BLM threatening to stage Uprising/ insurrection!

Nope. BLM and Antifa again.

Nope. You lie and are divorced from reality and the simple truth.

You claim there was no election in 2020.
That 7 states did not submit electoral votes
That many votes were fraudulent
That BLM and Antifa caused the insurrection in the Capitol
That the Supreme Court can't interpret the Constitution
That states have the power to amend the Constitution by themselves
That the incorporation of (most) of the Bill of Rights by the states never occurred

All lies easily proven irrational.
You must be Trumpets sock. It has the same intellectual level as you. Lower than whale shit.

There you go again. I told him to give you a door so your tough guy talk could actually turn to debate. You write that and claim I have intellectual problems. I feel sorry for you.
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
- Actually, people pointed out the sheer hypocrisy of those who demonized any and all muslims or atheists or agnostics post 9-11, railing about Sharia law (spl), and then throwing out our American "separation of church & state" with this joker antics (wholly different from silly victory dances - those were non-denominational you know). Like I said, if he were of the Islamic faith and yelled Allah be praised, YOU'D be screaming for his head! NO deflection, just substitution for what you are defending.

- What's the matter, bunky? Afraid of the WHOLE truth? "I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color," Kaepernick told NFL Media in an exclusive interview after the game. "To me, this is bigger than football and it would be selfish on my part to look the other way. There are bodies in the street and people getting paid leave and getting away with murder."

- God, are you really this dim? THINK, stupid, are having a hissy fit because of one guy protesting injustice, but you condemn a theocracy that has zero tolerance for any form of protest against what it views as patriotic and holy. Sound familiar?

- Look up the word jingoist, you willfully ignorant clod. That applies to your bilge. When you're up to speed, we'll continue.

You bring up Tebow, and I address the difference between he and Kaeperdick. You go off on a nonsensical rant and tell me I'm not up to speed? Yeah, OK...

The chronology of the posts gives a more accurate and thorough review of the how and why our exchanges came about...and makes you out to be the revisionist BS artists that you are. And yeah, your willfully dumb ass doesn't know the meaning of jingoism and how to correctly apply it in our discussion. Sad.
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
That's a point...because unless there is such insignia, he's just another caucasian of unknown ethnic origin. Unlike black folk, who are black regardless of what organization they belong to.

No. A thinking person does not always need a Nazi to wear a swastika in order to identify him as a Nazi. He could also be marching through towns with tiki torches chanting, "Jews will not replace us." He might be curb stomping black people he calls the n-word. And you claiming that all black people are the same unlike all white people are different is ridiculous.

:palm: Has the IQ's dropped further among the right wing? RE-READ WHAT I WROTE, GENIUS. YOU CANNOT PHYSICALLY IDENTIFY A NEO-NAZI UNLESS HE CARRIES AN INSIGNIA OR WEARS A UNIFORM (or, as you aptly point out, he's in the midst of an act of violence or demonstrations braying racial slurs). Black Americans are identified visually by their physical presence (except for a minority of folk who are of mix heritage). Period. THAT was clearly evident in the accusations regarding the altercation the OP was about.

Got it now, toodles? I hope so, because you'll really look stupid trying to stubbornly defend your previous blunder. Carry on.
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Precisely! A mediocre player at best who got all types of positive publicity while evangelizing every chance he got with NO repercussions, while Kapernick (a superior player and prospect) gets sandbagged for a silent protest of the current mess in America affecting black folk.

That being clarified, you need to stop stalling/weaseling and just concede that your initial statement about Kapernick was wrong as I pointed out.

Kap is a moron. That needs no clarification. Should he have been playing in the NFL? Absolutely. He got screwed. Which doesn't negate the fact that he's a moron.

Is that clear enough?

What's clear is that you don't have the maturity or courage to just admit error on a specific statement....that statement being that Kapernick has just been sitting on his butt since being sandbagged by the NFL. I factually proved that is not the case. Grow the fuck up and cop to it or STFU with this lame stalling of yours.

I don't give a damn if you don't like the man....but I won't let you lie about him. And for YOU to call ANYONE a moron given your performance here and on other subjects is a joke in and of itself. Carry on.
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
You mean be amazed by the likes of you? Don't know...I guess hope springs eternal and you'll wise up and stop your incessant BS.

