Biden's war on oil continues

Are Biden policies good for Americans?

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That was Biden's first year, dumbass. It's costly to import oil when we have it right here in the States but can't get at it because of Biden.

Biden has already granted more oil leases than trump ever did, yet the land remains empty. Thousands of leases unused. When you you begin to blame big oil?
In truth, we have more oil than we have ever had. The prices are not about a shortage. This is not supply and demand. It is oil speculation and fake news backing oil companies. The Keystone would do exactly nothing for gas at the pumps.

If that were true Biden would not be tapping into the oil reserves.
You do have to dig for it. The materials to make solar panels are mined.
Germany doesn't have to fight other countries for coal. It has plenty available within it's own borders.
Coal is clean, when used in a modern coal plant.
Coal is not 'clean'. At it's best, it can be relatively clean. But it CANNOT be as clean as nuclear (outside of waste), solar or other similar types of generation.

EV's are not the future.
It is IMPOSSIBLE for you to know what the future holds. That statement means nothing - and you know it.

They are made of difficult to obtain materials that are in very limited supply, and only from unfriendly nations,
Are you just making shit up? Because if you aren't - your source is for shit.
The U.S. is the number two producers of Rare Earth Metals. And Australia is 4'th.
Are they 'unfriendly countries?
So that point is 100% erroneous.
are heavy and expensive,
In the West? True. But there are corporate reasons for that that - no offense - I bet you do not know.
In China and India? EV's can be dirt cheap.

they are limited on payload capacity (the Tesla model 3 can't even tow a small utility trailer when it's empty!),
Ok - this point is just UTTER nonsense.
What the fuck difference would it make if a car has electric or gasoline engines for towing?
Most small cars cannot tow shit either.
Towing is about torque, a strong drivetrain and strong car structure.
It is NOTHING to do with the source of that power.
Weather gas, diesel, steam, coal or electric is IRRELEVANT.

Here are EV tractors that can haul just as much as regular tractors.
So that EV's 'cannot haul' idea of yours is RIGHT out the window.
take too long to recharge,
a) that depends on the is subjective.
b) Supercharger stations can give you 200 miles in 15 minutes.
And they are getting faster ALL the time.
One day, I am quite sure it will take the same amount of time as pumping gas.

and present a fire hazard.
True - but only a tiny one. The number of fires is tiny. But gasoline cars can and do catch fire also.
The charging stations require too much current, necessitating expanding the power grid with additional power stations burning coal, methane, or oil to provide it (solar and wind ain't gonna cut it), and expanding line capacity to deliver it.
I do not believe this.
Please show your source for this statement?
Where is your link to unbiased, factual evidence that if ALL cars were EV's that charging them would cost WAY more power then all power presently used to explore/develop/refine/ship/store gasoline/diesel AND all the power/cost to run repair shops (EV's require FAR less service/new parts) for gasoline powered cars?
And if homeowners simply charge their cars at night from batteries in their home from solar/wind power? That saves even more.

If you do not produce a link to prove your point (which we both know you won't - I don't think I have EVER seen you post a link) - then your point means NOTHING but a guess.

Go look at the cars on the road, Luddite. Most people buy gasoline or diesel cars for a reason. They have payloads to haul and don't want to spend hours at the recharge station and simply can't afford such an expensive car.
They do that because EV's cost too much for most people to afford in the West right now.
But again - there is a reason for that.
A deliberate reason by the manufacturers.
And I bet - again, no offense - you do not know what it is?
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In truth, we have more oil than we have ever had. The prices are not about a shortage. This is not supply and demand. It is oil speculation and fake news backing oil companies. The Keystone would do exactly nothing for gas at the pumps.

It is exactly about supply and demand. Fake news backs the Democrats, not oil companies. The Keystone XL extension would increase pipeline capacity (it's needed) and provide an important oil terminal in western Montana. It would also reduce costs for moving oil to the Texas refineries.

We do not have more oil than we've ever had (well, we DO, but Biden won't anyone get at it). That's why prices are rising, dumbass.

Democrats won't allow more refineries to be built.
Democrats won't allow permits to drill.
Democrats won't allow construction of oil pipelines to existing refineries.
Democrats won't allow oil to be imported from 'tainted' nations like Russia. (Russian oil is finding it's way to the United States anyway. Russia simply selling it through someone else as a broker. Is Biden really naive enough to think his ban was going to stop Russia from selling oil to the States??)
Democrats have shut down quite a few ports, making it difficult for oil tankers to make port except in free States like Texas, Florida, and Louisiana.
Democrats have printed some $6 trillion dollars since Biden was installed.

Then they stand there and wonder why the fuck oil and gasoline prices are so high.
If that were true Biden would not be tapping into the oil reserves.

