Biden's war on oil continues

Are Biden policies good for Americans?

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Not lie, faggot. Reality.

I bet you don't even know how many volts go through them lines, boy.
He probably doesn't.
PS: You don't have to cut the feed if there's already no power, dumbass.
Actually, you do. That's not only required by law, it will protect your generator and crews working on power lines in the area.
I'm sure there was a lever to cut the incoming service, though.
I would imagine so.
No power=reason for generator, derp!

He needed 440 to run his shop. The nice big generator provided that.
Sounds like a nice sized beast.
He said he started selling power back to the company, and he was not a bullshitter at all.

His little brother is, but he never was.

Years later he got active in the community and got those rolling blackouts stopped.
Good for him! This country needs more people like him!
There were no crews working on the poles, dumbass. As if you know much about that. :rolleyes:
Crews are always working on poles, lines, and other equipment. They respect what those lines can do and use appropriate safety gear and procedures.
The power was cut at the company with a switch or several.
Yup. That's how they do it all right.
Moron. Using gas/propane/diesel to power a generator is the most expensive form of electricity. Anything he sold, would be at a loss.
No. Solar power is the most expensive method to generate electricity, watt for watt. Wind comes in at 2nd place.

Oil fired power plants are fairly common, but not as common as coal fired power plants. The bulk of electricity generated in the States is by using methane.

But he isn't putting anything into the grid, because you are a liar.
He very well could be. Such generators, if they are synched correctly and coordinated with dispatch, can certainly feed power into the lines.
Didn't matter, his shop had power, and anything extra was gravy.

I am not a liar and he did that, bitch.

You wouldn't be smart enough to figure out how to do what he did.

You're a fucking lemming douchebag leftist.

This wasn't no fuckin' "Generac", this thing took a Semi flatbed to haul it in.

The starter is a small jet engine. I know about them because a friend of mine boogered one to a jet ski. An old jet ski the kind you gotta pull up the handle to make it go.

It was a surplus Army platoon generator.

The starter on these things is either a compressed air starter (usually) or electric motor. A few use a reciprocating engine to start them, like a small boat motor. Using these, you can effectively pull start your jet engine generator! The main engine is the jet engine. It's essentially an APU converted for military use (and he somehow was able to obtain one).
They're pretty cool generators.

They're rated for up to 30kW. At 400V, that provides 75A. Plenty enough to run an entire shop.
The starter on these things is either a compressed air starter (usually) or electric motor. A few use a reciprocating engine to start them, like a small boat motor. Using these, you can effectively pull start your jet engine generator! The main engine is the jet engine. It's essentially an APU converted for military use (and he somehow was able to obtain one).
They're pretty cool generators.

They're rated for up to 30kW. At 400V, that provides 75A. Plenty enough to run an entire shop.

Thanks, looks like you know more about the things than I do.
There is not one thing that Biden did to cause oil to get more expensive. He did not hypercharge the commodities market. he did not make Russia start a war. Biden is pushing Evs a bit, That may have an impact in a few years. It means nothing now.
Oil companies are gouging to hurt Biden so they can get a Repub back in office to follow orders. They have over 9000 oil leases. They are not hurting for places to explore and doing so, has a big time lag. However, we are producing more oil now than we did during Trump.
There is not one thing that Biden did to cause oil to get more expensive.
Cutting off oil exploration and drilling permits, shutting a pipeline that would've provided an important oil port in Montana, being one of many Democrats that do not allow new refineries to be built, and effectively removing a large share of oil produced on the market. He also is part of causing insane levels of inflation by printing money without a corresponding increase in wealth. A lot of money.
He did not hypercharge the commodities market.
Lower supply means higher prices, dumbass.
he did not make Russia start a war.
Prices started to rise long before the war.
Biden is pushing Evs a bit, That may have an impact in a few years. It means nothing now.
Like you, he's an idiot in this field.
Oil companies are gouging
No. They are trying to survive.
to hurt Biden
No. They are trying to survive despite Biden.
so they can get a Repub back in office to follow orders.
What 'orders'?
They have over 9000 oil leases.
But they can't drill on them. No permits, dude.
They are not hurting for places to explore and doing so, has a big time lag.
They are. Time lag: about a week since Biden was installed.
However, we are producing more oil now than we did during Trump.
No. We are producing less. We have to import it now. If we were producing more, gas prices wouldn't be as high.

Supply and demand concepts seem really foreign to you.
Cutting off oil exploration and drilling permits, shutting a pipeline that would've provided an important oil port in Montana, being one of many Democrats that do not allow new refineries to be built, and effectively removing a large share of oil produced on the market. He also is part of causing insane levels of inflation by printing money without a corresponding increase in wealth. A lot of money.

Lower supply means higher prices, dumbass.