Right. Says the person who claims that all black people are part of BLM

When are you right wing assholes going to stop trying to lie in a printed medium? Are you that stupid or just insipidly stubborn?

PROVIDE THE LINK TO OR THE POST NUMBER WHERE I SAID WHAT YOU ACCUSE ME OF IN NO UNCERTAIN TERMS. NOT YOUR PERSONAL OPINION, SUPPOSITION OR CONJECTURE. If you can't meet this simple burden of proof, then you are as I stated in my first sentence. Carry on.
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Please try to be original in your responses instead of a mocking bird.

Like I said, the comparison was "bogus", as the women did NOT ID themselves as such....the hoop-la by your brethren seems to be about BLM officials wedging themselves into the deal...and you subsequently making a stupid comparison. If and when white folk are under the same circumstances, you don't see the Neo-Nazi's and such publicly making rally statements....that's because you don't see neo-nazi's claiming racism when the organization is NOT a "black or predominantly black" one. Capice'?

Kindly resubmit in English.

If you are going to pick up the gauntlet for the other wonks, Don't act dumber than you are....this is by far the lamest stall tactic by you so far. But if your reading comprehension is truly this poor, get an adult to go over the exchange from beginning to end with you. Otherwise, I won't debate the mentally deficient, because that's just plain mean.
:palm: Has the IQ's dropped further among the right wing? RE-READ WHAT I WROTE, GENIUS. YOU CANNOT PHYSICALLY IDENTIFY A NEO-NAZI UNLESS HE CARRIES AN INSIGNIA OR WEARS A UNIFORM (or, as you aptly point out, he's in the midst of an act of violence or demonstrations braying racial slurs). Black Americans are identified visually by their physical presence (except for a minority of folk who are of mix heritage). Period. THAT was clearly evident in the accusations regarding the altercation the OP was about.

Got it now, toodles? I hope so, because you'll really look stupid trying to stubbornly defend your previous blunder. Carry on.

You are spectacularly wrong. I am not anywhere near the right wing, genius. I see you've narrowed your earlier generalization to a specific assumption about black Americans. The OP is about what the moron of a poster called threats by BLM to stage an uprising. You're grasping at straws; and several of us have pointed that out to you. The mule in this instance is you.
When are you right wing assholes going to stop trying to lie in a printed medium? Are you that stupid or just insipidly stubborn?

PROVIDE THE LINK TO OR THE POST NUMBER WHERE I SAID WHAT YOU ACCUSE ME OF IN NO UNCERTAIN TERMS. NOT YOUR PERSONAL OPINION, SUPPOSITION OR CONJECTURE. If you can't meet this simple burden of proof, then you are as I stated in my first sentence. Carry on.

There's another poster here just like you. I wonder if you're the same person. You insist on disagreeing with everyone and labeling people who are decidedly not right wing as right wing simply because you can't get away from your reaction of saying everyone who isn't you is wrong and must therefore be a right winger.
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Has the IQ's dropped further among the right wing? RE-READ WHAT I WROTE, GENIUS. YOU CANNOT PHYSICALLY IDENTIFY A NEO-NAZI UNLESS HE CARRIES AN INSIGNIA OR WEARS A UNIFORM (or, as you aptly point out, he's in the midst of an act of violence or demonstrations braying racial slurs). Black Americans are identified visually by their physical presence (except for a minority of folk who are of mix heritage). Period. THAT was clearly evident in the accusations regarding the altercation the OP was about.

Got it now, toodles? I hope so, because you'll really look stupid trying to stubbornly defend your previous blunder. Carry on.

You are spectacularly wrong. I am not anywhere near the right wing, genius. I see you've narrowed your earlier generalization to a specific assumption about black Americans. The OP is about what the moron of a poster called threats by BLM to stage an uprising. You're grasping at straws; and several of us have pointed that out to you. The mule in this instance is you.

1. If you talk the same BS as one, and defend such with convoluted, revisionist clap trap, then what else am I to think?

2. I didn't "narrow" anything, genius....I acknowledged the additional point of information...which DOES NOT CHANGE the core of my point.

3. Please re-read the chronology of the posts to see what has transpired between myself and others. I grasp no straws, I just pluck the hairs that my opponents try to split to bolster their erroneous statements. Several of you make the same incorrect statements and assertions as to what has transpired. If you can logically and factually make your case (how and when I made generalizations about black folk in America) with this latest assertion (using post numbers), then do so. Otherwise, quit :bdh:
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Tweedle dumb and tweedle dumber supporting their willful ignorance and insipid stubbornness....sad, but not unexpected.

