BLM threatening to stage Uprising/ insurrection!

That is a specific threat toward a specific person. Who was being threatened in the original example? And, an "uprising" is a vague concept that does not necessarily involve an illegal act.
Violence in the streets is illegal, dumbass.
It is like Trump's statements on January 6:

""We fight like hell. And if you don't fight like hell, you're not going to have a country anymore."

That does not necessarily involve a specific illegal act aimed at anybody in particular.
Not an uprising. Trump was also correct. The coup by the Democrats so far is successful. We don't have a country anymore. The United States has fallen. Whether the coup can finally be put down and a republic reformed is another story.
It is hard to charge somebody with inciting a riot even after it happened. There was no riot (or any action) in the OP.
It's not about inciting a riot, dumbass. It's about the violence itself.
BLM isn't much different than trump. They love to put their big mouths in front of a camera, but when it comes to taking action that will exact change, they're absent.

See non white turnout in the '16 election.

They're protesting because black people started a mini riot outside a NYC restaurant, and like Sharpton, they decided to make some noise. The female Texans in question were already seated and being served at the restaurant. Two unvaxxed males tried to join them, and were denied access.

That's when they chose to assault the employee.

Pretty cut and dried.

Trump isn't going around burning and looting cities, dumbass. BLM is.
There's tens of thousands of BLM members; just who is gonna pay for their incarceration? That means we have to feed them, medical, clothe them, supervise them, etc. That all adds up in the big picture of things and we the taxpayer have to foot the bill for it.

So you advocate just shooting them. Gotit.
It is extortion to use terroristic threats to force anyone to change the vaccine mandate.

It’s not like BLM doesn’t have a record of violence.
BLM isn't responsible for the loots and riots.

That's like saying that gun manufactures are responsible for the murders.
Kinda hard to eat at a place you just burned down.

Originally Posted by Gamewell45 View Post
“There's tens of thousands of BLM members; just who is gonna pay for their incarceration? That means we have to feed them, medical, clothe them, supervise them, etc. That all adds up in the big picture of things and we the taxpayer have to foot the bill for it.”

Similar to the millions of illegals (non-citizens) that we have to feed, clothe, educate and provide medical care.
Odd how the race card was used by blm they were treated like everyone was just the same but decide its a race issue because they are not vaxed as required . to bad just a bunch of porch monkeys like guano all mad but no clue what the really are mad at . fuck them let them eat garbage and die hell foul thing was a lunch lady she can serve then food and more as per normal for her

It is fine to make points, I agree with a lot of yours. But honestly friend,....the racist remarks like this are not needed around here at all. Plus they can distract from the points you are making and are wrong headed. Just some advice....
...." "We are putting the city on notice. Your mandates will not be another racist social distance"
Chivona Newsome spoke at BLM Carmines protest @newyorkvonni

"Black folk are not going to stand by, or you will see another uprising.
And that is not a threat, that is a promise"

:thinking: O.K FBI,.....arrest them and jail them at once!!! And, Evince likes to say,....if they even try anything Violent the cops and NG will make sure they get dead real quick! Right Evince? ;) :cool:

Terroristic threats ...extortion.