Bingo. Biden is trying to manipulate prices by dumping oil on the market. It isn't working. It caused about a 2% drop temporarily, but that reserve is now gone. Prices are climbing again.
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Hence shortages that will grow worse, and higher prices as a result.

There are no shortages, just a whole lot of greed on the part of big oil, who you would never blame for anything.
Fortunately within the next few years, as more electric vehicles are available. Our dependence on big oil will diminish.
Coal is not 'clean'. At it's best, it can be relatively clean. But it CANNOT be as clean as nuclear (outside of waste), solar or other similar types of generation.
Define 'clean'. You seem to have an unnatural fear of CO2.
It is IMPOSSIBLE for you to know what the future holds. That statement means nothing - and you know it.

Are you just making shit up? Because if you aren't - your source is for shit.
The U.S. is the number two producers of Rare Earth Metals. And Australia is 4'th.
Are they 'unfriendly countries?
So that point is 100% erroneous.
Lithium is not a rare earth, and cobalt is not a rare earth. Rare earths are not metals.
In the West? True. But there are corporate reasons for that that - no offense - I bet you do not know.
In China and India? EV's can be dirt cheap.
Communism doesn't work.
Ok - this point is just UTTER nonsense.
What the fuck difference would it make if a car has electric or gasoline engines for towing?
Everything. Most vehicles used for towing actually use diesel oil.
Most small cars cannot tow shit either.
Bullshit. Most small cars can tow a small utility trailer with a modest load. Even a Smart Car, one of the smallest, can tow a small utility trailer with a modest load.
The Tesla model 3 cannot tow even an empty utility trailer. It over grosses the car. The same with the model S.
Towing is about torque, a strong drivetrain and strong car structure.
The structure of an EV is dedicated to holding those heavy battery packs. There isn't any left over for a significant payload.
It is NOTHING to do with the source of that power.
Yes it does.
Weather gas, diesel, steam, coal or electric is IRRELEVANT.
It's very relevant. What is 'weather gas'?? Is this what you call 'gasoline'? Diesel is the best engine for towing.
Here are EV tractors that can haul just as much as regular tractors.
No, they can't, and they don't have the range with the same load that they CAN carry. There are currently NO EV tractors for sale, just prototypes.
So that EV's 'cannot haul' idea of yours is RIGHT out the window.
Your fantasy doesn't even fit in the bucket, dude.
Terrible range when loaded. Their semi tractor gets only 180 miles before needing a recharge. A diesel semi-tractor can go 2000 miles on a single fill up when loaded. You want to point to any more jokes of a truck?
a) that depends on the is subjective.
b) Supercharger stations can give you 200 miles in 15 minutes.
Forget it. I've heard the marketing hype. Ohms law prevails.
And they are getting faster ALL the time.
No, they aren't. You can't just ram current indiscriminately. Ohm's law prevails.
One day, I am quite sure it will take the same amount of time as pumping gas.
Nope. Not with Li-ion batteries, the lightest battery made.
True - but only a tiny one. The number of fires is tiny.
Nope. They happen all the time. An entire container ship was recently lost at sea because of an EV battery fire. Fortunately, the crew abandoned ship safely. They had no way to fight the fire. That ship contained quite a few cars, including very expensive European gasoline cars.

A road hazard such as a rock, fording a flooded road, large speed bumps, high centering issues, or accidents often result in battery fires. Pretending this doesn't exist is just stupid.

Many shops won't work on EVs. There is no place to safely store them or work on them.

But gasoline cars can and do catch fire also.
Occasionally, but a lot less than EVs, car for car. Even the Ford Pinto, which was well known for catching fire in a rear end collision, wasn't due to it's use of gasoline, but rather due to the extremely poor design of mounting the gasoline tank just behind the rear differential. Not that many of them actually burned.
I do not believe this.
Please show your source for this statement?
Ohm's law.
Where is your link to unbiased, factual evidence that if ALL cars were EV's that charging them would cost WAY more power then all power presently used to explore/develop/refine/ship/store gasoline/diesel
An URL is not a proof. At the present number of EVs (about 1% of all cars on the road or about 10 million vehicles worldwide), it's not a problem, particularly near cities. If that number significantly increases, it's going to be a BIG problem.
AND all the power/cost to run repair shops (EV's require FAR less service/new parts) for gasoline powered cars?
Many shops won't accept EV's because of their fire hazard. I haven't had to do any repairs on any of my gasoline cars other than the usual maintenance, not much different than for an EV.
A replacement battery on a Tesla runs about $25,000 plus labor (which requires special tools and handling).
A replacement engine on my truck runs about $1700 plus labor (which I would do in my case, using standard tools).
And if homeowners simply charge their cars at night from batteries in their home from solar/wind power? That saves even more.
No. You can't charge an EV from solar power at night. There is no Sun. Solar power is the most expensive method to generate power. Wind is 2nd most expensive, watt for watt.
If you do not produce a link to prove your point (which we both know you won't - I don't think I have EVER seen you post a link) - then your point means NOTHING but a guess.
False authority fallacy. Attempted proof by URL.
They do that because EV's cost too much for most people to afford in the West right now.
They cost too much...period.
But again - there is a reason for that.
A deliberate reason by the manufacturers.
And I bet - again, no offense - you do not know what it is?
Cost of materials, labor, and handling. Those materials will only get more expensive as demand for EV's increase.
Coal is not 'clean'. At it's best, it can be relatively clean. But it CANNOT be as clean as nuclear (outside of waste), solar or other similar types of generation.

