BLM threatening to stage Uprising/ insurrection!

Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
1. If you talk the same BS as one, and defend such with convoluted, revisionist clap trap, then what else am I to think?

2. I didn't "narrow" anything, genius....I acknowledged the additional point of information...which DOES NOT CHANGE the core of my point.

3. Please re-read the chronology of the posts to see what has transpired between myself and others. I grasp no straws, I just pluck the hairs that my opponents try to split to bolster their erroneous statements. Several of you make the same incorrect statements and assertions as to what has transpired. If you can logically and factually make your case (how and when I made generalizations about black folk in America) with this latest assertion (using post numbers), then do so. Otherwise, quit.

What exactly did I say, in my words, that gave you the impression that I am part "the right wing"? This ought to be good.

You must be a white American. Your original assertion was that blacks are black because they're black. Then you decided to mean that black Americans are black because they're black. You're welcome to go back and read what you wrote.

I might get around to reading all 30 pages of this thread but not now.

You might stop just trying to blow smoke up everyone's butt with this lame ass stall tactic, because you seem to have plenty of time for your gauntlet pick up for the other right wing idiots here, but suddenly finding a post that conclusively proves theirs/yours accusations and assertions is just too much. :rolleyes: Puh-leeze!

Now, you'll do the usual right wing two step....state a detour accusation while avoiding a burden of proof of YOUR initial assertion. If I don't go down that path, why absolution and victory for you and your fellow flunkies.


Say goodnight Gracie
You might stop just trying to blow smoke up everyone's butt with this lame ass stall tactic, because you seem to have plenty of time for your gauntlet pick up for the other right wing idiots here, but suddenly finding a post that conclusively proves theirs/yours accusations and assertions is just too much. :rolleyes: Puh-leeze!

Now, you'll do the usual right wing two step....state a detour accusation while avoiding a burden of proof of YOUR initial assertion. If I don't go down that path, why absolution and victory for you and your fellow flunkies.


Say goodnight Gracie

You are a fucking retard. It's too bad you aren't able to admit when you're wrong and that you fought with people with whom you actually agree because you're too stupid to recognize a likeminded person. That's a massive personal failing.

I proved that you said what everyone can read you wrote and you haven't proven that I'm within a galaxy of "right wing". Fuck right off, small brain.
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
You might stop just trying to blow smoke up everyone's butt with this lame ass stall tactic, because you seem to have plenty of time for your gauntlet pick up for the other right wing idiots here, but suddenly finding a post that conclusively proves theirs/yours accusations and assertions is just too much. Puh-leeze!

Now, you'll do the usual right wing two step....state a detour accusation while avoiding a burden of proof of YOUR initial assertion. If I don't go down that path, why absolution and victory for you and your fellow flunkies.


Say goodnight Gracie

You are a fucking retard. It's too bad you aren't able to admit when you're wrong and that you fought with people with whom you actually agree because you're too stupid to recognize a likeminded person. That's a massive personal failing.

I proved that you said what everyone can read you wrote and you haven't proven that I'm within a galaxy of "right wing". Fuck right off, small brain.

Awww, widdle self aggrandizing clown is all upset because he can't logically and factually prove is BS beyond his personal supposition and conjecture.

:laugh: Repeat your blather to the mirror, genius....that's the only person buying your BS. The chronology of the posts will always be your undoing in the eyes of the objective reader. Adios, Gracie.
Awww, widdle self aggrandizing clown is all upset because he can't logically and factually prove is BS beyond his personal supposition and conjecture.

:laugh: Repeat your blather to the mirror, genius....that's the only person buying your BS. The chronology of the posts will always be your undoing in the eyes of the objective reader. Adios, Gracie.

I already did.

(Fuck, something is wrong with this weird dude. ^)
Remember this, dumb fuck? It's your post 417.

"That's a point...because unless there is such insignia, he's just another caucasian of unknown ethnic origin. Unlike black folk, who are black regardless of what organization they belong to."

Your assumption that the rest of us would read "black folk" (your words) as "black Americans" proves your limited and shallow comprehension of written language and a typically sheltered American perspective.

So now that we've gotten that out of the way, which post of mine gave you the idea that you could reliably claim that I am part of the "right wing"? Waiting. Or you could just carry on as you've now repeated yourself ad nauseam without any grasp on reality or ability to substantiate your crackhead claim.

Oh my God! Are you really this delusional to think your silly assed revisionism passes the smell test? The OP is about black Americans, the discussion is about BLM (black lives matter)....but because I said "black folk" and not attach America to it, your cognitive brain suddenly frays and makes all types of deviating assumptions.

A piss poor dodge on your part, genius. Shows you have no real understanding of current colloquial references in America....makes one suspicious as to your geographic origin/current culture status. Or you're one of those clowns who insists on not using terms and references that the rest of society uses. Whatever.

It's like this, genius....Post #259 has Althea initiating the absurd analogy, which I subsequently deconstructed. You stupidly picked up the gauntlet in a lame attempt to come off with a clever "got'cha".

You failed. Neither you or your idiot compadres could provide proof of your allegations

Now, since you took up the cause, talked the talked, tried to defend said sure as hell come off as stupid as the right wing wonks I've been wiping the floor with here. Now you claim otherwise....kind of dumb that, as the chronology of the posts on this thread says otherwise.

Now, you can sputter and fume, rail and wail and stamp your widdle feet. All you'll do is just regurgitate your nonsense, because admitting error is just too much for your fragile ego. It's no big deal, I and others do it when necessary. Grow the hell up, why don't you. I'll just dump your silly ass in the IA bin and watch you dog my posts like a bitch in heat wanting attention. I'll check in on you in a month or so. Adios, Gracie,
Oh my God! Are you really this delusional to think your silly assed revisionism passes the smell test? The OP is about black Americans, the discussion is about BLM (black lives matter)....but because I said "black folk" and not attach America to it, your cognitive brain suddenly frays and makes all types of deviating assumptions.

