Biden's war on oil continues

Are Biden policies good for Americans?

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Ol' boy said Biden didn't stop any pipelines. I proved him dead wrong.

XL is Canada. IDK one way or the other on that. I made my point, ok?

I never claimed XL would put gas into America. I know what it is.

I do know America will have gas shortages within 6 mos.

No, just high prices. If Joe Biden is stupid enough to do what Carter did in the 70's (price controls), THEN we will have shortages.
You are again demonstrating total ignorance. The Keystone pipeline is up and running and has been for many years. What you are referring to is an extension of that pipeline which is totally unnecessary and will have zero impact on oil delivery.

the Keystone XL pipeline was never finished, dumbass. It will provide oil from Montana to the Keystone pipeline system feeding Texas refineries.
the Keystone XL pipeline was never finished, dumbass. It will provide oil from Montana to the Keystone pipeline system feeding Texas refineries.

The Keystone pipline is completely finished and has been for a very long time. The XL extension would do nothing but add a small shortcut.
Hey. I can't stop you from drunk posting, but I can point out the idiocy contained in them.

You claimed he shut down a pipeline that doesn't exist. A pipeline that trump approved on day one, and never got it built in 4 years.

The Keystone XL project does exist, dumbass. Trump does not build pipelines.
here is the future you Luddites. Rightys are so proud to be stubbornly stupid.

On a sunny day this German factory runs completely on solar power

And, if it's overcast? There are 8760 hours in a year. In Germany they average only about 1600 hours of sunlight a year. This means that most of the time the factory is operating in overcast even during the day. Even the annual production is miniscule at just 1100 MW or an average of about 3 MW a day.

I wonder... On days in winter, in Germany, when this happens do those panels produce any electricity?


The cost of the system isn't given, but I'll bet it'd be cheaper to just buy electricity generated by natural gas or nuclear than build, maintain, and operate this solar array.

The future Nordberg describes SUCKS! Expensive electricity produced erratically by solar panels requiring duplication of generation systems and a much more expensive grid system all end up such that Germany has the highest cost electricity of any developed nation on the planet. People who think that solar and wind are the answer are either oblivious or retarded, probably both.
And, if it's overcast? There are 8760 hours in a year. In Germany they average only about 1600 hours of sunlight a year. This means that most of the time the factory is operating in overcast even during the day. Even the annual production is miniscule at just 1100 MW or an average of about 3 MW a day.

I wonder... On days in winter, in Germany, when this happens do those panels produce any electricity?


The cost of the system isn't given, but I'll bet it'd be cheaper to just buy electricity generated by natural gas or nuclear than build, maintain, and operate this solar array.

The future Nordberg describes SUCKS! Expensive electricity produced erratically by solar panels requiring duplication of generation systems and a much more expensive grid system all end up such that Germany has the highest cost electricity of any developed nation on the planet. People who think that solar and wind are the answer are either oblivious or retarded, probably both.

That's exactly what he's describing.