BLM threatening to stage Uprising/ insurrection!

please lord, jesus christ, and buddha, deliver evince from the sorrow of her hate spiral. fill her with love and grace and open her eyes to the deceptions of lucifer. amen.

Why is Trayvon dead you fucking racist?

Why is George Floyd dead you fucking racist?

You fool no one evil shit
I don’t need anything from you racist except your crawling back into hiding and shut the fuck up about your evil ideas

Americans hate racists
You need to learn to be honest...especially when it comes to unfairly labeling complete strangers...I'm going to help you...
Floyd 8s dead because he was a life long criminal and drug addict whoa help pregnet women at gun point while his buddy's robbed .
A life life thug who refused to corporate. He lilled himself with stupidty.
Travon attacked the man and got shot plain and simple of you were pounding my head on the concrete Id shoot also.
it's called a violent threat. it is a crime.

Who did they threaten? What violent action did they threaten?

No legal expert or prosecutor would tell you that statement is a crime.

Too many JPP posters have a vague understanding of a legal threat. But, they only think it is a threat when it comes from the other side. The right doesn't think Trump's statement on Jan 6 was inciting an insurrection and the left doesn't think the BLM promise was a threat. But, the left thinks Trump's statement was a crime and the right thinks the BLM (actually, one person) promise was a crime. Their views differ based on their partisan bias.
I've been waiting for a stupid motherfucker like you to say those exact words.

Race and skin color, you evil piece of shit, are not choices. They are intrinsic and inherent. Making an appointment to get a vaccination is something that every person with a functioning brain does online or by phone.
They now have no excuse. There are plenty of places where you can walk in with no appointment and get the shot.

I don't understand that ploy, as the mRNA vaccines have to be defrosted and are garbage after a certain amount of time.

I got mine in the spring at a grocery store, with an appointment. Now they have 'no appointment necessary' signs.
Perhaps you should learn the difference between the various sub forums, you stupid bitch.
LMAO! Doesn't he realize that this place actually encourages racism, sexism, homophobia, and especially...misogyny?