Bowl Games

Phil Knight at Oregon is the ultimate example. Oregon had almost no athletic history and then Knight really started getting involved. Now they have if not the top, then the top three, facilities in the country. He has put tens of millions of dollars into their football and basketball programs.

Not every school has a sugar daddy like Knight but many of the big ones have big time alum who donate millions to athletics.

Yup. A Billionaire chairs OSU's board of trustees. If you're closing in on retirement in Ohio and, are wealthy and if you attended OSU or have some connection to it you can pretty much expect at some time you will receive a visit from an OSU official or representative trying to convince you list OSU as a beneficiary in your will and the more your estate is worth the more prestigious visitors you'll get. Urban Meyer has probably spoken to every person over 65 worth more than 5 million in this State. Which would explain why OSU has a 4.5 billion endowment.
Yup. A Billionaire chairs OSU's board of trustees. If you're closing in on retirement in Ohio and, are wealthy and if you attended OSU or have some connection to it you can pretty much expect at some time you will receive a visit from an OSU official or representative trying to convince you list OSU as a beneficiary in your will and the more your estate is worth the more prestigious visitors you'll get. Urban Meyer has probably spoken to every person over 65 worth more than 5 million in this State. Which would explain why OSU has a 4.5 billion endowment.

Why would a State school need an endowment fund?
Yup. A Billionaire chairs OSU's board of trustees. If you're closing in on retirement in Ohio and, are wealthy and if you attended OSU or have some connection to it you can pretty much expect at some time you will receive a visit from an OSU official or representative trying to convince you list OSU as a beneficiary in your will and the more your estate is worth the more prestigious visitors you'll get. Urban Meyer has probably spoken to every person over 65 worth more than 5 million in this State. Which would explain why OSU has a 4.5 billion endowment.

I believe it. USC has hit me up every single year since I've graduated for money (i'm assuming most/all schools do this). So I can imagine if you are older (and wealthier) they are only going to hit you up even more. I've told you my old man got his PhD from Ohio State and he's on an advisory board for the real estate program at the school. They are always hitting him up for money.
Pop Warner football, not as big as Little League baseball, but pretty extensive, played it myself decades ago, twelve and under, wieght limits then of 85 lb to 120 lb, can't imagine what they are today

And in this we are in agreement; because our children were part of it and along with being a board member, I was also a coach, the equipment manager for our league, and the announcer for our home games.
Pitt is a semi private/public school, Pennsylvania has unique methods of funding, Pitt gets some State money but is not administered, runned or included in the State Education system

And I have addressed USC, repeatingly, and the other schools were employed hopefully as examples how private schools and even many public schools have selected not to compete at the playoff level due to the cost, the schools, especially those private schools without access to State money to fall back upon, have prioritized their funding, as USC apparently has and I'm predicting will continue to do, what do they have to lose

Your just seeing everything thru nostalgia, again, there are only seven or eight, ten tops, schools that have decided that they will fork over the millions necessary to secure their alumni a playoff caliber football team, and in addition, the vast majority of those schools are in geographic regions that really don't offer a whole lot of anything else in terms of athletic competition

You haven't addressed it because I told you the money was there to hire Urban Meyer. The money was there to fire Helton and his staff and fund they buyouts. Your point would be valid if we went after Urban but couldn't afford him. However that wasn't the case. Our new President said no to the hire because of Urban's (perceived) past. That's not money related.

You are correct we don't have the budget of Alabama but no one else does either. Budget alone doesn't win championships. If it did Texas, Oregon and Auburn would be winning multiple titles and we don't see that happening. You don't grasp the fundamentals of what drives USC football and why it's the sleeping giant of the sport.
Why would a State school need an endowment fund?

Since we're still in the holiday spirit we'll have to channel our inner Christmas Vacation with

And in this we are in agreement; because our children were part of it and along with being a board member, I was also a coach, the equipment manager for our league, and the announcer for our home games.

