Boeing: Europe joins wave of countries grounding the 737 Max

And don't work with AutoCad and the dozen or so applications that I use daily. Yet another software fail.

I avoid Autocad for the same reasons I avoid Windows. It's crap.

I have several cad packages. For mechanical work I use FreeCAD. It's open source and free. For electronic work I use Geda, also free. Both Geda and FreeCAD can produce the CNC files I need to submit to a tooling house or lithographer.
Never had a problem with any of them. They are fast, reliable, and free.
Into the Night Soil;

No, it was doing it's job. It was reporting an overload induced by pilot (and mission control )error
I avoid Autocad for the same reasons I avoid Windows. It's crap.

I have several cad packages. For mechanical work I use FreeCAD. It's open source and free. For electronic work I use Geda, also free. Both Geda and FreeCAD can produce the CNC files I need to submit to a tooling house or lithographer.
Never had a problem with any of them. They are fast, reliable, and free.

AutoCad LT has worked great for me for over two decades now. But version 2010 is slower on my 10 year newer PC running Windoze 10 than my old one that ran XP.
AutoCad LT has worked great for me for over two decades now. But version 2010 is slower on my 10 year newer PC running Windoze 10 than my old one that ran XP.

Paradox. Has Autocad worked fine for you or not? You are complaining about it, then try to defend it???
Cracks on wing supports found on at least 36 older Boeing 737 jets, American & Brazil airlines ground planes

An urgent worldwide inspection of Boeing 737 NG models has found that some 36 aircraft had cracks in a structure connecting the plane’s wings to its fuselage. The US’s Southwest Airlines and Brazil’s GOL have grounded 13 jets.
The Next Generation or NG model is an older but nonetheless popular version of the 737, with hundreds of the jetliners operated by airlines worldwide. The inspection ordered by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) examined 686 planes that made more than 35,000 flights cumulatively, and found 5 percent of them had cracks in their pickle fork, a component that helps attach the wing and serves as a primary load bearing element.

“This condition could adversely affect the structural integrity of the airplane and result in loss of control of the airplane,” the FAA said in September, when it announced the inspection order.

So far only two airlines reported grounding the planes in question: Southwest Airlines had two faulty jets, while GOL had 11.

The company is still working on fixing its 737 Max, whose faulty flight control systems led to two fatal crashes a year ago. Multiple airlines ditched using the plane after the defect was discovered.

Scandal-plagued Boeing suspends test of long-range 777x after ‘issue’ during final load checks


Boeing has suspended testing on its 777x aircraft after its team encountered an issue during final load testing, when a door reportedly blew off. The setback comes in the wake of its deadly 737 MAX crashes controversy.

Why aren't these warnings highlighted in the Western press ?
I actually flew on a Thai Lion Air 737 Max-9 in February. There is nothing inherently unsafe about the plane except for the fact that the CFM LEAP engines are bigger and heavier requiring redesigned wings, landing gear and pylons. This required new anti-stall software which some lesser experienced pilots have found difficult to work with.

BuT, that difficult to work with software, worked great in the military version of the plane and didn't cause any crashes- so it should have never been stripped from the commercial plane in the first place to save money!
A good software engineer wouldn't let that happen.

The software worked fine!!

Apollo 11’s 1202 Alarms

Not long after the lunar module got into its 69 mile by 50,000 foot orbit in preparation for landing, the crew turned on their rendezvous radar to track the command-service module. This was was a safety measure. The radar tracked the CSM so it knew where to direct the lunar module in the event of an abort. The crew left the radar on in SLEW mode meaning it had to be manually positioned by an astronaut, and also meant that it wasn’t sending data to the computer.

What neither the astronauts nor the guys in Mission Control knew was that radar Coupling Data Units were flooding the Apollo Guidance Computer with counter interrupt signals. This was due to an oversight in the computer’s power supply design structure. These signals were taking up just a little bit of the computer’s processing time, and the spurious job kept running in the background, taking up space. So unbeknownst to anyone, this signal prevented vital programs associated with the landing from completing. When a new task was sent to the computer there was nowhere for it to go. The running and scheduled jobs were holding their Core Set and VAC areas.

