Blacks Arrested for "Contempt of Cop" at 8x Higher Rate

LOL, it would be quite a doozy if officers got shot every day and somebody used as they're defense 'I thought the arrest was wrongful!"

If they leveled charges, you are required to go with them. If the arrest was wrongful, then you are released and the officer as disciplined. It would be idiotic and irresponsible to use lethal force just because you disagree with the charges.

spoken like the perfect dictator. It certainly doesn't care, or takes in to account, the possibility that a certain police office might just wish to harass an individual by constantly arresting them for bullshit charges in an attempt to cause them money, pain, and emotional distress.

Cops are RARELY disciplined, if at all, unless it would be politically nuclear not to.

Now, is it irresponsible to use lethal violence to avoid a single arrest? usually, however, if the same cop in the example above gets his kicks out of causing me this kind of harassment, he's getting a cap or two in the ass.
No state do allows you to use lethal force to stop an illegal arrest. SOME states, like my own, allows you to use reasonable force to stop an illegal arrest but boy howdy you better be right. In SOME states lethal force can be used to combat illegal lethal force by the police. Again New Mexico allows self defense if the killing of a cop if you can show that the lethal force used by the cop was illegal. We had a guy here in Las Cruces that shot a cop in the neck with a .22 after the cop pulled a gun on him and set the hammer to single action. There were numerous witnesses and the jury acquitted very quickly. There was then a law suit against the police, cause the old man got beaten up pretty badly after shooting a cop and that too was settled very quickly. Almost everyone in the criminal defense world calls obstruction contempt of cop. Hell I got threatened with it two days ago because the cop was fucking with one of our witnesses for grand jury. She is a veteranarian who had a dog in her truck with the windows rolled down half way and outside temp of 69 degrees. He was telling the vet he was going to cite her for leaving her dog in an enclosed vehicle. I asked what the ambient air temp had to be for that particular ordinance to kick in, and he told me one more question outta me and I was going to jail for obstruction. Then I pointed out that I had a recorder on in my shirt pocket and he shut the fuck up and went away. The cops just didn't want the vet testifying at grand jury.

self defense was also used as a defense for 5 of the surviving branch davidians when they were acquitted of the murder of 4 ATF agents. successfully used.
No you're not. You can use as much force as is necessary to prevent the unlawful arrest. Don't try to use lethal force on a cop, they're experts at it and you will lose.

if you use ANY force to resist an arrest, what do you think is going to happen? The police will escalate the force they are using, which means the level of force needed to resist said illegal arrest can then be raised. It is going to result in lethal force at some point....and just because they are cops does not mean they are 'experts' in lethal force. I learned more lethal force as a marine than they have as a flatfoot.
if you use ANY force to resist an arrest, what do you think is going to happen? The police will escalate the force they are using, which means the level of force needed to resist said illegal arrest can then be raised. It is going to result in lethal force at some point....and just because they are cops does not mean they are 'experts' in lethal force. I learned more lethal force as a marine than they have as a flatfoot.

That's why it's smart not to resist in the first place.

Yes, as a Marine you know more about lethal force, it's your job to know about it, to use it. Cops have to abide by the civilian law that dictates only reasonable, not "overwhelming" force is to be used. But as a Marine you'd know it's probably not a good idea to try lethal force against the cops, unless of course you have the rest of your unit taking them on, you'd be fine then.
spoken like the perfect dictator. It certainly doesn't care, or takes in to account, the possibility that a certain police office might just wish to harass an individual by constantly arresting them for bullshit charges in an attempt to cause them money, pain, and emotional distress.

Cops are RARELY disciplined, if at all, unless it would be politically nuclear not to.

Now, is it irresponsible to use lethal violence to avoid a single arrest? usually, however, if the same cop in the example above gets his kicks out of causing me this kind of harassment, he's getting a cap or two in the ass.

Assuming this isn't just idle chatter it would be unwise to kill the cop. You'd be sent to prison. Much smarter to get a lawyer.

if you use ANY force to resist an arrest, what do you think is going to happen? The police will escalate the force they are using, which means the level of force needed to resist said illegal arrest can then be raised. It is going to result in lethal force at some point....and just because they are cops does not mean they are 'experts' in lethal force. I learned more lethal force as a marine than they have as a flatfoot.

