Boeing: Europe joins wave of countries grounding the 737 Max

Into the Night Soil;

Boeing planes are not flying???? What are they doing?? Floating???
Cars, washers, dryers, aircraft, buildings including houses, government programs, toys and games, tools, ... shall I go on?

Cars and aircraft are far more dependable then software. Windoze 10, for example. Tenth try, and it's worse than ever lol.

Not sure why you're bringing up houses, toys, game, tools and GovCo programs here except of course to deflect.
Cars and aircraft are far more dependable then software. Windoze 10, for example. Tenth try, and it's worse than ever lol.

Not sure why you're bringing up houses, toys, game, tools and GovCo programs here except of course to deflect.

Use Ubuntu or Kubuntu then, they are free, faster and more stable.
Cars and aircraft are far more dependable then software. Windoze 10, for example. Tenth try, and it's worse than ever lol.
WRONG. Compositional error fallacy. You are assuming all software is as bad as Microsoft software.

Cars break down all the time. See your local auto mechanic about this. Aircraft break down all the time. See your local aircraft mechanic about this.

On my own Cessna 150, I have had to replace the Cessna radio, since it is cannot operate on my airport frequencies. I've had to replace carburetor floats from the Cessna design, because the Cessna design fucks up (the absorbed fuel and sank). A Cessna designed rudder stop proved inadequate, and they had to be replaced with a new design. The seat rails in the things are flimsy too, and have to be inspected each year for cracks and wear. The passenger side door lock is stiff and clumsy to use. Cessna also designed a fuel system that wasn't properly vented, requiring the installation of after market venting systems for fuel to flow properly.

Then there's the stuff that just breaks down from time to time.

My Subaru has a poorly designed cover over the oil pan drain bolt, requiring modifying the cover (I just remove it and throw it away) to access the oil pan drain. The horizontally opposed engine is an interference engine. The timing belt is corded and tooth rubber. If it breaks, the engine valves and pistons are destroyed. The secondary O2 trim sensor is wedged between the exhaust system and the body, requiring a special tool to remove. Older Subarus had a carburetor that was riveted together, meaning you had to practically destroy the thing just to align the temperature compensator. A poorly designed exhaust shroud on them would collect water and corrode the exhaust pipe inside the shroud, injecting dangerous exhaust gases into the cabin. The EGR system on them used a poor design that would destroy the entire induction system and possibly the engine when (not if) the control valve failed.

I don't use Microsoft software. It's crap. I don't jump on the Apple bandwagon either. The hardware is crap. I build my own machines and run Unix on them. Those machines have stayed up as long as 5 years without a single failure, and recovered without incident when the power failed long enough for the battery backup to die.

Much of the code I write is life critical or property critical. I don't allow Windows anywhere near it. If my code fails, people die or major property damage occurs.

Not sure why you're bringing up houses, toys, game, tools and GovCo programs here except of course to deflect.

Just additional examples of my point.
There are nearly 6000 outstanding orders firm orders for A320 Neo airplanes, so Airbus must be doing something right.

They are reasonably reliable, and they are built by the countries that like to fly them.

Doesn't change the fact that the fin spar is still weak. They never fixed it. They simply instructed the pilots to not yard on the rudder pedals so much (which probably improved their flying anyway).
WRONG. Compositional error fallacy. You are assuming all software is as bad as Microsoft software.

Cars break down all the time. See your local auto mechanic about this. Aircraft break down all the time. See your local aircraft mechanic about this.

On my own Cessna 150, I have had to replace the Cessna radio, since it is cannot operate on my airport frequencies. I've had to replace carburetor floats from the Cessna design, because the Cessna design fucks up (the absorbed fuel and sank). A Cessna designed rudder stop proved inadequate, and they had to be replaced with a new design. The seat rails in the things are flimsy too, and have to be inspected each year for cracks and wear. The passenger side door lock is stiff and clumsy to use. Cessna also designed a fuel system that wasn't properly vented, requiring the installation of after market venting systems for fuel to flow properly.

Then there's the stuff that just breaks down from time to time.

My Subaru has a poorly designed cover over the oil pan drain bolt, requiring modifying the cover (I just remove it and throw it away) to access the oil pan drain. The horizontally opposed engine is an interference engine. The timing belt is corded and tooth rubber. If it breaks, the engine valves and pistons are destroyed. The secondary O2 trim sensor is wedged between the exhaust system and the body, requiring a special tool to remove. Older Subarus had a carburetor that was riveted together, meaning you had to practically destroy the thing just to align the temperature compensator. A poorly designed exhaust shroud on them would collect water and corrode the exhaust pipe inside the shroud, injecting dangerous exhaust gases into the cabin. The EGR system on them used a poor design that would destroy the entire induction system and possibly the engine when (not if) the control valve failed.

I don't use Microsoft software. It's crap. I don't jump on the Apple bandwagon either. The hardware is crap. I build my own machines and run Unix on them. Those machines have stayed up as long as 5 years without a single failure, and recovered without incident when the power failed long enough for the battery backup to die.

Much of the code I write is life critical or property critical. I don't allow Windows anywhere near it. If my code fails, people die or major property damage occurs.

Just additional examples of my point.

Mechanical things wear out. That's due to to simple laws of physics and entropy, not by faulty design. Next.
You should read something more authoritative regarding the 1201 and 1202 alarms. The limitations were due to the hardware and especially the core memory.

Part of the problem that people have understanding these computers is that they are comparing it to today's computers. This thing was an amazingly primitive computer. It had 2k of RAM, and 32k of ROM and a central clock speed of 1.024Mhz. This little beastie was amazingly advanced for its time. The OS was a fully controlled tightly coupled timesharing environment capable of running up to eight tasks. By comparison, today's Unix systems often have 16GB of RAM or more, 20-30TB of external storage (mechanical disk or SSDs), a central clock speed of 4Ghz, and run a fully uncontrolled timesharing environment, capable of 4096 tasks. Windows is a partially controlled timesharing environment. It has not yet achieved fully uncontrolled timesharing.
Use Ubuntu or Kubuntu then, they are free, faster and more stable.

An excellent step in the right direction, but Ubuntu is trying to be more and more like Windows. They are succeeding. They are becoming as reliable Windows itself. :D

Of the public distributions of Linux, I would recommend Debian. It's stable and reasonably reliable. It makes use of standard Unix commands for its packaging system.

I make my own distribution for my Linux work. It is not publicly available since it is specially optimized for what I do.