Prices started to rise long before the war.

Like you, he's an idiot in this field.

No. They are trying to survive.

No. They are trying to survive despite Biden.

What 'orders'?

But they can't drill on them. No permits, dude.

They are. Time lag: about a week since Biden was installed.

No. We are producing less. We have to import it now.

At no time did this president or anyone in his administration shut down a pipeline. It proves either your stupidity on the issue or just outright lies. There is nothing this administration did that would affect todays oil prices or any time in the near future.
At no time did this president or anyone in his administration shut down a pipeline. It proves either your stupidity on the issue or just outright lies. There is nothing this administration did that would affect todays oil prices or any time in the near future.

The FloHo is back and crazier than ever.

Biden continues his war on the oil and gas industry with policies to suppress long-term domestic investment. The most recent example is his proposed budget for FY 2023 that, if passed, would remove tax deductions for oil and gas companies. The outcome would be higher oil and gasoline prices for Americans coupled with less energy security. Biden will continue to pass the blame of higher energy prices onto other entities as he has done with his other anti-oil and gas policies: cancellation of the Keystone XL pipeline permit, ban on new drilling on federal lands, ban on oil development in ANWR and the Naval Petroleum Reserve-Alaska—to name just a few. Instead, he wants to focus taxpayer dollars on climate change, funding other countries by $11 billion—over ten times more than in fiscal 2022.

At no time did this president or anyone in his administration shut down a pipeline. It proves either your stupidity on the issue or just outright lies. There is nothing this administration did that would affect todays oil prices or any time in the near future.


"Sec. 6. Revoking the March 2019 Permit for the Keystone XL Pipeline. (a) On March 29, 2019, the President granted to TransCanada Keystone Pipeline, L.P. a Presidential permit (the “Permit”) to construct, connect, operate, and maintain pipeline facilities at the international border of the United States and Canada (the “Keystone XL pipeline”), subject to express conditions and potential revocation in the President’s sole discretion. The Permit is hereby revoked in accordance with Article 1(1) of the Permit. "

STFU, commie tard.
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"Sec. 6. Revoking the March 2019 Permit for the Keystone XL Pipeline. (a) On March 29, 2019, the President granted to TransCanada Keystone Pipeline, L.P. a Presidential permit (the “Permit”) to construct, connect, operate, and maintain pipeline facilities at the international border of the United States and Canada (the “Keystone XL pipeline”), subject to express conditions and potential revocation in the President’s sole discretion. The Permit is hereby revoked in accordance with Article 1(1) of the Permit. "

STFU, commie tard.

Keystone would have done nothing to put gas into the pumps. NOTHING. America is producing more oil and gas than it did last year.
Keystone would have done nothing to put gas into the pumps. NOTHING. America is producing more oil and gas than it did last year.

Ol' boy said Biden didn't stop any pipelines. I proved him dead wrong.

XL is Canada. IDK one way or the other on that. I made my point, ok?

I never claimed XL would put gas into America. I know what it is.

I do know America will have gas shortages within 6 mos.

"Sec. 6. Revoking the March 2019 Permit for the Keystone XL Pipeline. (a) On March 29, 2019, the President granted to TransCanada Keystone Pipeline, L.P. a Presidential permit (the “Permit”) to construct, connect, operate, and maintain pipeline facilities at the international border of the United States and Canada (the “Keystone XL pipeline”), subject to express conditions and potential revocation in the President’s sole discretion. The Permit is hereby revoked in accordance with Article 1(1) of the Permit. "

STFU, commie tard.

You are again demonstrating total ignorance. The Keystone pipeline is up and running and has been for many years. What you are referring to is an extension of that pipeline which is totally unnecessary and will have zero impact on oil delivery.

"Sec. 6. Revoking the March 2019 Permit for the Keystone XL Pipeline. (a) On March 29, 2019, the President granted to TransCanada Keystone Pipeline, L.P. a Presidential permit (the “Permit”) to construct, connect, operate, and maintain pipeline facilities at the international border of the United States and Canada (the “Keystone XL pipeline”), subject to express conditions and potential revocation in the President’s sole discretion. The Permit is hereby revoked in accordance with Article 1(1) of the Permit. "

STFU, commie tard.
Idiot. There is no Keystone XL pipeline
So Biden was referencing something that isn't, fucktardo? :rolleyes:

The Black Knight is you:

Hey. I can't stop you from drunk posting, but I can point out the idiocy contained in them.

You claimed he shut down a pipeline that doesn't exist. A pipeline that trump approved on day one, and never got it built in 4 years.
At no time did this president or anyone in his administration shut down a pipeline. It proves either your stupidity on the issue or just outright lies. There is nothing this administration did that would affect todays oil prices or any time in the near future.

The Keystone XL pipeline project, dumbass.