BLM threatening to stage Uprising/ insurrection!

You obviously miss the point of the entire POL. They are talking about some comment made about possible future action---not past riots.

When discussing January 6 riots those on the right have to bring up the totally unrelated BLM riots.
Jan 6 WAS rioting by BLM and Antifa.
They still do not want to take responsibility for the violence and destruction at the Capitol and try to blame it on others.
Trump does not support Antifa nor BLM. Neither do I.
Check the stories about Senators Graham and Lee who called those seven states and were told there were never any "alternate electors" they were going to submit---just more made up lies.
There were no electors at all. Seven States never chose any electors.
You lost,
Lost what? There was no election in 2020.
you rioted,
I never took part in any riot. I condemn them. So does Trump.
you are being convicted and sentenced.
I assure you. I have not been indicted, tried, or convicted of anything. Of what sentence do you speak of?
Trump hasn't been convicted of anything either.
"Black folk are not going to stand by, or you will see another uprising.

BLM certainly has mastered uprisings, riots, looting, burning. assaults and murders.
Since you have no a TV and watch BLM rioting, looting, burning, assaulting and murdering.

Have an adult help you.

Are you an adult? If so, you can help. When and where was the last assaulting and murdering you are talking about?
"Black folk are not going to stand by, or you will see another uprising.

BLM certainly has mastered uprisings, riots, looting, burning. assaults and murders.

The issue was whether the "promise" of an uprising about the vaccine mandate was an illegal threat. It never happened and is not illegal.

The past BLM riots are irrelevant to the theme of this OP. Any crimes should also be prosecuted.
The issue was whether the "promise" of an uprising about the vaccine mandate was an illegal threat. It never happened and is not illegal.

The past BLM riots are irrelevant to the theme of this OP. Any crimes should also be prosecuted.

“Extortion is the communication of threats to another with the intention to obtain anything of value or any acquittance, advantage, or immunity of any description. If convicted, you could suffer imprisonment for one to 15 years in addition to fines, victim restitution, and more.”

The threat is a crime.
The difference is black rioting was caused by the police who waded in following tear gas and rubber bullets. They used shields, clubs, and bear sprays. If you were ever in a position like that, you would not think it is fun. It is scary as hell. Many fought when cornered.
1-6, the insurrectionists attacked the cops. That makes all the difference. The Trumpys were doing criminal behavior and trying to overthrow the nation.
BLM is fighting for fair and equal treatment. They want the constitutional rights to be honored.
The trumpys were trying to destroy the country and replace it with a Trump/right-wing dynasty.
I think if blm starts more riots and acting like fools again across the nation , they might find some serious resistance
The difference is black rioting was caused by the police who waded in following tear gas and rubber bullets. They used shields, clubs, and bear sprays. If you were ever in a position like that, you would not think it is fun. It is scary as hell. Many fought when cornered.
1-6, the insurrectionists attacked the cops. That makes all the difference. The Trumpys were doing criminal behavior and trying to overthrow the nation.
BLM is fighting for fair and equal treatment. They want the constitutional rights to be honored.
The trumpys were trying to destroy the country and replace it with a Trump/right-wing dynasty.

BLM is not fighting for equal treatment. BLM's goal is to defund and disband police and law enforcement.
The difference is black rioting was caused by the police who waded in following tear gas and rubber bullets. They used shields, clubs, and bear sprays. If you were ever in a position like that, you would not think it is fun. It is scary as hell. Many fought when cornered.
1-6, the insurrectionists attacked the cops. That makes all the difference. The Trumpys were doing criminal behavior and trying to overthrow the nation.
BLM is fighting for fair and equal treatment. They want the constitutional rights to be honored.
The trumpys were trying to destroy the country and replace it with a Trump/right-wing dynasty.





Is this what you call "cornered"?
What have they accomplished? Same question for Kaepernick? He started a movement, and then went into hiding. He didn't even bother to vote in '16, let alone encourage those who want to exact change to do so at the voting booth.

I watched a BLM moron accost Hillary behind the scenes at an event in New Hampshire. He made his point, blaming Hillary for the crime bill that was passed when she was FLOTUS. She agreed that she should meet with them in order to fully understand what it is that they believe will exact the change they demand. She spoke about changing laws, because you can never change hearts.

The moron snapped back some inane comment about the black community refusing to do such a thing, demanding that Clinton tell them exactly what she has in mind.

She summarily dismissed the idiot, snapping back that our nation's leaders will just move forward in any way they deem fit, without any input from the idiots in the BLM movement.

FYI regarding Kapernick, who got the standard MSM freeze out:

Tim Tebow, a white conservative favorite who never quite gelled in the NFL as a signal caller, has just signed a one-year contract with the Jacksonville Jaguars to play tight end. Tebow’s signing caused something of a stir when ESPN’s Stephen A. Smith compared it to Kaepernick’s ongoing labor dispute and said it was yet another sign of “white privilege” in the NFL

His Life Now: Inside Colin Kaepernick's Long, Inspiring Journey
Nearly four years ago, NFL quarterback Colin Kapernick took a stance against police brutality. And, in the words of his new infamous Nike campaign, believing in something meant sacrificing everything.
Funny. Those here who typically refer to this group as 'uppity', now praise them solely because they agree.

Truth is, this particular issue that BLM chooses to protest is moronic. If Nazis caused that scene at the restaurant in NYC, I'm pretty sure BLM would not be marching in the streets.

Ahh, but isn't it interesting that Homeland Security/FBI went on record stating that the riots and civil disturbances that previously happened at the BLM protests and demonstrations were caused by NON-members and outside agitators, NOT the directive of the BLM leadership.

But a couple of clowns cause a disturbance at a restaurant, and of course those upset that black folk spotlighted the systemic racism in this country that results in fatal cop interaction use it as a paint brush.

Your "nazi" scenario is pure absurdity, because last time I checked neo-nazi's don't walk around in full uniform, thus making it impossible to note their ideology.