Billions in taxpayer dollars now go to religious schools via vouchers

Yes and it also monopolizes some utilities. So, would you agree that all private educational institutions should be outlawed in favor of ONLY government schools? If not, why?
Not outlawed. Just not supported by public money.
Not outlawed. Just not supported by public money.
It's only "public" money because the government takes it. What would be wrong with parents saying redirecting their would-be tax money to a private school or do you believe that only the wealthy should have school choices?
It's only "public" money because the government takes it. What would be wrong with parents saying redirecting their would-be tax money to a private school or do you believe that only the wealthy should have school choices?
If you want to pay for private school, go ahead. No public money should be used.
If you want to pay for private school, go ahead. No public money should be used.
Then allow parents to redirect the money, that would have gone to the government, directly to the school, right? That way the government is removed as the middle man and the money isn't technically "public". That solves the issue.

Your answer is yes, only the rich get educational choices under your "plan".
The history of public education in the US is about DEMOCRACY. Not capitialism.

You are truly an idiot.

The history of government education in America is derived from the Prussian Empire to create an effective caste system to perpetuate the power of the ruling elite.

John Dewy laid forth the systems that are used and was entirely open about educating people to their class, their caste. Government education has never been about "democracy" or "quality education." It is and has always been about control of the masses by the ruling elite.
This destroys the very concept of a nation.
That's nonsense. My local motor vehicle department outsources a lot of the licensing and title transfer activities to private businesses. Does that "destroy the concept of a nation", also?
That's nonsense. My local motor vehicle department outsources a lot of the licensing and title transfer activities to private businesses. Does that "destroy the concept of a nation", also?
12 years of schooling is hardly similar to getting your driver's license stamped.

The left wants the public impoverished and ignorant.
I'm not going to go that far. Some people just love big government. It's poorly run, there's little accountability but, in their minds it's almost comforting to have massive bureaucracies running things.
12 years of schooling is hardly similar to getting your driver's license stamped.
Then explain how having educational choices is going to destroy the nation. Do you really believe that forced taxation and government monopolies is what holds the country together?
Absolutely. From the beginning of time.
Well, you have an incredibly warped sense of what it means to have freedom and live in a democracy when you setup a system where apparently the wealthy don't have to be apart of the 'democracy' because they have the money to send their kids to private schools while the rest of the country is forced into government schools.
Well, you have an incredibly warped sense of what it means to have freedom and live in a democracy when you setup a system where apparently the wealthy don't have to be apart of the 'democracy' because they have the money to send their kids to private schools while the rest of the country is forced into government schools.
My views are in line with Thomas Jefferson and John Adams.

"Soon after the American Revolution, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, and other early leaders proposed the creation of a more formal and unified system of publicly funded schools."
My views are in line with Thomas Jefferson and John Adams.

"Soon after the American Revolution, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, and other early leaders proposed the creation of a more formal and unified system of publicly funded schools."
Yes, to create consistency. There are state standards for education and, whether you educate your kids at home, privately or publicly, those standards apply.
Yes, to create consistency. There are state standards for education and, whether you educate your kids at home, privately or publicly, those standards apply.
One system, we all pay into. Bad schools are EVERYONE's problem.
One system, we all pay into. Bad schools are EVERYONE's problem.
Unless you're wealthy, right? If you're wealthy, you get to avoid the bad schools.

The best part... it's the wealthy who ultimate oversee state educational systems. They get to keep their kids out, so why do they care?
Democracy and the Origins of Public Schools

Preparing people for democratic citizenship was a major reason for the creation of public schools. The Founding Fathers maintained that the success of the fragile American democracy would depend on the competency of its citizens.


Laughable pablum.

The Prussian education model was set forth upon the ideas of Johann Gottlieb Fichte. Fichte was a philosopher whose main concerns were nationalism and the subjectivity thereof. Why were the Prussians (Germans) so concerned with national, free, and compulsory education now? Well, the Prussian emperor was concerned about the previous and terrible defeat of the Prussian army by Napoleon Bonaparte’s forces in 1806. His concern was not that Prussian forces had been defeated but that Prussian soldiers had acted as individuals and not as a unit. The new education system would create the unit he had in mind. The Prussian Educational System consisted of tiers. All education would be free for eight years. During that time, elite pupils would be elected to continue their educations at a secondary level and would be trained to think, control, educate, and rule the country in their adulthoods. The rest of the students, the 99%, would, during that same eight year education, be trained well enough to subserviently work in the lower sectors of industry, agriculture, and the military. It is important to note that this Prussian system would set the stage for the Third Reich’s success in wielding the German masses to fight for its causes. Having been seen as immensely successful, this powerful educational system swept through a Napoleonic War-torn Europe. Most educators were trained in Prussia, and all those in political power were fascinated by the system’s ingenuityincluding those in the United States.

Why would the United States be as equally fascinated by this form of social control when they had thought such control worth fighting against not a century before? Things had changed rapidly in the United States following the Revolution. Industrialization put a few men in control of much and many, but the means to work their industries, workers, threatened the social environment of their cities. It is important to note that unions were embryonic at this time, but workers had many grievances to air. Working conditions were awful, work hours were long, pay was far too low to sustain workers and their families, and there were little to no rights of the worker – the men in control knew these things, and they were very concerned with staving off further unrest. Why would the men in these positions of authority be so concerned with political control? It was, as it is now, the case that wealth determines power and that wealth often buys into politics.}
