BLM threatening to stage Uprising/ insurrection!

You can TRY and PRETEND to turn the statements in this thread into THAT,...but you will be unsuccessful. It is all right here for everyone to read. Spin away all you want, only makes you look like an even bigger liar than we all already know you are. ;)

Look out, them uppity Negroes are coming -- and they're bringing all their "drunk Indian" friends too! Run little racist hater, run! :laugh:
Althea is 1) a guy, and 2) not a racist. You, on the other hand, and the other Reichwing participants in this thread, are definitely racists. Ask your toxic gf about her racist jokes. Ask Stone about his racist remarks about indigenous Americans. Ask yourself why you consort with them.

But before that, you'd better get your bunker ready 'cause them uppity Negroes are coming for you. :laugh:

Maybe ASK YOURSELF why Althea believes that Black People dont eat in restaurants in New York city. ;) Inquiring minds want to know,....... halfwit.
Look out, them uppity Negroes are coming -- and they're bringing all their "drunk Indian" friends too! Run little racist hater, run! :laugh:

LMAO!!!!! Spin away Liar. Spin away. Dance for me halfwit, dance. LMAO! Expose yourself and your lying ways FOR ME.

Psssssssst,..hey fowl. Wiping ass and scrubbing bed pan piss pots at a Reservation run old folks home doesnt make you a doctor,....or even a lowly nurse. It just makes you a pot scrubber with nowhere else to go.

Althea is 1) a guy, and 2) not a racist. You, on the other hand, and the other Reichwing participants in this thread, are definitely racists. Ask your toxic gf about her racist jokes. Ask Stone about his racist remarks about indigenous Americans. Ask yourself why you consort with them.

But before that, you'd better get your bunker ready 'cause them uppity Negroes are coming for you. :laugh:

Well, no, Mujer de Buho. You posted this:

Originally Posted by ThatOwlWoman View Post
“But... but... The uppity Negroes are coming! Quick, hide your wimmin n chilluns! Bar the doors! Turn out the lights!”

Then you doubled down with this:

“But before that, you'd better get your bunker ready 'cause them uppity Negroes are coming for you.”

This is stone racist and you should apologize.

Your post not mine or Stone’s or Trinity’s. Your post. It’s offensive and racist.
BTW Leftwads. When you create a Frankenstein monster it generally ends in one of two ways. As it grows beyond your control and seeks its own autonomy, either it ends up killing YOU, or you end up killing IT in self defense. Have fun with it all ! ;) :cool:

:cool: ;)
I am shocked and appalled by the overt racism of the two far left loons, Mujer de Buho and Althea.

Apologize.. confession and contrition and a genuine attempt to do better...all good for the soul.

The Grand Architect of the Universe is not pleased with their hate and racism.
...." "We are putting the city on notice. Your mandates will not be another racist social distance"
Chivona Newsome spoke at BLM Carmines protest @newyorkvonni

"Black folk are not going to stand by, or you will see another uprising.
And that is not a threat, that is a promise"

:thinking: O.K FBI,.....arrest them and jail them at once!!! And, Evince likes to say,....if they even try anything Violent the cops and NG will make sure they get dead real quick! Right Evince? ;) :cool:

ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ, wake me up when you can spell the words, facts and truths....until then take you mouth off of Fake New'es n**Ts!!
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ, wake me up when you can spell the words, facts and truths....until then take you mouth off of Fake New'es n**Ts!!

No fake news involved. I posted the links, the quotes, and the video of those involved saying what they said in real time. Nice try though..., well, no....NOT REALLY,...just makes you look like a liar. :laugh:
Would you like to know what is going to happen,...because I already know. Blacks only make 12 maybe 13% of the population, out of that group an even smaller % of black people espouse the views of BLM. Doctor Frankenstein and his cohorts are now going to kill the monster. The powers that Be behind the Dem leadership are now going to CANCEL BLM. They are going to DEFUND them bigtime...LOL They have to,...they cant piss off the great majority who have covid insanity to appease the small majority that makes up BLM. BLM will now find out what it is like to be betrayed by D leadership like sooooooooooooooooo many others have had done to them thru the years. Good luck with it all........;) :cool:
Well, no, Mujer de Buho. You posted this:

Originally Posted by ThatOwlWoman View Post
“But... but... The uppity Negroes are coming! Quick, hide your wimmin n chilluns! Bar the doors! Turn out the lights!”

Then you doubled down with this:

“But before that, you'd better get your bunker ready 'cause them uppity Negroes are coming for you.”

This is stone racist and you should apologize.

Your post not mine or Stone’s or Trinity’s. Your post. It’s offensive and racist.
