BLM threatening to stage Uprising/ insurrection!

Whoa, back it up there sweetheart. YOU made a claim that Kap was essentially coasting....I demonstrated that's not the case. And NO, it's NOT apple and oranges, as Tebow was and is a mediocre player no matter what sport he's in, but gets major play despite his evangelical attitude on the field. Kap gets screwed for NOT being a silent trained animal.
What does that mean?

Tebow never made it onto a roster, so maybe you should back it up...sweetheart.
umm, I'm referring to a bogus comparison to the jokers at the restaurant I.D.'ing themselves as BLM. When you've got footage of arm band/uniform wearing neo-Nazi's going into a NYC restaurant, let us know.
When you have footage of BLM members going into a restaurant in NYC, let us know.
Hi Sweetie, welcome back. How ya been?
That great american / terri for trump who is a man named O'Brien

Terri for trump and great american are one and the same a 60 year old man posing a terri a female , but actual first name terry and you called him sweety :laugh:

He even has a video embedded in his tweet and a you tube channel , but you call him sweety :laugh:

Outstanding work, Guno! :thup:

It also figures RB would go for a tranny.

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Not speaking for Taichi, but I do it because people need to stand against it. It doesn't take much to let others know racism is bad for America.
My question was about Taichi's racist claims about the idiots who started the riot in NYC. He assumes all black people are part of BLM
My question was about Taichi's racist claims about the idiots who started the riot in NYC. He assumes all black people are part of BLM

Wellllll, he's a bit...ummmm....slow.

While I have no doubt most Americans think all lives matter and understand there is an extremely disturbing abuse of force by some police against African-Americans, most Americans do not support violence. Black Lives Matter is a peaceful organization but like a Trump rally, there are nefarious, violent elements hiding in it or masquerading as BLM.
"Black folk are not going to stand by, or you will see another uprising.
And that is not a threat, that is a promise"

Hmmm ... threatening harm will land you in jail ... what happens when you PROMISE harm ...

She didn't promise harm, dumbass. She promised a conditional uprising.
Wait a second. So,...if un jabbed black people die from covid,...and if lefties applaud their deaths. will BLACK LIVES STILL MATTER To left wingers? I would say no. In fact I dont see how a left winger could ever utter that statement again.

I don't think you even realize, Fruity Pebbles, that dogs have better linear thinking abilities than you have. That's not an exaggeration or hyperbole. Dogs literally have better cognitive abilities and cause and effect processing than you do.

Because I know that all went way over your head, I'll just say this: Black lives do matter. And unvaccinated people should die. Those statements are not mutually exclusive, but I just went over your head again with that statement.
Vaccine mandates are the equivalent of posting "No Coloreds" or "Whites Only" in the restaurant windows.

I've been waiting for a stupid motherfucker like you to say those exact words.

Race and skin color, you evil piece of shit, are not choices. They are intrinsic and inherent. Making an appointment to get a vaccination is something that every person with a functioning brain does online or by phone.
Do you even fucking realize how just like Nazis that is? These are free people in America, bitch.

Fuck You!

No. Fuck you and all your disgusting friends who, like you, don't wash your hands after you smear your own shit onto your hairy asses. Fuck you and all your disgusting friends who use your filthy hands to touch chicken wings at super spreader football parties and spread the pandemic virus everywhere you miserably go. Fuck you and all your idiot, mass manipulated moron friends who assault flight attendants over masks and refuse a shot that has the ability to end our nightmare. You people are the poisonous mushrooms that grow out of piles of cow shit. I can't wait until you're all dead.
It’s a lose-lose situation with the far left loons...either back BLM or back the vaccine mandates.

Which is it?

It appears that when these inconvenient questions are asked, the loons hide under their desks.

Who hid? This is not a difficult proposition except to you stupid fucks. Black lives matter and everyone should be COVID vaccinated. See? I fit it all into one sentence without even taking a breath. Grow a brain, dipshit.