Bragg Fails to Cite UNDERLYING FELONY that is the Entire Basis of His Case

Here’s a suggestion that might be better for your mental health. Especially, since this is going to drag on for some time.

Quit making shit up in your own mind, quit thinking you’re some sort of legal expert and let the process unfold.
It's already unfolding, and the case is falling apart.
lol....even Jarod agreed with me you simple minded fuck....I suspect you think your an expert on grand juries because you pumped gas into Grand Prix once,,,,,,,
Hey simpleton. Who agrees with you does not change the fact that you are WRONG.

Your claim... "...grand juries hear only the evidence that the prosecutor presents..." is wrong.

Here is the NYS legal statute that allows the Defendant to petition and address the grand jury...

A defendant or target may ask the grand jury "either orally or in writing" to cause a designated person to be called as a witness. Thereafter, the grand jury may request that such a subpoena be issued subject to the limitation set forth above [CPL §190.50(6)].

And lastly for the brain dead morons, here is Trumps legal team petitioning the Grand Jury and getting their own witness in to testify proving you WRONG.

So you maintain your position that Trump and his legal team CANNOT and DID NOT get to present evidence to the NYS Grand Jury at your peril.

I am trying to help you and do you a favor so i do not keep exposing your complete lack of legal knowledge. Learn to accept that help.
Trump was invited to present evidence.
Jarod, since PostModernIdiot is speaking for you and i do not see any post of yours he is referring to do you, in fact agree with his position that in New York State, Grand Jury proceedings only the Prosecution presents evidence'?

I have provided undeniable fact that is wrong citing both the NYS legal statute that allows the defendant or his proxies to testify and also proof that Trump's legal team, in fact did send someone in to testify.

So is PostModernIdiot, being honest in saying he agreed with him, that my posts are wrong? Or is he lying as usual?
Jarod, since PostModernIdiot is speaking for you and i do not see any post of yours he is referring to do you, in fact agree with his position that in New York State, Grand Jury proceedings only the Prosecution presents evidence'?

I have provided undeniable fact that is wrong citing both the NYS legal statute that allows the defendant or his proxies to testify and also proof that Trump's legal team, in fact did send someone in to testify.

So is PostModernIdiot, being honest in saying he agreed with him, that my posts are wrong? Or is he lying as usual?
he gave a thumbs up to my post.....go back to the gas station and get to know jack-shit about grand juries.....
he gave a thumbs up to my post.....go back to the gas station and get to know jack-shit about grand juries.....
Oh so a thumbs up to you and your legal mind is better than citing actual statutes and showing you video that Trump and his legal team DID send their own witness in to the jury.

Congrats PostModernIdiot but you have truly earned the idiot part of your name in insisting that in New York State, only the Prosecutor can present to the Grand Jury when New York State allows the Defense to do and Trumps DID present to them.

You have chosen a weird hill to die on, and expose your stupidity but i will allow it. :rofl2:
For those following PostModernIdiot idiocy at home, here is the summary...

PostModernIdiot, who claims to be a lawyer says 'grand juries hear only the evidence that the prosecutor presents..."

This is a matter of law and as always he is wrong in all things law i provide to him the following...

This is Trump witness and lawyer testifying to the NY Grand jury after Trump's team petitioned the Grand Jury to get him in...

This is the actual NYS statute which tells you the defense can get their own witnesses into the grand jury...

A defendant or target may ask the grand jury "either orally or in writing" to cause a designated person to be called as a witness. Thereafter, the grand jury may request that such a subpoena be issued subject to the limitation set forth above [CPL §190.50(6)].

Seeing all of the above and applying his legal accumen PostModernIdiot still insists what happened above cannot happen. :rofl2:
Still waiting for the Big Reveal of the HUGE, Underlying Crime which is the3 basis of the entire prosecution case, and lack thereof sends it crashing in flames.

Anyone care to share it with the rest of us,.
Oh so a thumbs up to you and your legal mind is better than citing actual statutes and showing you video that Trump and his legal team DID send their own witness in to the jury.
it's certainly better than criticism from a gas station clerk who is totally ignorant of the laws and procedures of a grand jury....
it's certainly better than criticism from a gas station clerk who is totally ignorant of the laws and procedures of a grand jury....
And yet i am right and you are wrong when you say NYS '...grand juries hear only the evidence that the prosecutor presents..."

I have proven to you not only does the statute in NYS allow the defendant to present evidence and witnesses to the grand jury and that in FACT Trump's legal team did send in their own witness.

But i love you owning and sticking to your stupidity.
And yet i am right and you are wrong when you say NYS '...grand juries hear only the evidence that the prosecutor presents..."

I have proven to you not only does the statute in NYS allow the defendant to present evidence and witnesses to the grand jury and that in FACT Trump's legal team did send in their own witness.

But i love you owning and sticking to your stupidity.
you have never been right in your life.....all you have is a misguided belief in your superiority.......recognize your ignorance and cope.....
smalltime city lawyer Alvin Bragg
Bragg is a state district attorney, not a "city lawyer." His district is not even the same as the City of New York. He has one of the most important state district attorney districts out there. I have trouble thinking of a more important one in the USA. He is hardly "smalltime."
you have never been right in your life.....all you have is a misguided belief in your superiority.......recognize your ignorance and cope.....
And yet AGAIN i am correct and you are wrong when you say NYS '...grand juries hear only the evidence that the prosecutor presents..."

I proved to you definitively that in NYS, the defense can also present to the GJ and that Trumps legal team specifically did and i presented you the legal statute.

And what do you say to that? You say 'it did not happen and i am wrong' based on your reading of the legal statute' and your addled legal brain.
if you have anything intelligent to add to the conversation, instead of just pretending you aren't just another mindless idiot, please post it here........if you have nothing more than a desperate attempt to falsely claim you know anything about the legal process don't bother.......
Bragg is a state district attorney, not a "city lawyer." His district is not even the same as the City of New York. He has one of the most important state district attorney districts out there. I have trouble thinking of a more important one in the USA. He is hardly "smalltime."
You are correct he is definitely not small time. He is fastasstime.
And yet AGAIN i am correct and you are wrong when you say NYS '...grand juries hear only the evidence that the prosecutor presents..."

I proved to you definitively that in NYS, the defense can also present to the GJ and that Trumps legal team specifically did and i presented you the legal statute.

And what do you say to that? You say 'it did not happen and i am wrong' based on your reading of the legal statute' and your addled legal brain.
Why waste your time with this pretender?
Why waste your time with this pretender?
I probably should not enjoy beating on the mentally inferior as much as i do, but exposing PostModernIdiot's complete lack of understanding of all things law, is quite satisfying to me.

If he is indeed a lawyer, it just shows how incredibly stupid some lawyers, in fact are, and also how they are drawn to Trump.

Most of Trump's problems can be traced back to having lawyers who were stupid and complicit and fed his worst instincts. PostModernIdiot is the exemplar of what a Trump lawyer looks like.

He would be telling Trump with certainty that in NYS they cannot address the Grand Jury and then when provided the legal statute saying he was wrong he would just double and triple down saying he was correct.

They are so stupid that it has to be defined as a fatal flaw.