BLM threatening to stage Uprising/ insurrection!

BLM is not anti vax

This woman is too educated to be making this claim

I suggest she go back to Howard university and ask some science teachers there to explain this all to her


Even black people get bad formation at times

they certainly are. good for them. they're waking up.
Now back to you racist republicans hating her for backing your insane ideas that masking is bad

Oh wait

She’s agreeing with you huh


Yet you want to murder her


Oh yeah

You are fucking racists
Sock Derangement Syndrome...add it to the "list" of things that make JPP liberals lose their minds....;):laugh:

Lose our minds? Do you think before you post? the TBS is a real disease that unites righys into insurrections and bigotry.
Good afternoon, sweet lady....I see you're still very confused....but we all understand....and forgive you...

I don’t need anything from you racist except your crawling back into hiding and shut the fuck up about your evil ideas

Americans hate racists
You support it

By supporting the racists here asshole

Reap what you sow

please lord, jesus christ, and buddha, deliver evince from the sorrow of her hate spiral. fill her with love and grace and open her eyes to the deceptions of lucifer. amen.
I don’t need anything from you racist except your crawling back into hiding and shut the fuck up about your evil ideas

Americans hate racists

bless her, oh lord, she knows not the error of her ways.

transform her with galactic love energies, amen.