BLM threatening to stage Uprising/ insurrection!

Now back to you racist republicans hating her for backing your insane ideas that masking is bad
You can't blame Republicans for YOUR problem. Masks are completely ineffective against a virus. Long term use of them (more than a couple of hours) does increase the risk of bacteriological and fungal infections.

Since you obviously feel that your own mask doesn't work, you want' everyone else to wear the same thing. Paradox M.
Oh wait

She’s agreeing with you huh
On this point, she is.

Yet you want to murder her


Oh yeah
Because she is advocating arsons, looting, pillaging, and the destruction of the police force, and wants to destroy the Constitution, and support The Oligarchy.
You are fucking racists
You are describing yourself again.
A co-founder of the Black Lives Matter Greater New York chapter

That is not the organization huh

Just one local chapter head

So a founder is not a founder.....gotit.
Try learning English, dude. You might also look at some images of BLM rioters, very few are wearing masks, and BLM has no respect for mandates. you want to try for Paradox V and Paradox M again?
True, very similar to Proud Boys, Oath Keepers, 3%s, NSC-131, Boogaloos, and other violent groups that attacked the Capitol and law enforcement officers on January 6.

Antifa and BLM attacked the Capitol building. Antifa and BLM were fighting with cops.

No one else was attacking cops until cops attacked them.

Pivot fallacy. This thread is not about Jan 6th.
Antifa and BLM attacked the Capitol building. Antifa and BLM were fighting with cops.

No one else was attacking cops until cops attacked them.

Pivot fallacy. This thread is not about Jan 6th.

If BLM and Antifa attacked the Capitol that must mean Trump supporters, Proud Boys, and Oath Keepers were responsible for the riots in Seattle, Portland, and other cities.

Both are equally plausible (crazy).
Oh, please do shut the fuck up, Dough Boy. Bulletbob is 100% on your team. He's functionally illiterate. He's a core of the earth deep racist. He's stupid beyond fucking words. He is your people. Don't try to disown him just because he doesn't have the manners to keep to himself what we know you all think.

Oh, please do shut the fuck up, Dough Boy. Bulletbob is 100% on your team. He's functionally illiterate. He's a core of the earth deep racist. He's stupid beyond fucking words. He is your people. Don't try to disown him just because he doesn't have the manners to keep to himself what we know you all think.

We all think you're a stupid, smelly faggot.
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True. Especially in the early days of the movement. Not unlike the 'Occupy' movement(s) before that.

At one point BLM had dozens of so called leaders across the nation. Some more violent than others. They all dropped the ball when they finally got the chance to exact change at the ballot box. They aided and abetted those who enabled a Nazi to infiltrate our govt..

People are individuals.
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Whoa, back it up there sweetheart. YOU made a claim that Kap was essentially coasting....I demonstrated that's not the case. And NO, it's NOT apple and oranges, as Tebow was and is a mediocre player no matter what sport he's in, but gets major play despite his evangelical attitude on the field. Kap gets screwed for NOT being a silent trained animal.

What does that mean?

Tebow never made it onto a roster, so maybe you should back it up...sweetheart.

Precisely! A mediocre player at best who got all types of positive publicity while evangelizing every chance he got with NO repercussions, while Kapernick (a superior player and prospect) gets sandbagged for a silent protest of the current mess in America affecting black folk.

That being clarified, you need to stop stalling/weaseling and just concede that your initial statement about Kapernick was wrong as I pointed out.
Precisely! A mediocre player at best who got all types of positive publicity while evangelizing every chance he got with NO repercussions, while Kapernick (a superior player and prospect) gets sandbagged for a silent protest of the current mess in America affecting black folk.

That being clarified, you need to stop stalling/weaseling and just concede that your initial statement about Kapernick was wrong as I pointed out.

Tebow never disrespected the flag, the National Anthem or the country like Kaeperdick did.
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Never ceases to amaze me how bigots and racists will always find a way to insert their garbage into a conversation....then act like butter wouldn't melt in their mouths when called out on it.
So why do you do it?

You mean be amazed by the likes of you? Don't know...I guess hope springs eternal and you'll wise up and stop your incessant BS.
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
umm, I'm referring to a bogus comparison to the jokers at the restaurant I.D.'ing themselves as BLM. When you've got footage of arm band/uniform wearing neo-Nazi's going into a NYC restaurant, let us know.

When you have footage of BLM members going into a restaurant in NYC, let us know.

Please try to be original in your responses instead of a mocking bird.

Like I said, the comparison was "bogus", as the women did NOT ID themselves as such....the hoop-la by your brethren seems to be about BLM officials wedging themselves into the deal...and you subsequently making a stupid comparison. If and when white folk are under the same circumstances, you don't see the Neo-Nazi's and such publicly making rally statements....that's because you don't see neo-nazi's claiming racism when the organization is NOT a "black or predominantly black" one. Capice'?
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Ahh, but isn't it interesting that Homeland Security/FBI went on record stating that the riots and civil disturbances that previously happened at the BLM protests and demonstrations were caused by NON-members and outside agitators, NOT the directive of the BLM leadership.

