BLM threatening to stage Uprising/ insurrection!

If blm tries any m,ore of their shit , I think they will get a surprise
And what exactly are you going to surprise BLM with? You can't even type a fucking sentence.

LOL. Good point.

Notice that those making the biggest threats about murdering Americans are also the whitest, oldest limpest microdicks on JPP.

They need to seek help to relieve them of their pain.
LOL. Good point.

Notice that those making the biggest threats about murdering Americans are also the whitest, oldest limpest microdicks on JPP.

They need to seek help to relieve them of their pain.

No, they just need to die. It's not worth anyone's time to try to fix them. A bunch of fat, ancient white morons whose dicks haven't been able to get hard in decades farting into the internet about how they're going to refight the culture wars they lost spectacularly. They're out here in this thread simultaneously saying that BLM are criminals and that BLM is the authority related to vaccination protocol. Like. Literal. Fucking. Idiots.
No, they just need to die. It's not worth anyone's time to try to fix them. A bunch of fat, ancient white morons whose dicks haven't been able to get hard in decades farting into the internet about how they're going to refight the culture wars they lost spectacularly. They're out here in this thread simultaneously saying that BLM are criminals and that BLM is the authority related to vaccination protocol. Like. Literal. Fucking. Idiots.

Oddly, I think most of them agree with you; they feel life has passed them by and now all they do is spread the hate and loathing they have for themselves to others.

Yes, if they refuse to get help, if they refuse to live their lives to the fullest, then the next best thing is to remove their pain permanently and with finality.
Yep. Those threats of mass shootings on social media are what prevented school shootings.

"3 mass shooting plots stopped around the country in separate incidents, police say

pre crime
crime - Wikipedia
Search domain en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Precrime
Pre-crime (or precrime) is a term coined by science fiction author Philip K. Dick.It is increasingly used in academic literature to describe and criticise the tendency in criminal justice systems to focus on crimes not yet committed. Pre-crime intervenes to punish, disrupt, incapacitate or restrict those deemed to embody future crime threats.
It is fine to make points, I agree with a lot of yours. But honestly friend,....the racist remarks like this are not needed around here at all. Plus they can distract from the points you are making and are wrong headed. Just some advice....

Oh, please. That's who you people are. We know it whether or not you say it out loud. We knew who you were before Trump. We knew what you said when political correctness forced you to say it behind closed doors. We knew who you were when Trump gave you permission to be the pieces of shit you are in public and out loud. We will always know exactly what kind of people you are.
BLM is not fighting for equal treatment. BLM's goal is to defund and disband police and law enforcement.

You miserably stupid and dishonest piece of shit.

"#BlackLivesMatter was founded in 2013 in response to the acquittal of Trayvon Martin’s murderer. Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation, Inc. is a global organization in the US, UK, and Canada, whose mission is to eradicate white supremacy and build local power to intervene in violence inflicted on Black communities by the state and vigilantes. By combating and countering acts of violence, creating space for Black imagination and innovation, and centering Black joy, we are winning immediate improvements in our lives."
Ahh, but isn't it interesting that Homeland Security/FBI went on record stating that the riots and civil disturbances that previously happened at the BLM protests and demonstrations were caused by NON-members and outside agitators, NOT the directive of the BLM leadership.

But a couple of clowns cause a disturbance at a restaurant, and of course those upset that black folk spotlighted the systemic racism in this country that results in fatal cop interaction use it as a paint brush.

Your "nazi" scenario is pure absurdity, because last time I checked neo-nazi's don't walk around in full uniform, thus making it impossible to note their ideology.

You need a Nazi to wear a uniform before you know he's a Nazi?
I do not believe you are a true R / conservative. I think you are playing a role to make our side look bad. Busted....I also think most people in here know this as well. Its not rocket science.

Oh, please do shut the fuck up, Dough Boy. Bulletbob is 100% on your team. He's functionally illiterate. He's a core of the earth deep racist. He's stupid beyond fucking words. He is your people. Don't try to disown him just because he doesn't have the manners to keep to himself what we know you all think.
Sock Derangement Syndrome...add it to the "list" of things that make JPP liberals lose their minds....;):laugh:
Wellllll, he's a bit...ummmm....slow.

While I have no doubt most Americans think all lives matter and understand there is an extremely disturbing abuse of force by some police against African-Americans, most Americans do not support violence. Black Lives Matter is a peaceful organization but like a Trump rally, there are nefarious, violent elements hiding in it or masquerading as BLM.

lol. spook propaganda fail.
Blow a hole in all their heads.

Who should blow a hole in their heads

You racist fucks will be the ones taking police and military bullet holes to the head

The police won’t protect you when you try to kill black Americans for protesting evil
BLM is not anti vax

This woman is too educated to be making this claim

I suggest she go back to Howard university and ask some science teachers there to explain this all to her


Even black people get bad formation at times