Black jobs!

Donald Trump to the National Association of Black Journalists: “A lot of the journalists in this room are black. I will tell you that coming from the border are millions and millions of people that happen to be taking black jobs.

Q. “What’s exactly is a black job, sir?"
A black job is whatever a Black person does. It just so happens that a disproportionately higher number of blacks have common laborer jobs. The same kind of job that the illegal immigrants will do for even less money.
Define a black job?
Define a DEI hire.
Donald Trump to the National Association of Black Journalists: “A lot of the journalists in this room are black. I will tell you that coming from the border are millions and millions of people that happen to be taking black jobs.

Q. “What’s exactly is a black job, sir?"
Careful Jarod I saw an illegal undocumented immigrant that was a lawyer. They are coming for your job.
In the last century black people were still doing a lot of agriculture work. Better machinery changed a lot of that, and then cheap foreign labor did indeed take the industry over.

Which is an illustration of your 'standards' theory. Black workers went into factories from the fields and their standard of living improved. Immigrants would work for pennies on the dollar.

In this century, the immigrant workers have made their way into construction jobs at top pay. Shoddy work in the majority of cases.

But the jobs they are taking are not from black or white workers. They're being taken from American workers. 'Black jobs' is a fabricated talking point for conflating immigration issues

TBH, many if not most of the jobs they are "stealing" are jobs that Americans don't want to do and will not even apply for at any rate of pay.

As for construction jobs, a few years ago construction projects were being put on hold and in some cases being cancelled due to a shortage of labor.

And I believe that it corresponded with a "get tough" immigration policy.

It's long past time for the US to realize that we need the labor of these people and that a guest worker program is an urgent necessity in this country.
A black job is whatever a Black person does. It just so happens that a disproportionately higher number of blacks have common laborer jobs. The same kind of job that the illegal immigrants will do for even less money.
maybe thats because their graduation rate is lower

a lot would rather gang bang
Hey genius, since when has ANYONE carrying on about the "invasion" of illegal aliens across our US-Mexico-Canada border "taking jobs" from the categories you listed here? Seriously, you got any quotes from your talking heads in the media specifically about this?

I swear, you need to take off that pointy hood and get some fresh air on the brain, because you are coming across even dumber than usual.
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Whats a black career?
What's the information in the link, stupid? And when has any of you MAGA/Alt-right mooks have stated that the illegal "invasion" is targeting white collar and tech jobs?

Damn man, you're coming off more stupid than usual. Better take off that pointy hood and get some air.
A black job is whatever a Black person does. It just so happens that a disproportionately higher number of blacks have common laborer jobs. The same kind of job that the illegal immigrants will do for even less money.
But he didn't say that, did he? YOU DID, which makes you a bigger jackass than Cheeto Jeezus, because (as usual) you speak from what you believe, not what actually is. Observe and then proceed to twist into a pretzel to deny the reality:
maybe thats because their graduation rate is lower

a lot would rather gang bang
As if you're some intellectual prize? Puh-leeze! How many Proud Boys or Oath Keepers or any of the myriad of neo-nazi/ white nationalists have an AA or BA? Once again, that pointy hood is heating up what's left of your brain.
A job held by a black person. Pretty dumb to go in there and talk like that. I wish Trump wasn't the nominee this cycle and we could just get on with MAGA without his personality flaws. But it is what it is at this point and the Cackling whore needs to be stopped from becoming president even if it means 4 more years of Trump.
My father was a cop. illegal aliens can't become cops, or lawyers or doctors. Hell, bonified doctors from other countries who go through the 7 year process cannot practice here until then. So you MAGA mooks will just have to live with Cheeto Jeezus exposing your proud, stubborn stupidity to the world.
Donald Trump to the National Association of Black Journalists: “A lot of the journalists in this room are black. I will tell you that coming from the border are millions and millions of people that happen to be taking black jobs.

Q. “What’s exactly is a black job, sir?"
A job held by a "black" person. Next.
And how are illegal aliens taking the jobs from black cops or doctors or white collar workers
Wrong question. Your English comprehension leaves much to be desired.

Trump said that illegals are taking jobs that are currently held by blacks. Construction and blue collar jobs are a primary area.

Trump never denied that there are some categories of jobs that are held by blacks that are not in danger of being taken by illegal immigrants.

or military officers, etc.? Seriously, are you trying to defend the ignorant racism of Cheeto Jeezus?
You are an undereducated bigot.
Donald Trump to the National Association of Black Journalists: “A lot of the journalists in this room are black. I will tell you that coming from the border are millions and millions of people that happen to be taking black jobs.

Q. “What’s exactly is a black job, sir?"
Wow. See the terrified left pissing their diapers..

We notice Harris CHICKENED OUT.
Racism is clear
I see that this is yet another area in which your deaf studies has failed you.