LMAO...most street cops were recruited from the military...most are former Marines...I guess you don't fall into the 'Once a Marine-always a Marine'..category...or do you? You seem to want to escalate your diatrabe in here!
Assuming this isn't just idle chatter it would be unwise to kill the cop. You'd be sent to prison. Much smarter to get a lawyer.

all too often, I've seen time and time again that the cop faces no discipline and is released in to the public again to terrorize the victim populace. Be a little sheep if you want to. anyone, cop or not, violates my rights, they go down.
LMAO...most street cops were recruited from the military...most are former Marines...I guess you don't fall into the 'Once a Marine-always a Marine'..category...or do you? You seem to want to escalate your diatrabe in here!

and most of those that are former marines know how to be professional and lawful. It's not those that are the problem. Usually, the problem ones are those that couldn't qualify for military duty and had to settle for bullying civilians around. Those are the ones that escalate stupidly.
all too often, I've seen time and time again that the cop faces no discipline and is released in to the public again to terrorize the victim populace. Be a little sheep if you want to. anyone, cop or not, violates my rights, they go down.

Time and time again? Are you doing police rounds on your local paper?

Oh the sheep thing - Grossman fan?
and most of those that are former marines know how to be professional and lawful. It's not those that are the problem. Usually, the problem ones are those that couldn't qualify for military duty and had to settle for bullying civilians around. Those are the ones that escalate stupidly.

What about those who had no interest in the military and simply became cops because that's what they wanted to do?
spoken like the perfect dictator. It certainly doesn't care, or takes in to account, the possibility that a certain police office might just wish to harass an individual by constantly arresting them for bullshit charges in an attempt to cause them money, pain, and emotional distress.

Cops are RARELY disciplined, if at all, unless it would be politically nuclear not to.

Now, is it irresponsible to use lethal violence to avoid a single arrest? usually, however, if the same cop in the example above gets his kicks out of causing me this kind of harassment, he's getting a cap or two in the ass.

You can't kill a man because you disagree with an arrest. That is fucking retarded, I don't care who you are, and you should have the common sense to know better.
That's why it's smart not to resist in the first place.

Yes, as a Marine you know more about lethal force, it's your job to know about it, to use it. Cops have to abide by the civilian law that dictates only reasonable, not "overwhelming" force is to be used. But as a Marine you'd know it's probably not a good idea to try lethal force against the cops, unless of course you have the rest of your unit taking them on, you'd be fine then.

It is ALWAYS better to go to the police station and let the situation handle itself... maybe "smarterthanyou" thinks that isn't ballsy enough, but one day he'll land he's going to be executed for such immaturity of thought. This is not the wild wild west. We are civilized fucking human beings here.
What about those who had no interest in the military and simply became cops because that's what they wanted to do?

I'd actually think it's the other way around. Military men are usually idiots who couldn't make it in college, and 90% of the time are total assholes. Like Smarter.
What about people who became cops to make sure that people use the authority correctly?

If all of you think that you would be more responsible with the authority, why are you not LE?
It is ALWAYS better to go to the police station and let the situation handle itself... maybe "smarterthanyou" thinks that isn't ballsy enough, but one day he'll land he's going to be executed for such immaturity of thought. This is not the wild wild west. We are civilized fucking human beings here.

If there's no authority checking on the police I can understand someone being exasperated with police misbehaviour when it occurs, but the answer is to press for a supervising authority that can investigate or at the very least oversee investigations into alleged misbehaviour or unlawful behaviour by the police. The courts are supposed to protect the interests of the individual against the state as well, are they not doing their job?
What about people who became cops to make sure that people use the authority correctly?

If all of you think that you would be more responsible with the authority, why are you not LE?

38 years in June :clink:

Mind you, here in Australia it's a doddle :D
If there's no authority checking on the police I can understand someone being exasperated with police misbehaviour when it occurs, but the answer is to press for a supervising authority that can investigate or at the very least oversee investigations into alleged misbehaviour or unlawful behaviour by the police. The courts are supposed to protect the interests of the individual against the state as well, are they not doing their job?

If they aren't doing they're job, vote in new ones.
Well Gangs with really long knives terrorizing the neighborhoods... I dunno... I'm pretty sure it's even easier here in our county.

That would be the African immigrants in suburban Melbourne? The coppers are trying to deal with it by getting at the root cause but without going off on a tangent I have to wonder at the stupidity of our immigration bods who dumped these folks in ready-made ghettos without any support. I mean, these folks aren't scared of coppers, they're used to fighting with AK-47s and immigration just tosses them into public housing in huge numbers without any attempt at socialising them into our society.

Sorry I'm ranting.