Boeing: Europe joins wave of countries grounding the 737 Max

By the time that Boing's competitors have finished rubbishing this junk Willie Walsh will have to give away free flights to get anybody to fly in it.

Travellers should start enquiring which aircraft is planned for them before they book.

Boing , of course, is one of world's major arms dealers- responsible for the killing of hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of people. Fuck 'em. Suck up the karma.
In U-Tapao Rayong airport now, this was the primary location for B-52s flying to bomb Hanoi, Cambodia and Laos. Pretty unimpressive at the moment but there are big plans to make it Bangkok's third international airport. As you might imagine the runway is very long at over 3500 metresto accommodate bombers with over 100 500lb bombs.

The Air Asia flight was an Airbus A320neo, marvellous plane it has to be said!!
Firmware, software, whatever. They are not real engineers, because they constantly make crappy products.

Do you think this woman is a software engineer? Her work ensured that the Apollo astronauts got safely home and she didn't use any RSJ's or concrete beams!!

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Do you think this woman is a software engineer? Her work ensured that the Apollo astronauts got safely home and she didn't use any RSJ's or concrete beams!!

Thanks for demonstrating my point.
Overwhelmed by information from the landing radar, the tiny, on-board computer had crashed. Instead of giving the crew vital information, it was flashing up a major overload warning. On board the lunar module, the astronauts were aghast

IAG want Boeing to start deliveries in 2022 not 2023!

The International Airlines Group would like its first Boeing 737 MAX aircraft delivered in 2022 according to CEO Willie Walsh. IAG is yet to actually order the aircraft but issued a letter of intent for 200 of the aircraft at the 2019 Paris Air Show.

Hopefully, the test flights will show no further problems and the aircraft can return to airline service.
That information is already displayed by the airlines, dumbass.

The point is that passengers will now REFUSE Boing, ass-dummer. You're actually a lot more stupid than you think. Haw, haw.........................haw.

Firmware, software, whatever. They are not real engineers, because they constantly make crappy products.

Bigotry. This is a compositional error fallacy involving people as the class.
Redefinition fallacy (engineer<->quality). There are crappy engineers and there are great engineers. A good example crappy engineering was the original Tacoma Narrows bridge, now at the bottom of Puget Sound. You know, the one they called 'Galloping Gertie'? Another one was switching the insulating foam on the fuel tanks for the space shuttle to a more 'environmental friendly' variety, and killing the Columbia as a result.

There are programmers, and there are software engineers. There are some great programmers, and there are some great software engineers. There are lousy ones too.

Software engineers are part of an engineering team that design, build, and program sequencing systems for many uses. There are systems that make your paper, your computer, city water suppies, treat city sewage, fly spacecraft, fly aircraft, run your car engine, run life support systems in hospitals, clinics, and in space.

So that AED that saved someone's life is a crappy product?? That's something built by software engineers, electrical engineers, and mechanical engineers, dude.

That GPS system you and your aircraft navigate by? Same thing, dude. Yes, it's a life critical system. Failure can lead an aircraft into a mountainside. It can leave a ship lost at sea with insufficient supplies on board. It can leave a polar expedition quite lost. They can't use a compass or even the stars.

EVERY SINGLE aircraft that flies on instruments at all depends on those software engineers, dude. They are the ones that built those radios, those navigation beacons, the GPS system, even the system controlling the lights on the runway.
The point is that passengers will now REFUSE Boing, ass-dummer. You're actually a lot more stupid than you think. Haw, haw.........................haw.


Guess that's why they keep buying tickets on 'em and they fly at capacity...isn't it?

Gawd you are stupid.
The computer did NOT crash. It was correctly indicating an overload condition. Had the overload condition been removed, the computer would still function. There was NO computer failure or software failure at all.

The problem was one of documentation, not software.

You're claiming the source is lying lol?
Bigotry. This is a compositional error fallacy involving people as the class.
Redefinition fallacy (engineer<->quality). There are crappy engineers and there are great engineers. A good example crappy engineering was the original Tacoma Narrows bridge, now at the bottom of Puget Sound. You know, the one they called 'Galloping Gertie'? Another one was switching the insulating foam on the fuel tanks for the space shuttle to a more 'environmental friendly' variety, and killing the Columbia as a result.

There are programmers, and there are software engineers. There are some great programmers, and there are some great software engineers. There are lousy ones too.

Software engineers are part of an engineering team that design, build, and program sequencing systems for many uses. There are systems that make your paper, your computer, city water suppies, treat city sewage, fly spacecraft, fly aircraft, run your car engine, run life support systems in hospitals, clinics, and in space.

So that AED that saved someone's life is a crappy product?? That's something built by software engineers, electrical engineers, and mechanical engineers, dude.

That GPS system you and your aircraft navigate by? Same thing, dude. Yes, it's a life critical system. Failure can lead an aircraft into a mountainside. It can leave a ship lost at sea with insufficient supplies on board. It can leave a polar expedition quite lost. They can't use a compass or even the stars.

EVERY SINGLE aircraft that flies on instruments at all depends on those software engineers, dude. They are the ones that built those radios, those navigation beacons, the GPS system, even the system controlling the lights on the runway.

Why do software "engineers" make so many mistakes, dude?