Billions in taxpayer dollars now go to religious schools via vouchers

And you think closing every school will make one or two schools perfect because 200 kids are in one class.
Nope. I think avoiding a government monopoly in education is the best way to keep them honest and actually trying to improve. I also think parents should have the right to direct their kids' education money to any legit institution they want.
Nope. I think avoiding a government monopoly in education is the best way to keep them honest and actually trying to improve. I also think parents should have the right to direct their kids' education money to any legit institution they want.
We do not agree. Public money should not pay for religion.
I am saying it is counter to the mission of the US educating all children.

Private and charter schools provide a VASTLY better education than do government schools.

It appears that what you want it to indoctrinate children with radical leftist ideology whilst keeping them abjectly ignorant and unable to think critically.

Notice that 100% of democrat politicians sent their children to private schools. This isn't because government schools provide a quality education.
The mission of the US is to put all kids and their parents money into government schools?

Public teacher unions, actually. The mission of the left is to ensure vast wealth is transferred to the NEA, who will then ensure children are indoctrinated to support Marxism ensuring power for the democrats.
It is forcing all citizens to pay for religious instruction.
Because religious freedom is a right. We pay for lots of things we do not support.

Parents should not be forced to send their children to failing socialist schools. Blacks and Hispanics are the most Christian demographic. They should be afforded the same privilege and choice as wealthy white libs.
We do not agree. Public money should not pay for religion.
"The U.S. Supreme Court affirmed that parents have the right to choose any private school—religiously affiliated or not—for their children in a school choice program.

Supreme Court affirms parents' right to choose Catholic​

Catholic Education Foundation Kansas › news-and-events › supreme-co...

"In June 2022, the U.S. Supreme Court held in Carson v. Makin that Maine violated the Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment by excluding religious schools from a private-school-choice program—colloquially known as “town tuitioning”—for students in school districts without public high schools.Jan 12, 2023

Supreme Court Opens a Path to Religious Charter Schools​

Education Next › supreme-court-opens-p...
"The U.S. Supreme Court affirmed that parents have the right to choose any private school—religiously affiliated or not—for their children in a school choice program.

Supreme Court affirms parents' right to choose Catholic

Catholic Education Foundation Kansas › news-and-events › supreme-co...

"In June 2022, the U.S. Supreme Court held in Carson v. Makin that Maine violated the Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment by excluding religious schools from a private-school-choice program—colloquially known as “town tuitioning”—for students in school districts without public high schools.Jan 12, 2023

Supreme Court Opens a Path to Religious Charter Schools

Education Next › supreme-court-opens-p...
I don't agree with the Supreme Court on this.
Because true quality education is only for the rich. The serfs have their school money forcefully taken and it can only be used by the government for the government.
The history of public education in the US is about DEMOCRACY. Not capitialism.
We do not agree. Public money should not pay for religion.
The involvement with religion, and you not wanting "public" money to go to religion, is a government issue, not a parent/tax payer issue. Remove the government from the equation and let the would-be tax money go directly to the educational institution of their choice. Problem solved, right?
The involvement with religion, and you not wanting "public" money to go to religion, is a government issue, not a parent/tax payer issue. Remove the government from the equation and let the would-be tax money go directly to the educational institution of their choice. Problem solved, right?
Problem worsened. Public education is not a luxury. It is a necessity.
Problem worsened. Public education is not a luxury. It is a necessity.
And there will always be a need for public schools, just as there will always be a need public transportation, public utilities, etc. Offering a choice doesn't mean one of the choices goes away.
And there will always be a need for public schools, just as there will always be a need public transportation, public utilities, etc. Offering a choice doesn't mean one of the choices goes away.
I think no public money should go to private schools, and especially not to religious institutions.
Yes it is.

For example, government monopolizes the system of justice.
Yes and it also monopolizes some utilities. So, would you agree that all private educational institutions should be outlawed in favor of ONLY government schools? If not, why?