Eventually the Executive found that there was no place to put new programs. This triggered the 1201 alarm signaling “Executive Overflow – No Core Sets” and the 1202 alarm signaling “Executive Overflow – No VAC Areas.” These in turn triggered a software reboot. All jobs were cancelled regardless of priority then started again as per their table order, quickly enough that no guidance or navigation data was lost. But it didn’t clear up the issue. The computer was still overloaded by the same spurious radar data, stopping new programs from running. In all, it triggered four 1202 alarms and one 1201 alarm.

Eventually Buzz Aldrin noticed a correlation. At the second 1202 alarm, he called down, “Same alarm, and it appears to come up when we have a 16/68 up.” The 16/68 code — Verb 16 Noun 68 — was used to display the range to the landing site and the LM’s velocity. The command in itself didn’t place a heavy load on the computer, but with the existing load that extra bit of processing power seemed to trigger the 1202 alarm. Realizing this, the solution was simple: ask Houston for that data instead of calling it up from the computer.
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The software worked fine!!

Apollo 11’s 1202 Alarms

What neither the astronauts nor the guys in Mission Control knew was that radar Coupling Data Units were flooding the Apollo Guidance Computer with counter interrupt signals. This was due to an oversight in the computer’s power supply design structure. These signals were taking up just a little bit of the computer’s processing time, and the spurious job kept running in the background, taking up space. So unbeknownst to anyone, this signal prevented vital programs associated with the landing from completing. When a new task was sent to the computer there was nowhere for it to go. The running and scheduled jobs were holding their Core Set and VAC areas.
wow.. i can actually follow this -and this was 1969 computers
Realizing this, the solution was simple: ask Houston for that data instead of calling it up from the computer.
quick thinking
The software worked fine!!

Apollo 11’s 1202 Alarms

Not long after the lunar module got into its 69 mile by 50,000 foot orbit in preparation for landing, the crew turned on their rendezvous radar to track the command-service module. This was was a safety measure. The radar tracked the CSM so it knew where to direct the lunar module in the event of an abort. The crew left the radar on in SLEW mode meaning it had to be manually positioned by an astronaut, and also meant that it wasn’t sending data to the computer.

What neither the astronauts nor the guys in Mission Control knew was that radar Coupling Data Units were flooding the Apollo Guidance Computer with counter interrupt signals. This was due to an oversight in the computer’s power supply design structure. These signals were taking up just a little bit of the computer’s processing time, and the spurious job kept running in the background, taking up space. So unbeknownst to anyone, this signal prevented vital programs associated with the landing from completing. When a new task was sent to the computer there was nowhere for it to go. The running and scheduled jobs were holding their Core Set and VAC areas.

Eventually the Executive found that there was no place to put new programs. This triggered the 1201 alarm signaling “Executive Overflow – No Core Sets” and the 1202 alarm signaling “Executive Overflow – No VAC Areas.” These in turn triggered a software reboot. All jobs were cancelled regardless of priority then started again as per their table order, quickly enough that no guidance or navigation data was lost. But it didn’t clear up the issue. The computer was still overloaded by the same spurious radar data, stopping new programs from running. In all, it triggered four 1202 alarms and one 1201 alarm.

Eventually Buzz Aldrin noticed a correlation. At the second 1202 alarm, he called down, “Same alarm, and it appears to come up when we have a 16/68 up.” The 16/68 code — Verb 16 Noun 68 — was used to display the range to the landing site and the LM’s velocity. The command in itself didn’t place a heavy load on the computer, but with the existing load that extra bit of processing power seemed to trigger the 1202 alarm. Realizing this, the solution was simple: ask Houston for that data instead of calling it up from the computer.

No it didn't. It crashed.