BLM threatening to stage Uprising/ insurrection!

Note, dear readers, that when accurately pegged by the chronology of the posts for his lies and dishonesty, RB 60 melts down to a petulant 11 year old. Pathetic. Seems he never learns. Back in the dumpster until November.,

Since no one agrees with you, it's going to be a lonely month for you after you block everyone who disagrees with you. :laugh:
Nope. You lie and are divorced from reality and the simple truth.

You claim there was no election in 2020.
That 7 states did not submit electoral votes
That many votes were fraudulent
That BLM and Antifa caused the insurrection in the Capitol
That the Supreme Court can't interpret the Constitution
That states have the power to amend the Constitution by themselves
That the incorporation of (most) of the Bill of Rights by the states never occurred

All lies easily proven irrational.

None of them are lies. All of it is rational. All of it is true. You just deny the Constitution of the United States, the evidence, and history.
You can't make the evidence go away by inversion, dude. You can't make the Constitution go away that way either.
:palm: Has the IQ's dropped further among the right wing? RE-READ WHAT I WROTE, GENIUS. YOU CANNOT PHYSICALLY IDENTIFY A NEO-NAZI UNLESS HE CARRIES AN INSIGNIA OR WEARS A UNIFORM (or, as you aptly point out, he's in the midst of an act of violence or demonstrations braying racial slurs).
Sure you can. You can listen to what he says and writes. You can tell someone to re-read what you wrote, but it's still wrong.
Black Americans are identified visually by their physical presence (except for a minority of folk who are of mix heritage). Period. THAT was clearly evident in the accusations regarding the altercation the OP was about.
No, it wasn't. It was about BLM in a restaurant. One of them is a co-founder of BLM.
Got it now, toodles? I hope so, because you'll really look stupid trying to stubbornly defend your previous blunder. Carry on.
Apparently YOU don't. Carry on...continue to look silly with your semantics fallacies.
When are you right wing assholes going to stop trying to lie in a printed medium? Are you that stupid or just insipidly stubborn?

PROVIDE THE LINK TO OR THE POST NUMBER WHERE I SAID WHAT YOU ACCUSE ME OF IN NO UNCERTAIN TERMS. NOT YOUR PERSONAL OPINION, SUPPOSITION OR CONJECTURE. If you can't meet this simple burden of proof, then you are as I stated in my first sentence. Carry on.

People don't need to prove what you posted. Anyone interested can go look through your posts for themselves. You are already well known for denying your own arguments.
Originally Posted by Flash Black Americans are identified visually by their physical presence (except for a minority of folk who are of mix heritage). Period. THAT was clearly evident in the accusations regarding the altercation the OP was about.

Originally Posted by Flash
Got it now, toodles? I hope so, because you'll really look stupid trying to stubbornly defend your previous blunder. Carry on.

More lies. Neither of these quotes was from me.
None of them are lies. All of it is rational. All of it is true. You just deny the Constitution of the United States, the evidence, and history.
You can't make the evidence go away by inversion, dude. You can't make the Constitution go away that way either.

It is the Constitution, evidence, and history that proves you wrong on all counts. Most of it is simple facts. But I guess the truth does not exist in Bizarro World.
Quote Originally Posted by Nordberg View Post
Kaep was good enough. Lots of teams, as usually happens, lost QBs during the season. He should have had his chance. He was better than lots who played.
There were no antics. He simply kneeled. If rightys ignored it, it would\have been background music. Nobody would have noticed.

He had a chance...everyone was watching....but he had no actual plan...
So when all is said and done, nothing changed, nothing gained...You can't start a movement with no solution for the preparation to make changes...
You'll be out of a job...and a movement....
Then you're out of a job and a movement....

Fascinating how you think your personal supposition and conjecture is a substitute for fact.

At the suggestion of a fellow player and former marine, Kapernick took his version of protest. It was to bring awareness to a present condition in America....the man stated as such...and he achieved his goal internationally. He never said he planned for a "movement". What the NFL management did was bias, clear and simple.
Because he protested by kneeling? From that you get someone hates America?

Being an American doesn't mean flag waving / chest beating and grunting USA, USA

He insulted the flag, the National Anthem and the country. Complete disrespect. That isn't being an American.
It is the Constitution, evidence, and history that proves you wrong on all counts. Most of it is simple facts. But I guess the truth does not exist in Bizarro World.

You deny the Constitution. You discard it.
You can't just wish away the evidence, dude.
You can't just wish away history either.

Learn English. A fact is not a proof nor a Universal Truth.
You cannot change the Constitution by attempting a proof using it's negation.
Fascinating how you think your personal supposition and conjecture is a substitute for fact.

At the suggestion of a fellow player and former marine, Kapernick took his version of protest. It was to bring awareness to a present condition in America....the man stated as such...and he achieved his goal internationally. He never said he planned for a "movement". What the NFL management did was bias, clear and simple.

Learn what 'fact' means. A 'fact' is not a Universal Truth.
Because he protested by kneeling? From that you get someone hates America?

Being an American doesn't mean flag waving / chest beating and grunting USA, USA

I can see you stand against the flag, the symbol of the nation, and the principles laid down in our constitution.
I can see you stand against the national anthem, a piece that describes pride in that flag, and of a battle meant to compel surrender of that flag and everything it means.

To you it's just a piece of cloth. Any flag is more than just a piece of cloth.

Kneeling during the national anthem and that flag is disrespectful to that flag and everything it means.
There you go again. I told him to give you a door so your tough guy talk could actually turn to debate. You write that and claim I have intellectual problems. I feel sorry for you.

Still no answer as to whose sock you are. You fraudulent fuck.
You deny the Constitution. You discard it.
You can't just wish away the evidence, dude.
You can't just wish away history either.

Learn English. A fact is not a proof nor a Universal Truth.
You cannot change the Constitution by attempting a proof using it's negation.

And you cannot pretend there is any evidence of voter fraud when none exists.