I can't tell if you just can't get out of your own way or if you're a certified moron.

Maybe you should get your head out of your ass when you come to the aide of these other buffoons....that would help clarify things. Or, you can't stop this pathetic denial or your right wing wonk behavior here. That would help also. Or you could provide the quotes from my posts in no uncertain posts that prove what you and your fellow fools keep claiming.

If you can't, then don't waste time and effort with insipidly stubborn denial and stalling. Carry on.
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
When are you right wing assholes going to stop trying to lie in a printed medium? Are you that stupid or just insipidly stubborn?

PROVIDE THE LINK TO OR THE POST NUMBER WHERE I SAID WHAT YOU ACCUSE ME OF IN NO UNCERTAIN TERMS. NOT YOUR PERSONAL OPINION, SUPPOSITION OR CONJECTURE. If you can't meet this simple burden of proof, then you are as I stated in my first sentence. Carry on.

There's another poster here just like you. I wonder if you're the same person. You insist on disagreeing with everyone and labeling people who are decidedly not right wing as right wing simply because you can't get away from your reaction of saying everyone who isn't you is wrong and must therefore be a right winger.

So you can't PROVIDE THE LINK TO OR THE POST NUMBER WHERE I SAID WHAT YOU ACCUSE ME OF IN NO UNCERTAIN TERMS. Instead, you just babble YOUR PERSONAL OPINION, SUPPOSITION OR CONJECTURE. So, you are as I stated in my first sentence...stupid or just insipidly stubborn. Carry on.
1. If you talk the same BS as one, and defend such with convoluted, revisionist clap trap, then what else am I to think?

2. I didn't "narrow" anything, genius....I acknowledged the additional point of information...which DOES NOT CHANGE the core of my point.

3. Please re-read the chronology of the posts to see what has transpired between myself and others. I grasp no straws, I just pluck the hairs that my opponents try to split to bolster their erroneous statements. Several of you make the same incorrect statements and assertions as to what has transpired. If you can logically and factually make your case (how and when I made generalizations about black folk in America) with this latest assertion (using post numbers), then do so. Otherwise, quit :bdh:

What exactly did I say, in my words, that gave you the impression that I am part "the right wing"? This ought to be good.

You must be a white American. Your original assertion was that blacks are black because they're black. Then you decided to mean that black Americans are black because they're black. You're welcome to go back and read what you wrote.

I might get around to reading all 30 pages of this thread but not now.
Maybe you should get your head out of your ass when you come to the aide of these other buffoons....that would help clarify things. Or, you can't stop this pathetic denial or your right wing wonk behavior here. That would help also. Or you could provide the quotes from my posts in no uncertain posts that prove what you and your fellow fools keep claiming.

If you can't, then don't waste time and effort with insipidly stubborn denial and stalling. Carry on.

To whose aid did I run? I haven't read this entire thread. I certainly didn't jump into a conversation. You posted at me. I responded. And then a different poster posted to me. You felt the need, again, to stick your ignorant mouth into it.

You can keep calling me "right wing", dumbass. You are the only JPP member to every claim that. And you couldn't be more wrong, although something tells me you'll try.
So you can't PROVIDE THE LINK TO OR THE POST NUMBER WHERE I SAID WHAT YOU ACCUSE ME OF IN NO UNCERTAIN TERMS. Instead, you just babble YOUR PERSONAL OPINION, SUPPOSITION OR CONJECTURE. So, you are as I stated in my first sentence...stupid or just insipidly stubborn. Carry on.

Remember this, dumb fuck? It's your post 417.

"That's a point...because unless there is such insignia, he's just another caucasian of unknown ethnic origin. Unlike black folk, who are black regardless of what organization they belong to."

Your assumption that the rest of us would read "black folk" (your words) as "black Americans" proves your limited and shallow comprehension of written language and a typically sheltered American perspective.

So now that we've gotten that out of the way, which post of mine gave you the idea that you could reliably claim that I am part of the "right wing"? Waiting. Or you could just carry on as you've now repeated yourself ad nauseam without any grasp on reality or ability to substantiate your crackhead claim.