You had equipment mangers? We just showed up at the coach's house and went into the cellar to search for that which fit you, if you weren't a star or one of the team thugs you could wind up with worse of everything. And forget the announcer thing
You had equipment mangers? We just showed up at the coach's house and went into the cellar to search for that which fit you, if you weren't a star or one of the team thugs you could wind up with worse of everything. And forget the announcer thing

We had a donated storage trailer that we kept all the equipment in, during the off season, plus extra stuff.

We built a platform on top of it and used it to announce from.

We were, at that time, the only league doing it and the visiting teams players thought it was really cool, to hear their names announced, prior to the game and during.
You haven't addressed it because I told you the money was there to hire Urban Meyer. The money was there to fire Helton and his staff and fund they buyouts. Your point would be valid if we went after Urban but couldn't afford him. However that wasn't the case. Our new President said no to the hire because of Urban's (perceived) past. That's not money related.

You are correct we don't have the budget of Alabama but no one else does either. Budget alone doesn't win championships. If it did Texas, Oregon and Auburn would be winning multiple titles and we don't see that happening. You don't grasp the fundamentals of what drives USC football and why it's the sleeping giant of the sport.

Apparently the school didn't hire Meyer since they felt him a bad investment for the funds they had available, not hiring him was a better financial decision given the reputation of the school and his past.

With this year there will have been six playoffs, of which Alabama has been in five, Clemon in five, Oklahoma in four, and Ohio State in three. Only seven other teams have been involved once. The small selectivity given the total number of colleges out there playing Division one football isn't by accident

Oh I recognize the "fundamentals," they are the same "fundamentals" that make a lot of fans of nearly every college football team think if they hired the right guy or scouted the right players or some other right move they would be playing that select four or five teams mentioned above in the college playoff. Not realistic
Apparently the school didn't hire Meyer since they felt him a bad investment for the funds they had available, not hiring him was a better financial decision given the reputation of the school and his past.

With this year there will have been six playoffs, of which Alabama has been in five, Clemon in five, Oklahoma in four, and Ohio State in three. Only seven other teams have been involved once. The small selectivity given the total number of colleges out there playing Division one football isn't by accident

Oh I recognize the "fundamentals," they are the same "fundamentals" that make a lot of fans of nearly every college football team think if they hired the right guy or scouted the right players or some other right move they would be playing that select four or five teams mentioned above in the college playoff. Not realistic

When boosters say "I will pay to hire Urban Meyer" they aren't saying "I will pay to hire Urban Meyer or just take the money and do whatever you want with it". It's "you take the money to hire Urban Meyer or I'm not giving you this money."

It wasn't a money issue. In fact it was shown keeping Helton would cost the University money. I guess I'm going to have to keep writing that over and over or until we tire of the discussion.
They offer 85 scholarships, total, for football players. The rest compete just like every student does.

And its not all GPA. A student with a 3.8 and lots of hours of community service will likely get in over a student with a 4.0 and nothing else.

You're the only one talking scholarships, son.

No one said it was all GPA. A black boy that can run fast isn't concerned with GPA.
If the athlete is that good, he will be on scholarship. Otherwise, he will be going to a school where he CAN get a scholarship. Why pay tuition if someone will cover it for you?

If you have a 4.0 GPA, you are getting in. It is the people with 3.0 that aren't getting in.

Also, since Saban has been at Alabama, the average GPA has continued to climb.

Not necessarily. You're making up things for which you have no clue.

Why go to Alabama when you can go to a real school?
As you should be....Pride in your school is key to success in so many ways:)

Partly pride in my school. And partly proud of myself for getting my degree as a married student with kids. Stayed on track and got it. Secondary Ed/Comprehensive Sciences.
Partly pride in my school. And partly proud of myself for getting my degree as a married student with kids. Stayed on track and got it. Secondary Ed/Comprehensive Sciences.
It's all connected...pride in your school helps when it comes to what you were able to accomplish...congratulations, btw....that's awesome!
Are you teaching? God bless you if you are;)