Biden's war on oil continues

Are Biden policies good for Americans?

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No, just high prices. If Joe Biden is stupid enough to do what Carter did in the 70's (price controls), THEN we will have shortages.

Yeah, that's provided the world is willing to sell us enough oil. That may not be the case.

Biden's begging Iran to sell us oil and wanting to fill their coffers.

The most prudent plan would be to be self-sufficient.
Yeah, that's provided the world is willing to sell us enough oil. That may not be the case.

Biden's begging Iran to sell us oil and wanting to fill their coffers.

The most prudent plan would be to be self-sufficient.

We do not import oil from either Iran or Venezuela.
Total bullshit as usual

I guess you figure that solar panels are free, that batteries are free, that the inverter is free, that the maintenance required on the system is free, and the schmucks who installed it are free.

Coal in Germany is much cheaper, about 1/10th the cost. Germany sits on a mountain of coal, you see.
I guess you figure that solar panels are free, that batteries are free, that the inverter is free, that the maintenance required on the system is free, and the schmucks who installed it are free.

Coal in Germany is much cheaper, about 1/10th the cost. Germany sits on a mountain of coal, you see.

Well we now have new excuses. Solar power is a big part of our future, that is until something even better comes along. Its clean, we dont have to dig for it, fight other countries over it, and will be far cheaper than oil. Have you noticed electric vehicles are our future?
It wouldn't have been complete for another 10 years.

About 2-3 years of construction, once the government gets the hell out of the way.
BTW, the existing pipeline is inadequate. The XL extension expands the total pipeline capacity as well as reducing pumping costs.
Well we now have new excuses. Solar power is a big part of our future, that is until something even better comes along. Its clean, we dont have to dig for it, fight other countries over it, and will be far cheaper than oil. Have you noticed electric vehicles are our future?

You do have to dig for it. The materials to make solar panels are mined.
Germany doesn't have to fight other countries for coal. It has plenty available within it's own borders.
Coal is clean, when used in a modern coal plant.

EV's are not the future. They are made of difficult to obtain materials that are in very limited supply, and only from unfriendly nations, are heavy and expensive, they are limited on payload capacity (the Tesla model 3 can't even tow a small utility trailer when it's empty!), take too long to recharge, and present a fire hazard. The charging stations require too much current, necessitating expanding the power grid with additional power stations burning coal, methane, or oil to provide it (solar and wind ain't gonna cut it), and expanding line capacity to deliver it.

Go look at the cars on the road, Luddite. Most people buy gasoline or diesel cars for a reason. They have payloads to haul and don't want to spend hours at the recharge station and simply can't afford such an expensive car.
We do not import oil from either Iran or Venezuela.

We have imported 507 thousand barrels of oil from Iran in 2021.
None from Venezuela (yet).
We have imported 8759 thousand barrels of oil from Russia in 2021.

Most of our imported oil comes from Canada and Mexico (141,274 and 23,494 thousand barrels, respectively, 2021 figures).

Source: US Energy Administration office (latest figures available)
In truth, we have more oil than we have ever had. The prices are not about a shortage. This is not supply and demand. It is oil speculation and fake news backing oil companies. The Keystone would do exactly nothing for gas at the pumps.