

The only solve there is to end domestic oil exports, which would require seizing the means of production.

So increasing production, but then letting the producers sell it to whoever pays the most for it, only digs the hole deeper because you've increased the supply and driven down the price further, which only makes the oil less valuable.

Oil and fossil fuels are no-win...only diminishing returns for capitalists and tons of problems for consumers.

Whether it's companies selling oil, the materials to make solar and wind, or uranium and thorium for nuclear, that's not going to change anytime soon. If you really want the price driven up, let the government control production.
Whether it's companies selling oil, the materials to make solar and wind, or uranium and thorium for nuclear, that's not going to change anytime soon.

I thought we were talking about oil, why are you changing the subject or broadening it out to other forms of energy?

The difference between oil and wind/solar is that you don't buy wind/solar energy on global markets, that is all bought on domestic markets, so we can control it if we want.

We don't have that luxury with oil because it is ONLY sold on global markets, to the highest bidder.

So you need to solve for that in order to achieve "energy independence" to any degree at all.
If you really want the price driven up, let the government control production.

Why would the price go up if government seized the means of production for oil? If it did that, we would withdraw from the global oil markets and establish our own national price per barrel without having to take into account global supply increases or decreases from OPEC.

Nationalizing oil production would drive the price per barrel down to what demand dictates it should be.

The market would be free to determine the value of that oil, rather than having a handful of sheiks in the Middle East do that instead.
Why would the price go up if government seized the means of production for oil? If it did that, we would withdraw from the global oil markets and establish our own national price per barrel without having to take into account global supply increases or decreases from OPEC.

Nationalizing oil production would drive the price per barrel down to what demand dictates it should be.

The market would be free to determine the value of that oil, rather than having a handful of sheiks in the Middle East do that instead.
The government doesn't do anything as efficiently as private industry does. Can you imagine the mess the energy industry would be in if it ran like the Post Office. :laugh:
The government doesn't do anything as efficiently as private industry does

Private Industry needed a $2T bailout last year.

Can you imagine the mess the energy industry would be in if it ran like the Post Office.

The Post Office only sucks now because your guy DeJoy ruined it.

Before DeJoy, the Post Office worked great.

There is no world in which UPS or FedEx would ever deliver to your remote, isolated location because it would cost too much...which is why USPS does all those deliveries for them.
The government doesn't do anything as efficiently as private industry does. Can you imagine the mess the energy industry would be in if it ran like the Post Office. :laugh:

FedEx and UPS aren't required by law to deliver anything to the shitty, isolated, podunk, shitstained hovel you currently occupy.

In fact, they could just ban you from using their services and without the post office, you'd never get deliveries, no letters, no junk mail, no unsolicited mail-in ballots, nothing.

Then you also wouldn't be able to get the requisite ID's in order to vote because that shit wouldn't be delivered without a USPS.
FedEx and UPS aren't required by law to deliver anything to the shitty, isolated, podunk, shitstained hovel you currently occupy.

In fact, they could just ban you from using their services and without the post office, you'd never get deliveries, no letters, no junk mail, no unsolicited mail-in ballots, nothing.

Then you also wouldn't be able to get the requisite ID's in order to vote because that shit wouldn't be delivered without a USPS.
Remember I'm not the one who is driving an 11 year old POS Prius. I have no doubt you live in a 40 year old travel trailer. My home is over 4500 sq ft and in one of the most affluent towns near Dallas.
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Private Industry needed a $2T bailout last year.
Because the government locked them down.

The Post Office only sucks now because your guy DeJoy ruined it.

Before DeJoy, the Post Office worked great.

There is no world in which UPS or FedEx would ever deliver to your remote, isolated location because it would cost too much...which is why USPS does all those deliveries for them.
:laugh: You really do live in an alternate reality.

USPS lost $87 billion over the past 14 fiscal years—including $9.2 billion in fiscal year 2020—and expects to lose $9.7 billion in fiscal year 2021
Remember I'm not the one who is driving an 11 year old POS Prius..

No, you're the person who pretends to have investments in oil, but when held to scrutiny, turns out you're just bullshitting.

I have no doubt you live in a 40 year old travel trailer. My home is over 4500 sq ft and in one of the most affluent towns near Dallas.

Bullshit. You people exaggerate and lie about yourselves all the time. There's no reason to believe you at all.
Because the government locked them down.

Nope, we entered a recession before any COVID lockdowns because your Conservative policies always, always, always fail.

It's official: Recession began in February, ending longest U.S. expansion ever

U.S. manufacturing was in a mild recession during 2019, a sore spot for the economy

Is time not linear on Conservatardia?
USPS lost $87 billion over the past 14 fiscal years—including $9.2 billion in fiscal year 2020—and expects to lose $9.7 billion in fiscal year 2021

Do you know why?

The Postal Service is required to prepay its retirees’ health-care costs, a mandate instituted in 2006 when mail volume was steady and the agency was profitable. But decades of falling mail use have turned it into a perpetual financial loser, and the pre-funding requirement has accounted for $152.8 billion of its $206.4 billion in liabilities.

So once again, we have an instance of a Conservative (you) not being honest and telling the full story.

That's one of the reasons why you don't get invited to weddings.
Nope, we entered a recession before any COVID lockdowns because your Conservative policies always, always, always fail.

It's official: Recession began in February, ending longest U.S. expansion ever

U.S. manufacturing was in a mild recession during 2019, a sore spot for the economy

Is time not linear on Conservatardia?
Oh gee the recession started after Biden took office. :rofl2:
Do you know why?

The Postal Service is required to prepay its retirees’ health-care costs, a mandate instituted in 2006 when mail volume was steady and the agency was profitable. But decades of falling mail use have turned it into a perpetual financial loser, and the pre-funding requirement has accounted for $152.8 billion of its $206.4 billion in liabilities.

So once again, we have an instance of a Conservative (you) not being honest and telling the full story.

That's one of the reasons why you don't get invited to weddings.
You said they were fine. 87 billion isn't fine moron .
No, you're the person who pretends to have investments in oil, but when held to scrutiny, turns out you're just bullshitting.

Bullshit. You people exaggerate and lie about yourselves all the time. There's no reason to believe you at all.
I'm comfortable knowing that what I told you is true and you can live in your drug addled haze. ;)
I just did. Palo Verde nuclear cost in 2016 dollars $11.5 billion to build. Ivanpah solar in California cost $2.5 billion to build. It's one of the largest solar plants in the US. Solana solar in Gila Bend AZ, Arizona's largest array cost $2 billion to build in 2016 dollars.
Palo Verde produces 34 times more power per year than Ivanpah. It produces 45 times more than Solana per year. That means you need many times those arrays to match the annual output of Palo Verde.

I'd also note that in 2016 Solana was hit with the biggest environmental fine in Arizona history of $1.5 million for pollution violations.

Solar and wind don't work. Oh, and when the sun sets you are not getting your power from a solar array. That shifts over to conventional generation meaning that the utility has had to duplicate power production sources at greater expense compared to using one that's reliable 24/7 like natural gas or nuclear.
Now you can examine how much it costs to dispose of/store nuclear waste. And how much it costs to mine uranium, and what damage is done in the process.

Much of my area gets power from Niagara Falls when the sun isn't shining. Solar does work. It gets less expensive every year to produce solar power. The wind blows 24 hours a day out at sea, where wind farms are now being built.

The more you lie, the sillier you look.