Boycott the Left!

Hey Rube - PM me if you want a link to a Romper-Room-moderated righty retard board. There are hardly any libs there at all - and the power-tripping mods are so control-happy, they won't even allow members the option of being invisible. It's perfect for you. Let me know. ;)

Oh... So Hillary Clinton and John Kerry picked up their disinformation from right-wing websites now? Is that what you are claiming?

What about Bill Clinton's 1998 Iraqi Liberation Act, which called for the removal of Saddam Hussein and installation of democracy? Did some right-wing blog cause the president to advocate for that too?

C'mon, lets' do this like adults.

Why we invaded Iraq - Right Wing News

It's safe .. came from a right-wing site and it's filled with obvious lies and propaganda.

I could post pages of dumb shit like this AND I could post pages of information from left-leaning sites that told the absolute truth of Iraq .. irrespective of Clinton .. either of them.

Your premise is that truth only comes from the right .. which of course is mindlessly stupid.

Truth doesn't have a side.
Your premise is that truth only comes from the right .. which of course is mindlessly stupid.

I did not say that, and you can imagine that all you like, it's a lie.

Again... TRUTH comes from an objective and unbiased review of the facts. That does not come from extremists.
Dixie. The rube you feel compelled to defend. Who started this thread? Do you get it yet? Still stupid, are ya? :rofl2:

dixie and I disagree regularly, particularly on religious issues....I do appreciate his willingness to write original arguments instead of pasting the swill I usually find in liberal's posts.....on the whole, I find him more intelligent than the liberal quadrant of the board.....
and honesty to admit that what passes for argument from almost all of this board's liberals is nothing but partisan ideology.....

It's called perspective. Which doesn't make them any less intelligent than you are .. nor does it make your perspective any more intelligent .. but isn't THAT why we come here? To debate our perspectives, not our intelligence?

If you can't defend what you claim to believe .. why do you believe it?

Here's the problem. Most of us spend more time debating the character of people we don't know rather than the issues before us.

Truth doesn't have a side .. and it isn't sexy. Few people here spend any time talking about the truth.

Your government is owned by corporations. Find me the conversations about that?

Here's the other truth. Facing it requires courage. Americans don't have that kind of courage.

That's the truth.
It requires a good deal of intelligence to recognize that partisan ideology is a mindfuck that makes you stupid.

Case in point - corporations own your government. Is that news to you?
gawd almighty yes, it's not called a plutocracy for no reason.
plu·toc·ra·cy (pl-tkr-s)
n. pl. plu·toc·ra·cies
1. Government by the wealthy.
2. A wealthy class that controls a government.
3. A government or state in which the wealthy rule

"I don't know how nobody told you; they bought and sold you" ( George Harrison)
The point of debate is to actually have an honest discussion based on facts, not on propaganda from the extreme.

I don't care how "telling" you think it is. I am no longer going to support left-wing blogs and propaganda mills....just not gunna!
show me a single source that is always unbiased, i'll save you time -there isn't any.

Multisource, use your MIND, stop clinging to the idea of "libs are bad/good" ( same for cons) and free your mind from ideology/partisianship.
Then you might be able to find the truth, or a close relative thereof.
show me a single source that is always unbiased, i'll save you time -there isn't any.

Multisource, use your MIND, stop clinging to the idea of "libs are bad/good" ( same for cons) and free your mind from ideology/partisianship.
Then you might be able to find the truth, or a close relative thereof.

There are still an abundance of sources which are unbiased and just present the facts. Most all of the details on any legislation can be looked at online at, there is no bias. As for news outlets, most any AP source is credible, as well as Reuters and the BBC...even NPR. They might have some bias, but for the most part, the information presented is reliable and accurate. When we get to the radical left-wing blog sites and dot orgs... there is nothing unbiased at all... they present nothing short of propaganda from the perspective of the left.

We don't see Conservatives here, propping up arguments and making their points using or Rush Limbaugh op-eds as their source. If they did, you would be the first to cry foul and call them out. Yet Liberals can literally do this all day long, and think nothing of it. They get angry that you won't accept their liberal-bias source as the legitimate truth, as if it were presented fairly and honestly without bias. And God forbid someone posts a link to FoxNews for anything! Fucking smoke starts coming out of the liberal's ears, as circuitry starts to short out! But Huffington Post? NO PROB!
We don't see Conservatives here, propping up arguments and making their points using or Rush Limbaugh op-eds as their source. If they did, you would be the first to cry foul and call them out. Yet Liberals can literally do this all day long, and think nothing of it. They get angry that you won't accept their liberal-bias source as the legitimate truth, as if it were presented fairly and honestly without bias. And God forbid someone posts a link to FoxNews for anything! Fucking smoke starts coming out of the liberal's ears, as circuitry starts to short out! But Huffington Post? NO PROB!

Quit whining, crybaby. And while you're at it, why don't you check the bullshit-spewing as well? A cursory search here reveals PLENTY of posts sourced to Breitbart, Newsbusters, Washington Times, etc., which are every bit as biased and falsehood-laden as Hannity, Limbaugh and Fox.
Quit whining, crybaby. And while you're at it, why don't you check the bullshit-spewing as well? A cursory search here reveals PLENTY of posts sourced to Breitbart, newsbusters, Washington Times, etc., which are every bit as biased and falsehood-laden as Hannity and Fox.

Why don't you go fuck yourself with a razor blade, cunt face?

A cursory examination of your stupid point reveals, the ONLY sources you consider "unbiased" are left wing propaganda outlets. Maybe that's your problem?