But a couple of clowns cause a disturbance at a restaurant, and of course those upset that black folk spotlighted the systemic racism in this country that results in fatal cop interaction use it as a paint brush.

Your "nazi" scenario is pure absurdity, because last time I checked neo-nazi's don't walk around in full uniform, thus making it impossible to note their ideology.
You need a Nazi to wear a uniform before you know he's a Nazi?

That's a point...because unless there is such insignia, he's just another caucasian of unknown ethnic origin. Unlike black folk, who are black regardless of what organization they belong to.
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Precisely! A mediocre player at best who got all types of positive publicity while evangelizing every chance he got with NO repercussions, while Kapernick (a superior player and prospect) gets sandbagged for a silent protest of the current mess in America affecting black folk.

That being clarified, you need to stop stalling/weaseling and just concede that your initial statement about Kapernick was wrong as I pointed out.

Tebow never disrespected the flag, the National Anthem or the country like Kaeperdick did.

Tebow kept evangelizing his particular brand of religion. I wonder if he would have gotten the offers he did if he yelled, "Allah be praised!"?

And pray tell, how did Kapernick disrespect the flagf and country? Since when is protest NOT an American thing (what this country was founded and built on, ya know)?
As for the National Anthem....I didn't know that was a litmus test for patriotism? Gee, didn't we just finish a 20 year "war" with a similar mindset?

Don't come here with this jinogistic BS, my man. Cheeto Jeezus made a fool of those with such an attitude on Jan. 6th.
Tebow kept evangelizing his particular brand of religion. I wonder if he would have gotten the offers he did if he yelled, "Allah be praised!"?

And pray tell, how did Kapernick disrespect the flagf and country? Since when is protest NOT an American thing (what this country was founded and built on, ya know)?
As for the National Anthem....I didn't know that was a litmus test for patriotism? Gee, didn't we just finish a 20 year "war" with a similar mindset?

Don't come here with this jinogistic BS, my man. Cheeto Jeezus made a fool of those with such an attitude on Jan. 6th.

You screamed and whined like children when he knelt after a touchdown. Have you seen the silly dances others do after touchdowns? As for the "Allah" bullshit, quit deflection.

Read his quote, he won't stand for the flag of a country...because he's a fucking America hating privileged hypocrite.
WTF does Afghanistan have to do with anything?

And WTF are you squabbling about with this statement?

"Don't come here with this jinogistic BS, my man. Cheeto Jeezus made a fool of those with such an attitude on Jan. 6th."
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Tebow kept evangelizing his particular brand of religion. I wonder if he would have gotten the offers he did if he yelled, "Allah be praised!"?

And pray tell, how did Kapernick disrespect the flagf and country? Since when is protest NOT an American thing (what this country was founded and built on, ya know)?
As for the National Anthem....I didn't know that was a litmus test for patriotism? Gee, didn't we just finish a 20 year "war" with a similar mindset?

Don't come here with this jinogistic BS, my man. Cheeto Jeezus made a fool of those with such an attitude on Jan. 6th.

You screamed and whined like children when he knelt after a touchdown. Have you seen the silly dances others do after touchdowns? As for the "Allah" bullshit, quit deflection.

Read his quote, he won't stand for the flag of a country...because he's a fucking America hating privileged hypocrite.
WTF does Afghanistan have to do with anything?

And WTF are you squabbling about with this statement?

"Don't come here with this jinogistic BS, my man. Cheeto Jeezus made a fool of those with such an attitude on Jan. 6th."

- Actually, people pointed out the sheer hypocrisy of those who demonized any and all muslims or atheists or agnostics post 9-11, railing about Sharia law (spl), and then throwing out our American "separation of church & state" with this joker antics (wholly different from silly victory dances - those were non-denominational you know). Like I said, if he were of the Islamic faith and yelled Allah be praised, YOU'D be screaming for his head! NO deflection, just substitution for what you are defending.

- What's the matter, bunky? Afraid of the WHOLE truth? "I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color," Kaepernick told NFL Media in an exclusive interview after the game. "To me, this is bigger than football and it would be selfish on my part to look the other way. There are bodies in the street and people getting paid leave and getting away with murder."

- God, are you really this dim? THINK, stupid, are having a hissy fit because of one guy protesting injustice, but you condemn a theocracy that has zero tolerance for any form of protest against what it views as patriotic and holy. Sound familiar?

- :palm: Look up the word jingoist, you willfully ignorant clod. That applies to your bilge. When you're up to speed, we'll continue.