Biden's war on oil continues

Are Biden policies good for Americans?

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BS. Consider some further facts versus your trolling fiction:

Biden administration weighs largest ever draw from emergency oil reserve- sources

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Biden administration is considering releasing 1 million barrels of oil a day for several months from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR), three U.S. sources said, as the White House tries to control gasoline prices.

President Joe Biden deliver remarks on Thursday on his administration's actions, the White House said, as Russia's invasion of Ukraine and sanctions on Moscow have driven up the price of oil.

Russia is typically one of the world's top producers of oil, contributing about 10% to the global market. But sanctions and buyer's reluctance will remove about 3 million barrels per day (bpd) of Russian oil from the market starting in April, the International Energy Agency has said.

The sources did not say how long a 1 million bpd draw from strategic reserves being weighed would continue."

Based on sources, the U.S. has 43.8 billion barrels of oil on reserve:
US proven oil reserves were 43.8 billion barrels (6.96×109 m3) as of 2018. The 2018 data is higher than the 39 billion barrels (6.2×109 m3) of proven reserves in 1970, when the supergiant Prudhoe Bay field was found in Alaska. oil reserves were,field was found in Alaska.

This would also be an effort to mitigate atrocities created by tRump's deplorable influence on humanity in terms of oil commodities:

The oil industry actually hasn’t done that well under Trump
The oil industry’s fortunes have been withering on President Donald Trump’s watch, with dozens of oil companies falling into bankruptcy as weak crude prices take a toll on the sector he contends would be abolished if he’s not reelected.

Though some of those industry woes were emerging last year as companies grappled with a glut of oil, people in the business say they were made worse by the president’s trade wars and mishandling of the coronavirus pandemic. So far least 40 U.S. oil companies have sought bankruptcy protection in 2020 while dozens of others have slashed spending and cut tens of thousands of jobs."

Amid coronavirus pandemic, why is Donald Trump trying to push up fuel prices?
Trump’s decision to negotiate with oil producing nations to cut production by nearly 10 million barrels a day is not only unprecedented, it also is the opposite of what prior presidents have done. For decades, presidents have preached the virtues of cheap gasoline. When prices have peaked, they have accused Big Oil of price gouging and leaned on Saudi Arabia and others to increase production.

So why is Trump trying to push prices up now? A partial answer can be found in the fact that the U.S. oil industry has grown considerably in the past decade thanks to fracking and other drilling advances. It now employs more than 10 million people and has pushed the nation close to energy independence. When millions of Americans have already filed for unemployment because of the new coronavirus, why not try to keep oil industry workers in their jobs?"

That was a worthless post and you're an absolute moron. Furthermore, I know that's the best you've got, lightweight. Off Topic whataboutism is all you can muster.

Having to draw from the emergency reserves because of his own preventable oil shortage makes Biden an idiot.

It's probably out of control by now, people are going to starve in places and there will be shortages of just about everything.
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No. What we need is a coherent energy policy based on science rather than one dictated by Leftist politics. Solar and wind are losers. We should go to a nuclear and natural gas policy for stationary production with a hydrogen or anhydrous ammonia portable fuel backed by gasoline. Abandon battery cars for the most part.

That is the most environmentally friendly path there is.

The energy companies are going to make money regardless of what politicians choose. What we need to do is force the politicians to choose what works not what is politically popular and wind and solar are the losers that the Left is trying to cram down our throats.
Wind and solar are most definitely not losers, and an electricity grid run on nat. gas still leaves the nation at that mercy of oil companies. See Europe if you don't believe me.
That's true. Food shortages and everything.

Not only is there a fertilizer shortage, but anhydrous ammonia is used to refresh growing fields.
Ammonia is a poison, albeit a cheap form of nitrogen.

If we stopped growing corn for our gas tanks, we wouldn't need to poison the fields with chemicals.

If we stopped monoculture, we wouldn't need so much poison for the fields.
Take your stupid commie ideas and shove them right up your fucking ass, you fucking Stalinist retard.

No government seizing the means of production, you little Marxist cretin! Fuck you and your communist ways that have failed time and time again.

Get ready to starve, because it's coming due to Biden. Worldwide. This may be the 7 years of famine from the Bible.

I can actually see it happening, due to 1 cheated-in leader's fucktardedness.
Must be happy hour out where you live.

What would happen when the Feds. stop subsidizing oil? Nuclear?
Ammonia is a poison, albeit a cheap form of nitrogen.

If we stopped growing corn for our gas tanks, we wouldn't need to poison the fields with chemicals.

If we stopped monoculture, we wouldn't need so much poison for the fields.

If pigs had wings they might could fly!
Must be happy hour out where you live.

What would happen when the Feds. stop subsidizing oil? Nuclear?

Biden already has, that was in the OP link. :rolleyes:

I wouldn't call doing that at a time when gas prices are the highest they've ever been a "brilliant move".
Of course it is. Profits are at a record. Why do they need subsidies?

To maintain an adequate domestic fuel supply, something the US lacks right now, and Biden just promised Europe our diesel, which is already being rationed.

This is going to be bad.
To maintain an adequate domestic fuel supply, something the US lacks right now, and Biden just promised Europe our diesel, which is already being rationed.

This is going to be bad.
Why not just use the money in their coffers? Why does Big Oil operate like the Communists do?

We are NOT maintaining an adequate domestic fuel supply, which is why we need a Fed. Oil company
No. What we need is a coherent energy policy based on science rather than one dictated by Leftist politics. Solar and wind are losers. We should go to a nuclear and natural gas policy for stationary production with a hydrogen or anhydrous ammonia portable fuel backed by gasoline. Abandon battery cars for the most part.

That is the most environmentally friendly path there is.

The energy companies are going to make money regardless of what politicians choose. What we need to do is force the politicians to choose what works not what is politically popular and wind and solar are the losers that the Left is trying to cram down our throats.

There is no path to energy independence so long as multinational corporations continue selling the oil extracted from under our feet on the global market to China and India.
That's true. Food shortages and everything.

Not only is there a fertilizer shortage, but anhydrous ammonia is used to refresh growing fields.

There are food shortages where you live because you live out in the middle of nowhere, completely isolated and alone.
Wind and solar are most definitely not losers, and an electricity grid run on nat. gas still leaves the nation at that mercy of oil companies. See Europe if you don't believe me.

For current solar to match Palo Verde nuclear's output you are going to have to spend between 5 and 8 times the money building the solar facilities just to match output for daylight hours. If you want 24/7 power then that cost rises to roughly 25 times the cost (doubling the solar array + batteries for storage) of the nuclear plant because you can only produce when the sun shines, and you need an incredibly enormous battery storage at outrageously expensive costs to build and maintain.

Natural gas is necessary to allow for peaking loads. That is, natural gas plants running diesel or gas turbines can be brought online quickly and shutdown quickly.

Wind and solar DON"T WORK! They are both unreliable and cost prohibitive for mass production on a grid.