BLM threatening to stage Uprising/ insurrection!

If you had a son he would never have even known you....;) Silly old pig fucker. Guno guno the pipers illegitimate son.... stole a pig and away he run. But it wasnt for eating,....was it Guno ;)

you mean a crack aas cracka lol
LMAO! Its already starting right in here! :cool: The stress cracks are opening up, here its between Althea and TT. A month from now it will be all out war between the racist left wing jab nazi's and the lowlives of BLM. Tear each other to shreds,.......I love it. ;)
The governor and mayor of NYC. The people pushing the vax mandates.

You PoliTalker? :laugh:

They didn't say anything about any particular people. They said the "city" was on notice.

What illegal act did they threaten? Does Politalker need to worry?
They didn't say anything about any particular people. They said the "city" was on notice.

What illegal act did they threaten? Does Politalker need to worry?

Becoming "uppity negroes" and "rising up" (not an illegal act). Doubt they know who PoliTalker is.

Now rioting, burning, and looting IS illegal, and that's probably what will happen given past history of BLM.

Who runs "The City"?

Warren Wilhelm Jr.

AKA "Bill Diblasio".
bullshit.....i've been 'reported' by more people on this forum for doing the exact same thing

Something reported on JPP does not make it a crime.

Even if you told somebody "I'm going to come to your house and kill you" they have to prove that it is a serious threat and that you are capable of carrying it out.
...." "We are putting the city on notice. Your mandates will not be another racist social distance"
Chivona Newsome spoke at BLM Carmines protest @newyorkvonni

"Black folk are not going to stand by, or you will see another uprising.
And that is not a threat, that is a promise"

:thinking: O.K FBI,.....arrest them and jail them at once!!! And, Evince likes to say,....if they even try anything Violent the cops and NG will make sure they get dead real quick! Right Evince? ;) :cool:

Unfortunately the Biden FBI will not do anything.

Nor would any local law enforcement.

They would simply be allowed to run rampant, looting, burning, assaulting, destroying property. Like they did during the summer of 2020.

That is what Soros would be paying them to do.

If I were POTUS, it would be a different story. The moment ony one of them harmed a member of the public/police, they would be shot. Similarly, if they began setting fires or looting they would be given ONE warning to desist immediately. If they ignored that direction and continued, every arsonist and looter and assailant, etc; would be shot immediately.


DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !

Odd how the race card was used by blm they were treated like everyone was just the same but decide its a race issue because they are not vaxed as required . to bad just a bunch of porch monkeys like guano all mad but no clue what the really are mad at . fuck them let them eat garbage and die hell foul thing was a lunch lady she can serve then food and more as per normal for her
Something tells me the majority of the board lefties wont touch this with a ten foot pole. GOOD,...thats excellent. The more the left ignores it the more it will GROW. :cool:

Antifa and BLM ARE lefties. They are funded and supported by Democrats. As is typical with these people, what you are seeing here is infighting.
Everyone wants to be the Dictator. There is nothing to be loyal to. Each faction becomes more and more radical. Radical is always against radical.