A piss poor dodge on your part, genius. Shows you have no real understanding of current colloquial references in America....makes one suspicious as to your geographic origin/current culture status. Or you're one of those clowns who insists on not using terms and references that the rest of society uses. Whatever.

It's like this, genius....Post #259 has Althea initiating the absurd analogy, which I subsequently deconstructed. You stupidly picked up the gauntlet in a lame attempt to come off with a clever "got'cha".

You failed. Neither you or your idiot compadres could provide proof of your allegations

Now, since you took up the cause, talked the talked, tried to defend said sure as hell come off as stupid as the right wing wonks I've been wiping the floor with here. Now you claim otherwise....kind of dumb that, as the chronology of the posts on this thread says otherwise.

Now, you can sputter and fume, rail and wail and stamp your widdle feet. All you'll do is just regurgitate your nonsense, because admitting error is just too much for your fragile ego. It's no big deal, I and others do it when necessary. Grow the hell up, why don't you. I'll just dump your silly ass in the IA bin and watch you dog my posts like a bitch in heat wanting attention. I'll check in on you in a month or so. Adios, Gracie,

English is not my first language, but I am an American citizen and know that you didn't say what you think you said. You can scream and bitch until you lose your voice, but that doesn't change what you wrote.

I have repeated that I haven't read the whole thread. I don't care what dick measuring contest you're in with Althea. I made a factual statement about what you posted; and you lost your miniscule mind because you embarrassed yourself and got caught. Your sloppy assertions about failure would better be directed at yourself.

You haven't wiped the floor with anyone. In fact, by all objective measures, you have been pulverized in this thread and just don't know when to shut your wrong mouth.

Weak ass bitch.
Kaep was good enough. Lots of teams, as usually happens, lost QBs during the season. He should have had his chance. He was better than lots who played.
There were no antics. He simply kneeled. If rightys ignored it, it would\have been background music. Nobody would have noticed.

The American people noticed.
The chronology of the posts gives a more accurate and thorough review of the how and why our exchanges came about...and makes you out to be the revisionist BS artists that you are. And yeah, your willfully dumb ass doesn't know the meaning of jingoism and how to correctly apply it in our discussion. Sad.


Apply that to your befuddlement, you ignorant buffoon.
Not if the Swamp does not get the Socialism Promotion Program operating.

The cities will be in that case burned.

You know, them rioting assholes ain't making it out to my hood. They burn down their hood. That's their problem.

Some of the blackest parts of the city will have no problem. Still be able to go get crab, and the ol' BBQ guy and the meat market. No old houses burned.

Gas station? Idk there. Be a damn shame if they torched the liquor store. That building's old AF and black-owned, too.
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Kaep was good enough. Lots of teams, as usually happens, lost QBs during the season. He should have had his chance. He was better than lots who played.
There were no antics. He simply kneeled. If rightys ignored it, it would\have been background music. Nobody would have noticed.

I think being noticed was the whole point there, Nord.
The Revolution has a plan for your kind...and it is working great.

If China is being run in the way you claim it is,....and I believe it is,....then they will end in much the same manner that their predecessors in other countries have. Like Nazi Germany, the former Soviet union, and the empire of the rising sun. In ashes and ruin. Besides,....they are some of the most non innovative people on the planet. This is why they either have to BUY their tech or in most cases STEAL it like the rats they are because they are incapable of imagining it themselves. Before we came along they were still monkey humping and wiping their asses with their own hands. We USED them basically like slaves for their almost free labor to make our products for us.


Apply that to your befuddlement, you ignorant buffoon.

Note, dear readers, that when accurately pegged by the chronology of the posts for his lies and dishonesty, RB 60 melts down to a petulant 11 year old. Pathetic. Seems he never learns. Back in the dumpster until November.,
If China is being run in the way you claim it is,....and I believe it is,....then they will end in much the same manner that their predecessors in other countries have. Like Nazi Germany, the former Soviet union, and the empire of the rising sun. In ashes and ruin. Besides,....they are some of the most non innovative people on the planet. This is why they either have to BUY their tech or in most cases STEAL it like the rats they are because they are incapable of imagining it themselves. Before we came along they were still monkey humping and wiping their asses with their own hands. We USED them basically like slaves for their almost free labor to make our products for us.

Theme of the New Chinese Empire: Might makes right, might makes the rules, and if you have a problem with that program then you best curl up and die...because pain is headed your way if you dont.

Just being honest here....this is not my fault.
Basically Chinese leadership used its own people like slaves to the point of working them almost to death in sweatshops so they could provide Americans with our cheap throwaway junk type items that even the poorest of the poor in America could easily afford. The divine spark is not found in them. They will fall the hardest.
Note, dear readers, that when accurately pegged by the chronology of the posts for his lies and dishonesty, RB 60 melts down to a petulant 11 year old. Pathetic. Seems he never learns. Back in the dumpster until November.,

Lies and dishonesty? Point them out, oh enlightened one.
Kaeperdick was just that, a fucking idiot who dissed the flag, the National Anthem and this country.
Americans noticed. That is a fact, and what should have happened, happened. The loser got booted.
Kaep was good enough. Lots of teams, as usually happens, lost QBs during the season. He should have had his chance. He was better than lots who played.
There were no antics. He simply kneeled. If rightys ignored it, it would\have been background music. Nobody would have noticed.
He had a chance...everyone was watching....but he had no actual plan...
So when all is said and done, nothing changed, nothing gained...You can't start a movement with no solution for the preparation to make changes...
You'll be out of a job...and a movement....
Then you're out of a job and a movement....