Actually, coal ash is contains a considerable number of radioactive elements, and just as with nuclear waste these are mostly long-lived alpha emitters. The difference is, there are no controls on coal ash as far as it's radioactivity is concerned. Probably the most dangerous is radon gas released from it when used in manufacturing concrete and cement products like cinder blocks.

Thus, when you consider everything else, coal fly ash is a much bigger danger to the environment than spent nuclear fuel and comes under far less regulation as to disposal. It's another argument in favor of far more use of nuclear power.
There are no shortages, just a whole lot of greed on the part of big oil, who you would never blame for anything.
I realize you have no concept of how price discovery works or how markets work. There are no shortages...yet. Just high prices. If Biden is stupid enough to repeat Carter's mistakes and impose price controls, there WILL be shortages.
Fortunately within the next few years, as more electric vehicles are available. Our dependence on big oil will diminish.
So...instead of cheap cars that burn gasoline (the only reason it's high right now is because of inflation and Biden's idiocy), you suggest buying cars 2-3 times as expensive with lousy payload capacity, long charge times, and requiring limited materials to manufacture. Gotit.

Oh...Teslas have oil in them. They also have TWO radiators, not one. Don't forget to change that oil filter when you change the oil on your Tesla!
Actually, coal ash is contains a considerable number of radioactive elements,
So do you. Big deal.
and just as with nuclear waste these are mostly long-lived alpha emitters.
So what? Stopped by your skin or a piece of paper.
The difference is, there are no controls on coal ash as far as it's radioactivity is concerned.
None needed.
Probably the most dangerous is radon gas released from it when used in manufacturing concrete and cement products like cinder blocks.
Radon is not dangerous. It is also an alpha emitter.
Just because the idiots in government label something 'dangerous' doesn't mean it is.
Thus, when you consider everything else, coal fly ash is a much bigger danger to the environment than spent nuclear fuel
Spent nuclear fuel is still emitting beta emissions, along with high speed neutrons (which cannot be stopped by anything but water...why they put it in a pool). Further, that emitted energy can be put into a different type of reactor and used to generate power. The end of result of THAT is benign and can be disposed of any landfill safely.
and comes under far less regulation as to disposal.
There is a reason.
It's another argument in favor of far more use of nuclear power.
No, it isn't. If you want to talk about radioactivity, at least learn about sources, safe exposures, and types of radiation. You can find a simple graphic of relative exposures at XKCD. While a bit humorous, it is pretty accurate. (Radon is part of the 'natural sources' as shown on this chart, about 85%).

Radon decomposes into lead via alpha radiation.
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I realize you have no concept of how price discovery works or how markets work. There are no shortages...yet. Just high prices. If Biden is stupid enough to repeat Carter's mistakes and impose price controls, there WILL be shortages.

So...instead of cheap cars that burn gasoline (the only reason it's high right now is because of inflation and Biden's idiocy), you suggest buying cars 2-3 times as expensive with lousy payload capacity, long charge times, and requiring limited materials to manufacture. Gotit.

Oh...Teslas have oil in them. They also have TWO radiators, not one. Don't forget to change that oil filter when you change the oil on your Tesla!
Kelly blue book says the average auto cost 47,000 bucks. Here are the prices of EVs. Can't you stop lying?
I realize you have no concept of how price discovery works or how markets work. There are no shortages...yet. Just high prices. If Biden is stupid enough to repeat Carter's mistakes and impose price controls, there WILL be shortages.

So...instead of cheap cars that burn gasoline (the only reason it's high right now is because of inflation and Biden's idiocy), you suggest buying cars 2-3 times as expensive with lousy payload capacity, long charge times, and requiring limited materials to manufacture. Gotit.

Oh...Teslas have oil in them. They also have TWO radiators, not one. Don't forget to change that oil filter when you change the oil on your Tesla!

My dear most every car manufacturer is committed to an all electric fleet with the coming years. If it was up to your kind, we would still be driving a horse and buggy.
I don't understand why they don't use a small diesel engine to make electricity (flywheel/alternator) for a large electric motor.

Not too many batteries needed, lots of torque, not too many moving parts.