Black jobs!

Define a black job?
A job held by a black person. Pretty dumb to go in there and talk like that. I wish Trump wasn't the nominee this cycle and we could just get on with MAGA without his personality flaws. But it is what it is at this point and the Cackling whore needs to be stopped from becoming president even if it means 4 more years of Trump.
Donald Trump to the National Association of Black Journalists: “A lot of the journalists in this room are black. I will tell you that coming from the border are millions and millions of people that happen to be taking black jobs.

Q. “What’s exactly is a black job, sir?"
A job held by a black?
Donald Trump to the National Association of Black Journalists: “A lot of the journalists in this room are black. I will tell you that coming from the border are millions and millions of people that happen to be taking black jobs.

Q. “What’s exactly is a black job, sir?"
I don't know why Trump has so much trouble articulating his positions. What he should have said is millions of people are flooding the border and taking jobs of Americans of all creeds and colors, including some of you in this room.

He's such a dipshit but the proof is in the policy. His sauce is stronger than anything the dems have to offer.
A job held by a black person. Pretty dumb to go in there and talk like that. I wish Trump wasn't the nominee this cycle and we could just get on with MAGA without his personality flaws. But it is what it is at this point and the Cackling whore needs to be stopped from becoming president even if it means 4 more years of Trump.
@Damocles didn’t know you guys called Her names like that.
looks like a list of jobs white people have.
so what makes these jobs black jobs and not jobs for people?
have a nice day

I'm more interested in knowing how poor, third world immigrants are supposedly, according to Trump, stealing those professional, college degree level jobs.
I suspect every black man that got a job between 2016 and 2020 and lost it between 2020 and 2024 knows what black job is.........
unemployed is a person without a matter what color your skin is.

so someone that says black unemployment is being racist
in a way.
and I know it is a category they use to tell that a sub section of the population is unemployed ,
but it is informational for people that want to know those types of facts.
Have a nice day
Donald Trump to the National Association of Black Journalists: “A lot of the journalists in this room are black. I will tell you that coming from the border are millions and millions of people that happen to be taking black jobs.

Q. “What’s exactly is a black job, sir?"
That question kicked his ass.

The other was 'what is a DEI hire'.

Whenever he knows that his lie will not work he denies any knowledge. He typically does it when he denies knowing myriad people who he was photographed with in the past.

Today he 'heard the term but doesn't know what it means'.

But his benefactors have been using the term for a week.
Tell us how these people who are traveling here with the hopes of finding a decent paying (by the standards of their home countries) fruit & vegetable harvesting, or landscaping or construction labor job, going to succeed in stealing one of these professional degree level "black jobs"?

Call up Trump and ask him how that works.

He's such a great guy, I'm sure he'll take your call and talk to you. :rofl2:
In the last century black people were still doing a lot of agriculture work. Better machinery changed a lot of that, and then cheap foreign labor did indeed take the industry over.

Which is an illustration of your 'standards' theory. Black workers went into factories from the fields and their standard of living improved. Immigrants would work for pennies on the dollar.

In this century, the immigrant workers have made their way into construction jobs at top pay. Shoddy work in the majority of cases.

But the jobs they are taking are not from black or white workers. They're being taken from American workers. 'Black jobs' is a fabricated talking point for conflating immigration issues