Bloombergs gonna run folks. how does that change things

Oh I do think SF and cypress really hold dear your internet flirting, another of the many reasons I think they are both single. Kinda Jeff Dhamer stalker types.
Well according to the guru, if a man is single at 36 he must be gay. :rolleyes:

Stop stressing about what topspin says. I didn't get married until my mid 30s. That's pretty normal for a male -- outside the South. They tend to get married there at around 19 years old.
Nope.... 4'9" 423 pounds. The biking I talk about is really just me riding my big wheel around the driveway. The hiking is really just from the couch to refrigerator. The skiing is really just those bastards pushing me down a snow covered hill.

I picture SF to be about 5'6"-5'8" a svelt 256 lbs, just a tad of adult acme, and a hardly noticeable BO problem which is usually taken care of with deodorant, although the halitosis (sp?) is another issue all together.
Oh I do think SF and cypress really hold dear your internet flirting, another of the many reasons I think they are both single. Kinda Jeff Dhamer stalker types.

Clearly Tops on the small side - as evidenced by his opinion of what "too big" is. I picture top to be about 5'0"-5'3" tops - 110 lbs, very dainty and cute, definitely balding (which I find endearing), an uncontrollable BO problem not corrected by deodorant, tanned wrinkly skin, and a slightly noticeable hump in his back. Not huge or freakish' - just slight.
21?! that's insane? Waaayyy too young. At 21 I was trapsing across Europe finishing up school.
21 and a lot of friends married younger
had to kids by the time I was 27

That sucks. You basically threw away your twenties. There is no way in hell I'd have traded my early twenties for a family. You're twenties should be dedicated to self discovery. Getting married and having kids then is absurd.
21 and a lot of friends married younger
had to kids by the time I was 27

That's nuts. When I was 21, I was still an undergrad in college. And had a 35 year old girlfriend. I was planning on graduate school, and getting a career on track, before I even considered settling down.

Actually, when i lived in texas, I met of lot of 19 and 20 year olds who were married. And living in Trailors. Yeah, its kind of like a third world country down there.
I've actually lost a bit of weight lately. its been tough but I've managed to get my weight down to 289. I was 295 for the longest time.

Wow. Tiana, you are an inspiration to me. My New Year’s resolution is going to be to get under 300 pounds. And every time I think I can’t do it, I’m going to think of you and what you wrote here today.

I’m going to cry. Excuse me. I’ll be back.
That sucks. You basically threw away your twenties. There is no way in hell I'd have traded my early twenties for a family. You're twenties should be dedicated to self discovery. Getting married and having kids then is absurd.

My guess is that he latched on to his "first" and stayed around like a good little lap dog until she kicked him to the curb on an upgrade. Then he ran around in desperation, fearful of being alone, and latched on the the "second".
Wow. Tiana, you are an inspiration to me. My New Year’s resolution is going to be to get under 300 pounds. And every time I think I can’t do it, I’m going to think of you and what you wrote here today.

I’m going to cry. Excuse me. I’ll be back.

You too can do it.

so you are a lil' fella? Awww... kind of makes me feel bad for pickin on your dumb ass.

That's exactly What I was thinking, except I didn’t feel bad about you picking on him. But when I read that I was like, shit, Topper is a peanut! LOL. I always pictured him bigger I don’t know why. He’s one of those little guys. But you know, it makes sense. Total Napolean complex. It all makes sense now.
That's nuts. When I was 21, I was still an undergrad in college. And had a 35 year old girlfriend. I was planning on graduate school, and getting a career on track, before I even considered settling down.

Actually, when i lived in texas, I met of lot of 19 and 20 year olds who were married. And living in Trailors. Yeah, its kind of like a third world country down there.

ROTFLMAO. :readit: I actually laughed out loud in my cube at that.