Boeing: Europe joins wave of countries grounding the 737 Max

Inversion fallacy.

Yes it is.

Due to pilot error. They failed to recognize the autopilot error and didn't shut off the autopilot. Both crashes were foreign aircraft with badly trained pilots.

Happens a lot with these airlines. Personally, I don't feel safe flying them on any equipment.

Inversion fallacy.

No, it's flying. It's undergoing intensive flight testing with induced failures to test the system's response.

Bulverism fallacy.

I flew on a 737 Max 9 a few months ago in Thailand, didn't crash once!! It has been reported that the Lion Air first officer had only 2000 hours under his belt. In the West, you'd need at least 14,000 hours. There is also much evidence to suggest that the Ethiopian crash was caused by a bird strike that took out the angle of attack sensor.
I flew on a 737 Max 9 a few months ago in Thailand, didn't crash once!! It has been reported that the Lion Air first officer had only 2000 hours under his belt. In the West, you'd need at least 14,000 hours. There is also much evidence to suggest that the Ethiopian crash was caused by a bird strike that took out the angle of attack sensor.

You're a moron too, maggot. I know this because Boing has apologized for its software failures. This is your opportunity to confirm that you're a moron by producing the ' much evidence ' of bird-strikes that you amassed. Haw, haw...............haw.

You're a moron too, maggot. I know this because Boing has apologized for its software failures. This is your opportunity to confirm that you're a moron by producing the ' much evidence ' of bird-strikes that you amassed. Haw, haw...............haw.
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I flew on a 737 Max 9 a few months ago in Thailand, didn't crash once!! It has been reported that the Lion Air first officer had only 2000 hours under his belt. In the West, you'd need at least 14,000 hours. There is also much evidence to suggest that the Ethiopian crash was caused by a bird strike that took out the angle of attack sensor.

The stupid part about that is that there are TWO sensors on that aircraft. The autopilot was only using one of them (the one that failed).
You're a moron too, maggot. I know this because Boing has apologized for its software failures. This is your opportunity to confirm that you're a moron by producing the ' much evidence ' of bird-strikes that you amassed. Haw, haw...............haw.

I don't blame them. It had a software failure. It is fixed. It didn't cause the crash. It was only a contributing factor. The crashes were caused by pilot error, not by the software.

If an autopilot fails the pilot is responsible for shutting off the autopilot.
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Boeing 737 Max: 'I lost my family in the Ethiopian plane crash'

"I lost my wife Carole, my three children Ryan, Kelly and Ruby and I also lost my mum-in-law. I feel so lonely. I look at people. I see them with their children playing outside and I cannot have my children - I'll never be able to see their faces again or hear their voices."

Paul Njoroge lost his entire family when Ethiopian Airlines flight 302 crashed six minutes after taking off from Addis Ababa on 10 March. 157 people died.

Paul is now living between friends' houses, unable to return home. He can't bear to see his children's shoes still in the hall where they last left them. "I can still see their feet inside them. I'm never going back." He's waiting for relatives to pack up the home.

When ET302 crashed it was the second Boeing 737 Max to crash in four months.

The first happened in Indonesia in November 2018. Preliminary reports revealed that the same flight control system was at fault in both crashes. Now families around the world want to know why 157 people died in a second crash.

They are asking, why weren't the jets grounded after the first crash?

Timeline: Boeing crashes
29 October 2018: A 737 Max 8 operated by Lion Air crashes after leaving Indonesia, killing all 189 people on board.
31 January 2019: Boeing reports an order of 5,011 Max planes from 79 customers.
10 March 2019: A 737 Max 8 operated by Ethiopian Airlines crashes killing all 157 people on board.
14 March 2019: Boeing grounds entire 737 Max crash aircraft fleet
3 July 2019: Boeing says it will give $100m (£80m) to help families affected by the crashes in Indonesia and Ethiopia.
Chris and Claryss Moore's daughter Danielle was also killed. One corner of their suburban Toronto home is now a bright but emotive shrine to their lost child. She smiles down from a dozen pictures on the wall, surrounded by orchids and lilies.

Danielle was heading to a UN environmental conference in Kenya.

"This should not have happened, four months after another crash happened. They tell us this is one of the safest planes - it's not - it took away the lives of the people we love so much and no matter what they're going to say, our normal lives will never be the same.

This is our normal life, struggling to wake up every single day and that's hard. It makes me very angry."

But maggot says it's safe.

In your position, Paul, maggot would be swinging from a lamp-post and I'd be hanging onto his legs.
Boeing 737 Max ordered by Ryanair undergoes name change

Decision fuels speculation that manufacturer and airlines will rebrand troubled plane

A Boeing 737 Max due to be delivered to Ryanair has had the model’s name changed on the livery, further fuelling speculation that the manufacturer and airlines will seek to rebrand the troubled plane.

Photos have emerged of a repainted 737 Max in Ryanair colours outside Boeing’s manufacturing hub, with the name 737 Max replaced by 737-8200 on the nose.

The aircraft remains grounded worldwide after two crashes in Indonesia and Ethiopia killed a total of 346 people. Boeing has yet to convince regulators that modifications to its software are sufficient to ensure its safety.

Ryanair has 135 of the 737 Max models on order, the first five of which are due for delivery in the autumn. The airline has ordered a larger version of the Max 8, with 200 seats, now badged 737-8200 in the photographs taken at Renton in Washington, US, and posted on social media by Woodys Aeroimages.

Scarey. When do they relabel ' Dead ' as ' Resting ' ?
Boeing Max 737: airlines delay plane's return until November

Southwest, American and United Airlines all put back return date for troubled jet

The swift return of Boeing’s 737 Max aircraft to the skies was put further in doubt this week with airlines signalling that they do not hope to operate the plane any time soon.

Why don't they LISTEN to maggot ? He's declared it safe.

Haw, haw...............................................haw.

And why should I care ? Corporate manslaughter really bugs me.
Boeing says it could halt production of 737 Max after grounding

The company lost $2.9bn in the three months to the end of June, compared to a profit of $2.2bn for the same period last year

Boeing said it could halt production of the 737 Max jet on Wednesday as it reported the company’s largest ever quarterly loss following two fatal accidents involving the plane.

The company lost $2.9bn in the three months to the end of June, compared to a profit of $2.2bn for the same period last year. Sales fell 35% to $15.8bn. Chief executive Dennis Muilenburg said production of the plane could be slowed or halted if regulators do not move to lift the ban on the plane.

Where are the corporate manslaughter charges ? Somebody is covering for Boing.

A $100m fund is being established to compensate the families and communities affected by the crashes.

A whole $100 million ! Haw, haw........................................haw.
Work on production line of Boeing 737 Max ‘not adequately funded’

A former Boeing engineer has told the BBC's Panorama programme that work on the production line of the 737 Max plane was not adequately funded.

The aircraft is currently grounded after two crashes which killed 346 people.

He'll make a good witness for the prosecution.

Enter maggot, QC. Haw, haw.......................................................haw.
The 737 MAX is a safe aircraft.

Willy Walsh is an ex-737 pilot so his endorsement is a massive boost to the beleaguered Boeing company.

There is also much evidence to suggest that the Ethiopian crash was caused by a bird strike that took out the angle of attack sensor.

maggot- your Daily Mail has deleted your link.

Haw, haw, haw, haw...........................haw;

Ryanair boss warns as many as 900 jobs could be at risk


Ryanair boss Michael O'Leary has warned staff to prepare for job cuts in the coming weeks, saying the airline has 900 too many pilots and cabin crew.

In a video message to workers, he said redundancies would be announced by the end of August, although he did not put an exact number on the losses.

He blamed planned cuts to flights next summer due to the grounding of its Boeing 737 Max fleet.

He also cited falling profits, higher oil prices and Brexit uncertainty.

Do you still believe the 737 MAX is a safe aircraft,. maggot ?
Do you still believe that the Europeans are going to fold for your moronic Brexiteers ?
Do you still believe that there is no global warming ?
Do you still think that the Yukon is in Alaska ?
Are you still playing............................................... a Yamaha Pacifica ?

Haw, haw, haw, haw..........................................haw..................................................................................haw.